Providing education and training to our community is an important factor in promoting health and safety while reducing the severity of emergency incidents.
Activity Request
Take 10 CPR/AED:
This CPR training program will give you a better understanding of how to perform compression only CPR in the event of an emergency. Take10 is based upon the principle that high quality, uninterrupted chest compressions during an adult cardiac arrest are effective.

Stop the Bleed:
This is a nationwide program created by the Department of Homeland Defense to empower individuals, present at a critical incident, to take action and assit those who are injured. This course focuses on direct pressure and the application of tourniquets to control bleeding.

Child Safety Seat Installation:
Preventing and eliminating incidents and injury is one of our Department's most important values. The members of our Department that assist with the child safety seat installation program have completed the National Child Passenger Safety Certification program and are qualified to verify proper child seatplacement and educate the members of our community about car seat safety. (By Appointment Only at this time: Please contact the Healthy Homes Division at the Police Station at 254-953-5429.)

Fire Extinguisher Training:
We utilize a safe, realistic training equipment that allows us to provide this training at any location. Participants will receive classroom and hands-on instruction in the proper use of fire extinguishers.

Fire Station Tours:
We always enjoy having visitors at the fire station, and the opportunity to interact with our community. We recommend scheduling an appointment, but if you are in the area stop by and see us.

Special Events:
We would like to participate in your special event. We are able to provide fire and emergency education during the event. Please contact us for scheduling details and more information.

Smoke Detector Installation:
Smoke detectors save lives, and we want to make sure everyone has a smoke detector in their home. If you are in need of a smoke detector please contact us to learn about this opportunity. Two smoke detectors are provided and installed free of charge for all citizens of Harker Heights.
Vial of Life:
In an emergency situation, it may be difficult to remember important medical history. The Vial Of Life program is a simple solution for documenting medical information, and making it available to emergency providers. |