Pet Adoption Center

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For ANIMAL EMERGENCIES that occur after normal business hours and on holidays, please contact the Harker Heights Police Department at 254-953-5400. For all other after-hour inquires, please leave a message at the Harker Heights Pet Adoption Center (254-953-5472). 

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Pet Adoption Info

adoption fees

All of our shelter cats and dogs are spayed or neutered prior to adoption, have received age appropriate vaccines, are microchipped, and given a flea prevention & dewormer.

There is never a shortage of pets in need of loving, responsible homes. Dogs, puppies, cats, kittens, and many other types of animals, are waiting for their new families in our shelter, and in shelters across the country. It is very important that you consider what type of pet you are wanting to adopt, and to research not only species, but breed, energy level, size, maintenance, and cost of ownership. A pet is a lifetime commitment and is not a decision to be made lightly!

After adoption, it is important that you take your new pet to your personal veterinarian for follow up care, booster vaccines, and a general health check-up. The City of Harker Heights cannot guarantee health, nature, or disposition of the animals, and it is the responsibility of the new owner to ensure their new pet is cared for.

Most shelter pets will require an adjustment period once they are adopted and in their new home. That time frame can vary from a few days, to a few weeks or longer, depending on the individual pet. Please allow time, patience, and structure to your newly adopted pet. If for any reason, you feel that your adopted pet is not working out, you have the option to return the animal within 3 days of adoption, minus any refunds.

Please call the shelter if you have any questions in regards to returning an adopted animal. If you are having trouble with specific issues with your new pet, but you are determined to work it out, consulting with a professional pet trainer is always a good idea.

Lost Pets

Banner Lost or Found 970x242 1Is Your Pet Lost?

A lost pet can be a frightening experience for any pet parent. Immediate action is crucial, but where do you start? Follow the steps below for the best chance of a reunion.

What to do immediately after your pet goes missing:

Walk the neighborhood: Take a walk around the immediate area and speak to any neighbors, postal service workers, landscapers, or anyone who may have seen your lost pet. You know your pet best, so look in areas that your pet may have been interested in or comfortable hiding in. Most pets are found close to home.

Share their scent: Put a couple of your pet's favorite items near the most common entry ways into your home. The front door and the door into your yard would be the best locations. You can include items like their favorite bed, blanket, toys, their litterbox (if cat) and any other items they use frequently. Their scents may help them find their way home.

Next Steps:

  • Search for your lost dog or cat on Petco Love Lost: We have partnered with Petco Love Lost to easily help search the national lost and found database and create a searchable/shareable alert for your missing pet. Upload a picture of your pet or searching by location. Powered by image recognition technology, Petco Love Lost helps match found animals to reported lost pets nationwide. Visit Petco Love Lost and search now!

If you haven't done so already, be sure to register your pet on Petco Love Lost to do things like create a Lost listing that can be shared and print out premade fliers. You can also receive fliers via text message or email.

  • Use the sharing features on Petco Love Lost to distribute your lost pet listing on other social media outlets like Facebook, Craigslist, and Nextdoor.
  • Make sure your pet’s microchip information is updated: If a finder takes your missing pet to be scanned for a microchip, you want to make sure that all the information is correct so that you will be contacted immediately.
  • Check with your local animal services, animal control, and animal shelters: Call to see if your missing pet is at one of these locations. An in-person trip is preferable so you can look and see if your pet is in their care. Many organizations allow you to place a lost report with them, where you can leave a photo of your pet and your contact information.

<Add your local shelter contact information here>

  • Continue to spread the word about your missing pet: Make sure any posters or fliers made are large and bright with only relevant information on it. Place in high traffic areas and in the vicinity of where your lost pet went missing.

Don’t give up! Finding a lost pet can take time. Remember to regularly check websites that you have posted your lost pet on and make updates as needed. New lost and found pets are added regularly to Petco Love Lost and to your local shelters.

Please also call the shelter at 254-953-5472 to inform us of your lost pet. We also strongly suggest you come and search the shelter in person, as well as surrounding shelters, and bring a photo of your missing pet with your contact information.

Stray animals are held 72 hours before becoming legally owned by the City, and can then be placed up for adoption, sent to a rescue organization, or humanely euthanized.

If your pet is impounded at the shelter, there are fees associated with reclaiming your pet, to include a $15/per night overnight fee, and an additional $15 for a microchip if needed.

reclaim fees

Found Pets

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If you have found a pet in the City of Harker Heights, please call the shelter at 254-953-5472.

Please note that our shelter can only accept stray animals found within our jurisdiction.

All stray animals should be scanned for a microchip, which can be done at our shelter or any veterinary clinic or animal shelter.

Social media is also a great tool for reuniting lost pets, so posting to local lost and found pages, neighborhood pages and apps often leads to quick reunions of lost pets and their families.

Surrendering Your Pets

The Pet Adoption Center only accepts owner surrenders from residents of Harker Heights.

If you are needing to surrender your pet, please call the shelter at 254-953-5472 to be placed on our owner surrender waiting list.

We will call you when a spot becomes available for your pet. At that time, we will remind you to bring in a photo ID, proof of residency, and your pet’s medical records (including the Rabies Vaccination Certificate). There is also an owner surrender fee of $25 per pet.

Spay and Neuter

It is very important to have your dog or cat spayed/neutered for multiple reasons: reducing the overpopulation of stray animals, reducing health complications in intact animals, preventing unwanted puppies and kittens, reducing aggression, and reducing the desire to escape and run away.

Please consult with your veterinarian about the best age to have your dog or cat spayed/neutered. 

Pet Search

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The Pet Adoption Center assists with pet adoptions, animal rescues, animal cruelty concerns, barking dog complaints, animal bite cases, and more. To report any issues involving animals, please call us at 254-953-5472. In case of emergency, please dial 911.
The Harker Heights Pet Adoption Center offers microchipping services to everyone for $15 per animal. Rabies certificates are needed for all animals over 12 weeks old. A chip greatly increases the likelihood that your pet will be returned to you if they are lost, and can also be proof of ownership.
Wildlife is a natural occurrence within the city limits and they often show up in your backyard, under your car, in your outside trash, etc. Animal Services does not pick up wild animals unless they are inside your home or vehicle, are injured or ill, deceased, or have bitten or scratched a person or animal.




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