2019 City Council Agendas
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 27th Day of December, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact the City Secretary 48 hours prior to the meeting.”
Pursuant to chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into a Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 20th Day of December, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact the City Secretary 48 hours prior to the meeting.”
"Pursuant to chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into a Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary."
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday, the 13th day of December, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact the City Secretary 48 hours prior to the meeting.”
Pursuant to chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into a Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 10, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a meeting in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Invocation:
II. Pledge of Allegiance:
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Honor the Texas Flag. I pledge allegiance to thee Texas; one state under God, one and indivisible.
III. Roll Call:
IV. Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
1. Proclamation declaring Tatiana Toribio a “Bright Star of Central Texas”.
V. Consent Items:
1. Discuss and consider approving the minutes of the meeting held on November 12, 2019, and take the appropriate action.
VI. Presentations by Citizens:
1. Receive a presentation from John Frees, Citizen, regarding a possible zoning overlay to allow “tiny houses” in the City of Harker Heights.
VII. Public Hearings:
VIII. Old Business:
IX. New Business:
1. Discuss and consider approving a resolution authorizing the City’s participation in the 2019 Defense Economic Adjustment Assistance Grant (DEAAG) Project, and take the appropriate action. (Public Relations Director)
2. Discuss and consider a resolution granting a waiver of permitting fees in the amount of $35.00 for residential homes with On-Site Sewage Facilities (OSSF’s) and Unapproved Irrigation Backflow Prevention Assemblies, located within the geographical area depicted in Exhibit “A”, and take the appropriate action. (Public Works Director)
3. Discuss and consider approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to terminate a Water Supply Agreement with Dog Ridge Water Supply Corporation, and take the appropriate action. (Public Works Director)
4. Discuss and consider approving a resolution awarding a contract for the Warriors Path Reconstruction, Phase I Project in the amount of $2,248,816.47 to Gary W. Purser Construction, LTD. and take the appropriate action. (Public Works Director)
X. Reports of Advisory Boards & Commissions:
XI. Items from Council:
XII. Staff Reports:
1. Receive and discuss the City Manager’s Report. (City Manager)
XIII. Announcements:
XIV. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 6th day of December, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact the City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.”
“Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.”
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 3, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will be attending the Employee Recognition Ceremony, which will be held at the Harker Heights Activities Center, 400 Indian Trail, Harker Heights, Texas, 76548, at which a quorum of the City Council may be present. The subjects to be presented and discussed are listed in the following agenda:
1. Conduct an Employee Recognition Ceremony
At 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, the 27th day of November, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please see City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.”
“Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.”
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 22nd Day of November, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact the City Secretary 48 hours prior to the meeting.”
"Pursuant to chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into a Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary."
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday, the 15th day of November, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact the City Secretary 48 hours prior to the meeting.”
"Pursuant to chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into a Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary."
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 12, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a meeting in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Invocation:
II. Pledge of Allegiance:
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Honor the Texas Flag. I pledge allegiance to thee Texas; one state under God, one and indivisible.
III. Roll Call:
IV. Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
1. Proclaim November 18th – 23rd, 2019, as “Harker Heights Children’s Book Week”.
2. Proclamation declaring Kylie McKinzie a “Bright Star of Central Texas”.
V. Consent Items:
1. Discuss and consider approving the minutes of the meeting held on October 22, 2019, and take the appropriate action.
VI. Presentations by Citizens:
VII. Public Hearings:
VIII. Old Business:
IX. New Business:
1. Discuss and consider a request by Open Air Resort Harker Heights Real Estate Holdings, LLC for preliminary plat approval for the proposed Open Air Addition, on property described as 31.366 acre tract of land situated in the Vincent L. Evans Survey, Abstract No. 288, Bell County, Texas and being a part or portion of that certain 51.161 acre tract of land described in a Warranty Deed with Vendor’s Lien dated January 16, 2019 from George C. Moss, individually and as Independent Executor of the Estate of Adelheid K. Moss, Deceased and as Trustee of the Catherina D. Misner Trust to Roy Reynolds Estates, LLC, A Texas Limited Liability Company and being of record in Document No. 2019-00002238, Official Public Records of Bell County, Texas, generally located at 101 N. Roy Reynolds Drive, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, and take the appropriate action. (Planning and Development Director)
2. Discuss and consider a resolution granting a waiver of permitting fees in the amount of $35.00 for residential homes with On-Site Sewage Facilities (OSSF’s) and Unapproved Irrigation Backflow Prevention Assemblies, located within the geographical area depicted in Exhibit “A”, and take the appropriate action. (Public Works Director)
X. Reports of Advisory Boards & Commissions:
XI. Items from Council:
XII. Staff Reports:
1. Receive and discuss the City Manager’s Report. (City Manager)
XIII. Announcements:
XIV. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 8th day of November, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact the City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.”
“Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.”
