January 31, 2025, the Boil Water Order has been lifted for the following areas:

901 Crymes Lane thru 914 Crymes Lane
300 Jeff Gordon thru 320 Jeff Gordon

Normal water usage may resume immediately. Service has been restored, and all water quality tests have been completed. The water is now safe to drink and use without boiling.

TCEQ Required Notice

On January 31, 2025, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality required the City of Harker Heights public water system, PWS ID #0140023, to issue a Boil Water Notice to inform customers, individuals, or employees that due to conditions which occurred recently in the public water system, the water from this public water system was required to be boiled prior to use for drinking water or human consumption purposes.

The public water system has taken the necessary corrective actions to restore the quality of the water distributed by this public water system used for drinking water or human consumption purposes and has provided TCEQ with laboratory test results that indicate that the water no longer requires boiling prior to use as of February 2, 2025.

If you have questions regarding this matter, you may contact:
Public Works Department at 254-953-5649,
Mark Hyde, Assistant City Manager at 254-953-5641 or
David Mitchell, City Manager at 254-953-5600


On January 31, 2025, the water may have been off while a contractor repairs a water main on East Cardinal Lane. The areas affected by this water shut-off are as follows:

901 Crymes Lane Thru 914 Crymes Lane

300 Jeff Gordon Dr Thru 320 Jeff Gordon Dr

TCEQ Required Notice:

Due to reduced distribution system pressure, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) has required the City of Harker Heights, PWS 0140023, to notify all customers at the above listed properties to boil their water prior to consumption (e.g. washing hands/face, brushing teeth, drinking, etc.). Children, seniors, and persons with weakened immune systems are particularly vulnerable to harmful bacteria, and all affected customers should follow these directions.

To ensure destruction of all harmful bacteria and other microbes, water for drinking, cooking and for making ice should be boiled and cooled prior to use for drinking water or human consumption purposes. The water should be brought to a vigorous rolling boil and then boiled for two minutes. In lieu of boiling, you may purchase bottled water or obtain water from some other suitable source. When it is no longer necessary to boil the water, the public water system officials will notify customers that the water is safe for drinking water or human consumption purposes. Once the boil water notice is no longer in effect, the public water system officials will issue a notice to customers that rescinds the boil water notice in a manner similar to this notice.

Please share this information with all the other people who drink this water, especially those who may not have received this notice directly (for example, people in apartments, nursing homes, schools, and businesses). You can do this by posting this notice in a public place or distributing copies by hand or mail.

If you have questions regarding this matter, you can contact:

Public Works Department at 254-953-5649,
Mark Hyde, Assistant City Manager at 254-953-5641 or
David Mitchell, City Manager at 254-953-5600


The Bell County Water Control and Improvement District No. 1 (BCWCID1) provides the water for the City of Harker Heights. They will begin the annual routine maintenance conversion of the disinfectant process for water treatment. This will be a temporary conversion from chloramines to free chlorine

The conversion is scheduled to begin on February 1st and last until February 28th.

The Bell County Water Control and Improvement District No. 1 press release is attached HERE.

Major Roadway Construction Beginning 10/23/2024

The Warriors Path Phase 2 roadway construction project has begun and is currently scheduled for completion by October 26, 2025. R.T. Schneider will be constructing a turn lane and traffic signal at the intersection of Warriors Path and FM 2410, and roadway improvements along Warriors Path from FM 2410 to just south of the Pontotoc Trace intersection.  The road closure will begin on Wednesday 10/23/2024.

Warriors Path will be closed to thru traffic from the intersection with FM2410 to just south of the Pontotoc Trace intersection. The detailed detour is attached.

Fiber Installation Project

Millenium Telecom has begun the next phase of their Fiber Installation project. Below is a map for this additional area of construction, with the impacted areas boundary shown in red. The phases and areas are determined by each individual utility company. The projects are not necessarily constructed in numerical or geographical order. As a reminder, the City is not contracted to install fiber in our community. Each fiber company is an independent utility, similar to Oncor and Atmos. There are currently six fiber companies permitted to work within the City’s public utility easements and street right of way. The City does not control the timeline nor contractors for these fiber installations. Please know that Millenium Telecom will have construction projects in different parts of the City through the end of 2025.

Residents in the impacted area will see flags in their yard starting to appear. It is important to leave those public utility flags in place because they show the location and type of existing utilities that are located underground. This is done for the safety of the workers and to minimize disruption of your utility services.

All of Ubiquity’s work will be done in the Public Right-of-Way or within public utility easements. Please note that the existing public utility easements may be in your back yard, side yard or front yard. Some of their work will be above ground and some will be beneath ground. Millenium Telecom will place door hangers in the neighborhoods where they will be working. Specific questions regarding repair of yards after construction can be directed to Millenium Telecom’s Contractor, Ervin Cable, at 844-322-2524.


City of Harker Heights

Providing public services that empower people to focus on what matters most: their goals, hopes, and dreams.


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305 Millers Crossing
Harker Heights, TX. 76548