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas will hold a Workshop in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Roll Call:
II. Public Comments:
III. New Business:
1. Receive and discuss a presentation pertaining to the City’s solid waste contract and possible options for solid waste services. (Public Works Director and City Manager)
IV. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, the 31st day of October, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact the City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.”
“Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.”
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 29, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas will hold a Workshop in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Roll Call:
II. Public Comments:
III. New Business:
1. Receive and discuss a presentation from the Texas Coalition on Affordable Power (TCAP). (Finance Director)
V. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday the 23rd day of October, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact the City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.
Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 22, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a meeting in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda
I. Invocation:
II. Pledge of Allegiance:
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all
Honor the Texas Flag. I pledge allegiance to thee Texas; one state under God, one and indivisible
III. Roll Call:
IV. Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
1. Present the Harker Heights Fire Department 2019 Fire Prevention Month Poster Contest Winners
2. Proclaim November 4th – 8th, 2019, as Municipal Court Week
3. Proclaim November 1st, 2019, as Texas Arbor Day
V. Consent Items:
1. Discuss and consider approving the minutes of the meetings held on September 24, 2019 and October 15, 2019, and take the appropriate action
VI. Presentations by Citizens:
VII. Public Hearings:
VIII. Old Business:
IX. New Business:
1. Discuss and consider a request by Jerome and Rachel Gomer for Preliminary Plat approval for the proposed Sapiah Plains Phase Two, on 3.397 acres being part of the H.B. Littlefield Survey, Abstract No. 511, being part of a called 5.44 acre tract of record in Volume 1380, Page 255, Deed Records of Bell County, Texas, generally located at the corner of Ute Trail and Warriors Path, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, and take the appropriate action. (Planning and Development Director)
2. Discuss and consider a request by Jerome and Rachel Gomer for Concept Plan approval on property described as 1.442 acres of land, more or less, described in a General Warranty Deed Recorded Under Instrument Number 2019-00021233 in the Real Property Records of Bell County, Texas, generally located at 1808 Ponca Trace, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, and take the appropriate action. (Planning and Development Director)
3. Discuss and consider approving a resolution awarding a contract for the Iron Chloride Odor Control System at the Trimmier Creek Lift Station in the amount of $115,932.00 to Primespec Construction, LLC and take the appropriate action. (Public Works Director)
4. Discuss and consider approving an ordinance amending the City of Harker Heights Code of Ordinance by the addition of Chapter 105: Parks and Recreation, prescribing rules and regulations for the use of Municipal Parks and Recreation Facilities, and providing for enforcement and penalties for violation of such rules and regulations, and take the appropriate action. (Parks and Recreation Director)
5. Discuss and consider approving an ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, amending the Parks and Recreation Fees on the 2019-2020 City Fee Schedule to include the commercial use fees, and take the appropriate action. (Parks and Recreation Director)
6. Discuss and consider approving an ordinance reorganizing Chapter 90 of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, Code of Ordinance and clarifying ownership rights to an unclaimed animal, and take the appropriate action. (IT Director)
7. Discuss and consider approving a resolution reappointing Jared Bryan as the City of Harker Heights Representative on the Board of Directors of the Tax Appraisal Board of Bell County, Texas, and take the appropriate action. (City Manager)
X. Closed Meeting
1. Announce a closed meeting for the following purposes:
A) Pursuant to §551.074 of the Texas Government Code to deliberate the appointment of public officers to the Planning and Zoning Commission and Building Standards Commission
B) Pursuant to §551.074 of the Texas Government Code to deliberate the appointment of public officers to the Zoning Board of Adjustment
2. Reconvene open meeting to take action as appropriate on matters discussed in the closed meeting
XI. New Business Continued:
8. Discuss and consider appointments to the following boards and commissions and take the appropriate action
A) Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
B) Library Board
C) Public Safety Commission
D) Animal Advisory Committee.
E) Economic Development Corporation Board
XII. Reports of Advisory Boards & Commissions:
XIII. Items from Council:
XIV. Staff Reports:
1. Receive and discuss the Unaudited Financial Statements for the fourth quarter of Fiscal Year 2018-2019. (Finance Director)
2. Receive and discuss the Fiscal Year 2018-2019 fourth quarter Investment Report. (Finance Director)
3. Receive and discuss the City Manager’s Report. (City Manager)
XV. Announcements:
XVI. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 18th day of October, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact the City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.”
“Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.”
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 15, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas will hold a Meeting and a Workshop in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda
I. Roll Call:
II. Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
1. Proclaim October 14th – 20th, 2019 as “Chamber of Commerce Week throughout Harker Heights, Texas”.
III. Public Comments:
IV. New Business:
1. Receive and discuss an update on Capital Improvement Projects. (Finance Director)
V. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 11th day of October, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact the City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting
Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 4th Day of October, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact the City Secretary 48 hours prior to the meeting.”
“Pursuant to chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into a Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.”
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 01, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a Workshop in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Roll Call:
II. New Business:
1. Discuss and consider approving the Holiday Schedule. (Assistant City Manager
2. Receive and discuss the 2019 Defense Economic Adjustment Assistance Grant Project (DEAGG). (Public Relations Director)
III. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 27th day of September, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.
Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 24, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a meeting in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Invocation:
II. Pledge of Allegiance:
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Honor the Texas Flag. I pledge allegiance to thee Texas; one state under God, one and indivisible.
III. Roll Call:
IV. Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
1. Proclaim October Fire Prevention Month and October 6th – 12th, 2019, as Fire Prevention Week.
V. Consent Items:
1. Discuss and consider approving the minutes of the meeting held on September 10, 2019, and take the appropriate action.
VI. Presentations by Citizens:
VII. Public Hearings:
1. Conduct a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance to amend conditions of the PD-B (Planned Development Business) Zoning District to allow additional parking arrangements on the property located at 107 Mountain Lion Road, described as 2.930 Acres (previously called 2.925 acres) out of the R.W. Tom Survey, Abstract No. 838, being the same tract conveyed to Armed Services YMCA of the USA, Killeen, recorded in Instrument No. 2014-00021525, Real Property Records of Bell County, Texas, and take the appropriate action. (Planning and Development Director)
VIII. Old Business:
IX. New Business:
1. Discuss and consider approving a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Harker Heights, Texas, and the City of Killeen, Killeen Independent School District and Bell County that establishes the scope of the Chaparral Road Realignment/Reconstruction Project and responsibilities of each of the parties as it relates to the project, and take the appropriate action. (City Manager)
2. Discuss and consider approving an ordinance of the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, approving a negotiated settlement between the ATMOS Cities Steering Committee (“ACSC”) and ATMOS Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division regarding the Company’s 2019 Rate Review Mechanism Filings; declaring existing rates to be unreasonable; adopting tariffs that reflect rate adjustments consistent with the negotiated settlement; finding the rates to be set by the attached settlement tariffs to be just and reasonable and in the public interest; approving an attached exhibit establishing a benchmark for pensions and retiree medical benefits; approving an attached exhibit regarding amortization of regulatory liability; requiring the Company to reimburse ACSC’s reasonable ratemaking expenses; determining that this ordinance was passed in accordance with the requirements of the Texas Open Meetings Act; adopting a savings clause; declaring an effective date; and requiring delivery of this ordinance to the Company and the ACSC’s Legal Counsel, and take the appropriate action. (Finance Director)
3. Discuss and consider approving a resolution Authorizing the City Manager to notify the Texas Lottery Commission of the City of Harker Heights’ intent to continue to receive its share of Bingo Prize Fee Funds collected after January 1, 2020, and to notify each licensed authorized Organization within the City’s Jurisdiction of the continued imposition of the Bingo Prize Fee, and take the appropriate action. (Finance Director)
X. Reports of Advisory Boards & Commissions:
XI. Items from Council:
XII. Staff Reports:
1. Receive and discuss the City Manager’s Report. (City Manager)
XIII. Announcements:
XIV. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 20th day of September, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact the City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.”
“Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.”
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 17, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a Workshop in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Roll Call:
II. Public Comments:
III. New Business:
1. Receive and discuss a presentation from Aaron Farmer with the Retail Coach, on retail recruitment and trends. (City Manager)
2. Receive and discuss a presentation on a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Killeen, Bell County, City of Harker Heights and Killeen Independent School District that establishes the scope of the Chaparral Road Realignment/Reconstruction Project and responsibilities of each of the parties as it relates to the Project. (City Manager)
IV. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 13th day of September, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting
Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 10, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a meeting in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Invocation:
II. Pledge of Allegiance:
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Honor the Texas Flag. I pledge allegiance to thee Texas; one state under God, one and indivisible.
III. Roll Call:
IV. Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
V. Consent Items:
1. Discuss and consider approving the minutes of the meeting held on August 27, 2019, and September 3, 2019, and take the appropriate action.
VI. Presentations by Citizens:
VII. Public Hearings:
1. Conduct a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance granting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow an Accessory Dwelling Unit on property described as Lot Thirty-Two (32), Lakeside Hills Section Two (2), Harker Heights, according to the Plat of Record in Cabinet A, Slide 43-C, Plat Records of Bell County, Texas, generally located at 4650 High Oak Drive, and take the appropriate action. (Planning and Development Director)
2. Conduct a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance to change zoning designation from R-1(M) (One-Family Manufactured Home Dwelling District) and R-MH (Manufactured Home Park District) to R-3 (Multi-Family Dwelling District) Zoning Designation on property described as Lots One (1) through Five (5), Block Three (3), Kern Terrace Second Extension, Harker Heights, Per Plat Of Record in Cabinet A, Slide 225-A, Plat Records of Bell County, Texas, and 1.241 acres out of the V.L. Evans Survey, Abstract 288, generally located southwest of the intersection of Jamie Road and North Mary Jo Drive, currently addressed as 200, 202, 204, 206, and 208 Jamie Road, and 200 Jan Circle, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, and take the appropriate action. (Planning and Development Director)
3. Conduct a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance to change zoning designation from R-MH (Manufactured Home Park District) to R2-I (Two Family Infill Dwelling District) Zoning, and Preliminary/Final Plat approval on property described as Yandell Mobile Home Park, being 1.446 acres out of the V.L. Evans Survey, Abstract 288, generally located at 201 N. Mary Jo Drive, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, and take the appropriate action. (Planning and Development Director)
4. Conduct a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance to change zoning designation from R-1 (One Family Dwelling District) to R2-I (Two Family Infill Dwelling District) Zoning on property described as 4.216 acres out of the V.L. Evans Survey, Abstract 288, being the same property described in Field Notes attached to a General Warranty Deed Recorded Under Instrument Number 2010-00016917, Real Property Records of Bell County, Texas, generally located at Lynn Drive, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, and take the appropriate action. (Planning and Development Director)
5. Conduct a Public Hearing to discuss and consider an ordinance adopting and approving a Budget for the City of Harker Heights, Texas, for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2019, to September 30, 2020, record the vote, and take the appropriate action. (Finance Director)
6. Conduct a Public Hearing to discuss and consider ratifying the property tax increase reflected in the Fiscal Year 2019 – 2020 Budget, record the vote, and take the appropriate action. (Finance Director)
7. Conduct a Public Hearing to discuss and consider an ordinance levying a tax rate for the City of Harker Heights, Texas, for the Tax Year 2019, and take the appropriate action. (Finance Director)
8. Conduct a Public Hearing to discuss and consider an ordinance prescribing and setting the Fiscal Year 2019 – 2020 rates and charges of the City of Harker Heights, Texas; penalties for non-payment; and providing an effective date, and take the appropriate action. (Finance Director)
VIII. Old Business:
IX. New Business:
1. Discuss and consider a request for preliminary plat approval on property described as a 4.149 acre tract of land in Bell County, Texas, being part of the Francis Hughes Survey, Abstract No. 396, and the land herein described being all of a Called 0.725 acre tract conveyed to Will Properties, Inc., of Record in Volume 5168, Page 659, Official Public Records of Real Property, Bell County, Texas, all of a Called 1.017 acre tract conveyed to Will Properties, Inc., of Record in Volume 5168, Page 730, and all of a Called 2.407 acre tract conveyed to Will Properties, Inc., of Record in Volume 5168, Page 708, Official Public Records of Real Property, Bell County, Texas, generally located within the peninsula between E. Veterans Memorial Boulevard and Edwards Drive, approximate address of 1212 E. Veterans Memorial Boulevard, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, and take the appropriate action. (Planning And Development Director)
X. Reports of Advisory Boards & Commissions:
XI. Items from Council:
XII. Staff Reports:
1. Receive and discuss the City Manager’s Report. (City Manager)
XIII. Announcements:
XIV. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 6th day of September, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact the City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.”
“Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.”
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 3:00 p.m. on September 3, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a Meeting in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Roll Call:
II. Public Hearings:
1. Conduct a Public Hearing to discuss the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Budget and Fee Schedule. (Finance Director)
2. Conduct a Public Hearing to discuss a tax increase for Fiscal Year 2019-2020. (Finance Director)
III. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 30th day of August, 2019 an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact the City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.”
Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 27, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a meeting and a closed meeting in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Invocation:
II. Pledge of Allegiance:
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Honor the Texas Flag. I pledge allegiance to thee Texas; one state under God, one and indivisible.
III. Roll Call:
IV. Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
1. Proclamation declaring Mr. Larry Brazzil a “Bright Star of Central Texas”.
2. Proclamation in Recognition of Lemonade Day – Entrepreneurs of the Year.
V. Consent Items:
1. Discuss and consider approving the minutes of the meeting held on August 13, 2019, and take the appropriate action.
VI. Presentations by Citizens:
VII. Public Hearings:
1. Conduct a Public Hearing to discuss the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Budget and Fee Schedule. (Finance Director)
2. Conduct a Public Hearing to discuss a tax increase for Fiscal Year 2019-2020. (Finance Director)
3. Conduct a Public Hearing to discuss and consider an ordinance amending Chapter 75, Schedule I of the Code of Harker Heights, to provide for No Parking signs on Oakridge Blvd., and take the appropriate action. (Public Works Director)
VIII. Old Business:
IX. New Business:
1. Discuss and consider approving a resolution awarding a contract for the Prospector Trail Wastewater Improvements & Wastewater Line Extension to Fire Station No. 2 project in the amount of $90,910.62 to Bruce Flanigan Construction, Inc. and take the appropriate action. (Public Works Director)
X. Reports of Advisory Boards & Commissions:
XI. Items from Council:
XII. Staff Reports:
1. Receive and discuss the City Manager’s Report. (City Manager)
XIII. Announcements:
XIV. Closed Meeting:
1. Announce a closed meeting for the following purposes:
(A) Pursuant to 551.074 of the Texas Government Code to discuss and deliberate the employment, evaluation and duties of the City Manager.
2. Reconvene open meeting to take action as appropriate on matters discussed in the Closed Meeting.
XV. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 23rd day of August, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact the City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.”
“Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.”
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 20, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a Workshop in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Roll Call:
II. Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
1. Proclamation declaring Jeesoo Min a “Bright Star of Central Texas”.
III. New Business:
1. Receive and discuss an update on the Heart of Texas Defense Alliance (HOTDA) by Keith Sledd, HOTDA Executive Director.
IV. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 16th day of August, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.
Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 13, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a meeting in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Invocation:
II. Pledge of Allegiance:
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Honor the Texas Flag. I pledge allegiance to thee Texas; one state under God, one and indivisible.
III. Roll Call:
IV. Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
V. Consent Items:
1. Discuss and consider approving the minutes of the meeting held on July 23, 2019, and take the appropriate action.
VI. Presentations by Citizens:
1. Bell County 40/8 presentation of City of the Year Award to the Mayor and City Council.
VII. Public Hearings:
1. Conduct a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance providing for a continuing program of uniform regulations governing the installation, testing and certification of backflow prevention assemblies and technicians, and to permit and control the installation, routine maintenance and inspection of backflow prevention assemblies and take the appropriate action. (Public Works Director)
VIII. Old Business:
IX. New Business:
1. Discuss and consider approving an ordinance amending §52.22 of the Code of Harker Heights to establish specific reduction target goals for Drought Response Stages and take the appropriate action. (Public Works Director)
2. Discuss and consider the ad valorem tax rate, record the vote, schedule public hearings, and take the appropriate action. (Finance Director)
X. Reports of Advisory Boards & Commissions:
XI. Items from Council:
XII. Staff Reports:
1. Receive and discuss the City Manager’s Report. (City Manager)
XIII. Announcements:
XIV. Closed Meeting:
1. Announce a closed meeting for the following purposes:
(A) Pursuant to 551.074 of the Texas Government Code to discuss and deliberate the employment, evaluation and duties of the City Manager.
2. Reconvene open meeting to take action as appropriate on matters discussed in the Closed Meeting.
XV. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 9th day of August, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact the City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.”
“Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.”
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 6, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a Workshop in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Roll Call:
II. New Business:
1. Receive and discuss a Legislative Wrap Up Presentation from the 86th Legislative Session. (Director of Public Affairs and Planning and Development Director)
III. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 2nd day of August, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.
Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, August 2, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will be attending a Council Retreat, which will be held at the Activities Center at 400 Indian Trail, Harker Heights, Texas. The subjects to be presented and discussed are listed in the following agenda:
The Council Retreat, with deliberations on the items listed below:
1. Discuss FY 2019/2020 Budget priorities and other priorities that Council would like staff to focus on. Presented by;
1) Mayor Smith
2) Mayor Pro Tem Blomquist
3) Councilmember, Place 1 McCann
4) Councilmember, Place 3 Fountain
5) Councilmember, Place 4 Reider
6) Councilmember, Place 5 Nicholas
2. Review and discuss the FY 2019/2020 Budget. (Finance Director)
At 5:00 p.m. on the Friday, the 26th day of July, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please see the City Secretary 48 hours prior to the meeting.”
Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 30, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a Workshop in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Roll Call:
II. New Business:
1. Receive and discuss a presentation on the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Budget. (Finance Director)
III. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 26h day of July, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.
Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 23, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a meeting in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Invocation:
II. Pledge of Allegiance:
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Honor the Texas Flag. I pledge allegiance to thee Texas; one state under God, one and indivisible.
III. Roll Call:
IV. Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
V. Consent Items:
1. Discuss and consider approving the minutes of the meeting held on July 9, 2019, and take the appropriate action.
VI. Presentations by Citizens:
VII. Public Hearings:
1. Conduct a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance granting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow uses associated with a B-1 Zoning District or a Real Estate Office on property described as Lot Four (4), Block Ten (10), Highland Oaks Estates Section Three (3), a subdivision in the City of Harker Heights according to the Plat in Cabinet A, Slide 215-C, Plat Records of Bell County, Texas, and Lot One A (1A), Block One (1), Replat of Lot 4, Block B, Highland Oaks Estates, Section One, and Lots 1 & 5, Block 10, Highland Oaks Estates, Section Three, an addition to the City Of Harker Heights, according to the Plat of Record in Cabinet C, Slide 339-C, Plat Records of Bell County, Texas, generally located at 703 W. Knights Way (W. FM 2410), Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, and take the appropriate action. (Planning and Development Director)
VIII. Old Business:
IX. New Business:
1. Discuss and consider approving a request for alcohol services for the 3rd Annual Puerto Rican Heritage Festival at 2410 Community Park on Saturday, September 7, 2019 and take the appropriate action. (Parks and Recreation Director)
2. Discuss and consider approving an ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, amending the Parks and Recreation Activenet Online Service Charges in the Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Fee Schedule to increase fees by 4%, and take the appropriate action. (Parks and Recreation Director)
3. Discuss and consider approving a resolution awarding a contract for the Rattlesnake Road 6-Inch Waterline Replacement Project in the amount of $199,990.00 to TTG Utilities, LP, and take the appropriate action. (Public Works Director)
X. Reports of Advisory Boards & Commissions:
XI. Items from Council:
XII. Staff Reports:
1. Receive and discuss the Unaudited Financial Statements for the third quarter of Fiscal Year 2018-2019. (Finance Director)
2. Receive and discuss the Fiscal Year 2018-2019 third quarter Investment Report. (Finance Director)
3. Receive and discuss the City Manager’s Report. (City Manager)
XIII. Announcements:
XIV. Closed Meeting:
1. Announce a closed meeting for the following purpose:
A) Pursuant to §551.074 of the Texas Government Code to discuss and deliberate the appointment of the Municipal Judge.
2. Reconvene open meeting to take action as appropriate on matters discussed in the closed meeting.
XV. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 19th day of July, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Ursula Paddie
Assistant City Secretary
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact the City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.”
“Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.”
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 16, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a Workshop in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda
I. Roll Call:
II. New Business:
1. Receive and discuss a presentation on The United States Census 2020. (Public Relations Director)
III. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 12th day of July, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.
Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 9, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a meeting in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Invocation:
II. Pledge of Allegiance:
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Honor the Texas Flag. I pledge allegiance to thee Texas; one state under God, one and indivisible.
III. Roll Call:
IV. Call to Order the City of Harker Heights Employee Benefits Trust Meeting.
1. Discuss and consider approving a resolution of the City of Harker Heights Employee Benefits Trust awarding contracts for the City of Harker Heights Employee Benefits Trust Group Medical Plan, Vision Benefits, Dental Benefits, Life Insurance, AD&D and Long Term Disability and authorizing the City Manager to enter into such contracts on behalf of the City and the Employee Benefits Trust and take the appropriate action. (Human Resource Director)
V. Reconvene into City of Harker Heights Council Meeting:
1. Discuss and consider approving a resolution of the City Council of the City of Harker Heights to pay for certain Employee Related Benefits and approving any transfers necessary to fund the Trust, and take the appropriate action. (Human Resource Director)
VI. Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
1. Proclamation declaring July 2019 as “National Park and Recreation Month”.
VII. Consent Items:
1. Discuss and consider approving the minutes of the meeting held on June 25, 2019, and take the appropriate action.
VIII. Presentations by Citizens:
IX. Public Hearings:
1. Conduct a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance granting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow uses associated with a B-1 Zoning District or a Real Estate Office on property described as Lot Four (4), Block Ten (10), Highland Oaks Estates Section Three (3), a subdivision in the City of Harker Heights according to the Plat in Cabinet A, Slide 215-C, Plat Records of Bell County, Texas, and Lot One A (1A), Block One (1), Replat of Lot 4, Block B, Highland Oaks Estates, Section One, and Lots 1 & 5, Block 10, Highland Oaks Estates, Section Three, an addition to the City Of Harker Heights, according to the Plat of Record in Cabinet C, Slide 339-C, Plat Records of Bell County, Texas, generally located at 703 W. Knights Way (W. FM 2410), Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, and take the appropriate action. (Planning and Development Director)
2. Conduct a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance granting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to adjust design requirements for 4c Headstart Program on property described as a 0.294 acre tract of land in Bell County, Texas, and the land herein described being part of Lot One (1), Block One (1), City of Harker Heights Harley Drive Addition, of record in Plat Year 2018, Number 119, Plat Records of Bell County, Texas, generally located at 120 Harley Drive, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, and take the appropriate action. (Planning and Development Director)
3. Discuss and consider a request by Mike Garcia for a home based business described as Waggy Tails, a professional K9 training and behavioral modification business within a R-1 (One Family Dwelling District) District, on property described as Evergreen Phase One (1), Block Eight (8), Lot Eleven (11), generally located at 2520 Jackson Drive, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, and take the appropriate action. (Planning and Development Director)
X. Old Business:
XI. New Business:
1. Discuss and consider a request by Will Properties, Inc. and Adonias Frias for Concept Plan approval of a Semi-Truck Parking Facility on property described as a 4.149 acre tract of land in Bell County, Texas, being part of the Francis Hughes Survey, Abstract No. 396, and the land herein described being all of a called 0.725 acre tract conveyed to Will Properties, Inc., of Record in Volume 5168, Page 659, Official Public Records of Real Property, Bell County, Texas, all of a called 1.017 acre tract conveyed to Will Properties, Inc., of Record in Volume 5168, Page 730, and all of a called 2.407 acre tract conveyed to Will Properties, Inc., of Record in Volume 5168, Page 708, Official Public Records of Real Property, Bell County, Texas, generally located within the peninsula between E. Veterans Memorial Boulevard and Edwards Drive, approximate address of 1212 E. Veterans Memorial Boulevard, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, and take the appropriate action. (Planning and Development Director)
2. Discuss and consider a resolution adopting the Investment Policy of the City of Harker Heights, Texas; authorizing the City’s Investment Broker/Dealer list: and approving a list of Investment Training Sponsors, and take the appropriate action. (Finance Director)
3. Discuss and consider approving a resolution awarding a contract for the 2019 Street Improvement Projects in the amount of $1,098,279.80 to RT Schneider Construction Company, LTD and take the appropriate action. (Public Works Director)
XII. Reports of Advisory Boards & Commissions:
XIII. Items from Council:
XIV. Staff Reports:
1. Receive and discuss the City Manager’s Report. (City Manager)
XV. Announcements:
XVI. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 5th day of July, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact the City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.”
“Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.”
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 2, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a Workshop in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Roll Call:
II. New Business:
1. Receive and discuss a presentation regarding the proposed addition of a Parks and Recreation Chapter to the City’s Code of Ordinances. (Parks and Recreation Director)
III. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 28th day of June, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
"Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting."
"Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary."
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 25, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a meeting in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Invocation:
II. Pledge of Allegiance:
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Honor the Texas Flag. I pledge allegiance to thee Texas; one state under God, one and indivisible
III. Roll Call:
IV. Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
V. Consent Items:
1. Discuss and consider approving the minutes of the meeting held on June 11, 2019, and take the appropriate action
VI. Presentations by Citizens:
VII. Public Hearings:
VIII. Old Business:
IX. New Business:
1. Discuss and consider approving a resolution of the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, authorizing the City Manager to accept TXDOT’s offer of a one-time payment of funds due under the Pass-Through Funding Agreement CSJ No. 0231-03-128, and take the appropriate action. (Finance Director)
2. Discuss and consider authorizing the City Manager to sign a Joint Participation Agreement with Killeen Independent School District and the City of Nolanville for the improvement of a section of Warriors Path generally located in front of the new middle school under construction on Warriors Path and take the appropriate action. (City Manager)
3. Discuss and consider the appointment of Councilmembers as the Primary and as the Alternate voting members for the City of Harker Heights on the Central Texas Council of Governments (CTCOG) Executive Committee, and take the appropriate action. (City Manager)
X. Reports of Advisory Boards & Commissions:
XI. Items from Council:
XII. Staff Reports:
1. Receive and discuss the City Manager’s Report. (City Manager)
XIII. Announcements:
XIV. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 21st day of June, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact the City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.”
“Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.”
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 18, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will be attending the Employee Recognition Ceremony, which will be held at the Harker Heights Activities Center, 400 Indian Trail, Harker Heights, Texas, 76548, at which a quorum of the City Council may be present. The subjects to be presented and discussed are listed in the following agenda:
1. Conduct an Employee Recognition Ceremony
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday, the 14th day of June, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please see City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.”
“Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.”
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 11, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a meeting in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Invocation:
II. Pledge of Allegiance:
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Honor the Texas Flag. I pledge allegiance to thee Texas; one state under God, one and indivisible.
III. Roll Call:
IV. Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
V. Consent Items:
1. Discuss and consider approving the minutes of the meeting held on May 28, 2019, and take the appropriate action.
VI. Presentations by Citizens:
VII. Public Hearings:
1. Conduct a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance to change zoning designation from R-1(M) (One-Family Manufactured Home Dwelling District) to R2-I (Two-Family Infill Dwelling District) on properties described as Lots 1-8 and 11, Block 2; Lots 6-7, Block 3; Lots 8-14 & Adjacent 70’x30’ Strips, Block 3; and Lots 1-16, Block 4, all in Kern Terrace 2nd Extension according to the Plat of Record at Cabinet A, Slide 225-A, Plat Records of Bell County Texas, being generally located at 205, 207, 209, 210, 214, 216, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 224, 226, 227 Jamie Road; 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411 N Juanita Drive; And 504, 506, 508 W Nolan Trail, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, and take the appropriate action. (Planning and Development Director)
2. Conduct a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance to change zoning designation from R-MH (Manufactured Home Park District) To PD-B (Planned Development Business) on property described as A0288BC V.L. Evans, Woodlawn Mobile Home Park, Acres 28.867, generally located at 101 N. Roy Reynolds Drive, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, and take the appropriate action. (Planning and Development Director)
3. Conduct a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas amending the Building Permits Fees Section of the Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Fee Schedule to remove Valuation-Based Fees from Residential Permits, and take the appropriate action. (Planning and Development Director)
4. Conduct a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance to change zoning designation from R-1 (One-Family Dwelling District) to R-2 (Two Family Dwelling District) on property described as 5.461 acres, being part of the H.B. Littlefield Survey, Abstract No. 511, being all of a called 5.44 Acre Tract of Record in Volume 1380, Page 255, Deed Records of Bell County, Texas, also being known as all of Lots 6 thru 13, Block 35, all of Lots 6 thru 13, Block 36, and a portion of Kiowa Trace, of Comanche Land, an unrecorded subdivision in Bell County, Texas, generally located at the corner of Ute Trail and Warriors Path Road, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, and take the appropriate action. (Planning and Development Director)
VIII. Old Business:
IX. New Business:
1. Discuss and consider a request by Jerome and Rachel Gomer for Concept Plan approval of 5.461 acre tract of land to accommodate duplex residences on property described as 5.461 acres, being part of the H.B. Littlefield Survey, Abstract No. 511, being all of a called 5.44 Acre Tract of Record in Volume 1380, Page 255, Deed Records of Bell County, Texas, also being known as all of Lots 6 thru 13, Block 35, all of Lots 6 thru 13, Block 36, and a portion of Kiowa Trace, of Comanche Land, an unrecorded subdivision in Bell County, Texas, generally located at the corner of Ute Trail and Warriors Path Road, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, and take the appropriate action. (Planning and Development Director)
2. Discuss and consider a request by Jerome and Rachel Gomer for Preliminary Plat approval for the proposed Sapiah Plains Addition, on property described as 5.461 acres, being part of the H.B. Littlefield Survey, Abstract No. 511, being all of a called 5.44 Acre Tract of Record in Volume 1380, Page 255, Deed Records of Bell County, Texas, also being known as all of Lots 6 thru 13, Block 35, all of Lots 6 thru 13, Block 36, and a portion of Kiowa Trace, of Comanche Land, an unrecorded subdivision in Bell County, Texas, generally located at the corner of Ute Trail and Warriors Path Road, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, and take the appropriate action. (Planning and Development Director)
3. Discuss and consider a request by Ubet Investments, LLC for Preliminary Plat approval for a proposed Re-Plat of property described as Lot One (1), Block Fifteen (15), and Lot One (1) and Part of Lot Two (2), Block Twenty-One (21), an addition to the City of Harker Heights in Bell County, Texas, as it appears upon the map recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 184-A of the Bell County Plat Records, and embracing the tract described to Ubet Investments, LLC, Series 102, Property #2, Recorded in Document Number 2018-00031165 of the Bell County Official Public Records, generally located at 1300 Chiricahua Trace and 1416 Shoshoni Trail, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, and take the appropriate action. (Planning and Development Director)
4. Discuss and consider approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and sign a contract for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and Fire Services Billing and Electronic Patient Care Reporting System with Ambulance Medical Billing (AMB), and take the appropriate action. (Fire Chief)
X. Reports of Advisory Boards & Commissions:
1. Receive a presentation by the Greater Killeen Free Clinic DBA Greater Killeen Community Clinic regarding a request for outside agency funding for Fiscal year 2019-2020 in the amount of $13,500 from the General Fund.
2. Receive a presentation by the Harker Heights Chamber of Commerce regarding a request for outside agency funding for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 in the amount of $22,500 from the Hotel Motel Fund and $40,000 from the General Fund.
3. Receive a presentation by Texas A&M University Central Texas regarding a request for outside agency funding for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 in the amount of $12,500 from the General Fund.
4. Receive a presentation by the Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Texas regarding a request for outside agency funding for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 in the amount of $50,000 from the General Fund.
5. Receive a presentation by Central Texas 4C, Inc. (Head Start) regarding a request for outside agency funding for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 in the amount of $40,000 from the General Fund.
6. Receive a presentation by Families in Crisis regarding a request for outside agency funding for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 in the amount of $24,000 and for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 in the amount of $12,000 from the General Fund.
XI. Items from Council:
XII. Staff Reports:
1. Receive and discuss the City Manager’s Report. (City Manager)
XIII. Announcements:
XIV. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 7th day of June, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact the City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.”
“Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.”
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 4, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a Workshop in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Roll Call:
II. New Business:
1. Receive and discuss the Draft Backflow Prevention Ordinance. (Public Works Director)
2. Receive and discuss an update on Capital Improvement Projects. (Finance Director)
3. Receive and discuss the issuance of City tablets to the Mayor and City Councilmembers. (Director of Information Services)
III. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 31th day of May, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact the City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.”
“Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.”
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 28, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a meeting in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Invocation:
II. Pledge of Allegiance:
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Honor the Texas Flag. I pledge allegiance to thee Texas; one state under God, one and indivisible.
III. Roll Call:
IV. Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
1. Proclaim May 2019 as “Older Americans Month”.
2. Presentation honoring four graduating Harker Heights High School Seniors of the Knights of the Round Table.
V. Consent Items:
1. Discuss and consider approving the minutes of the meeting held on May 14, 2019, and take the appropriate action.
VII. Presentations by Citizens:
1. Presentation from Hill Country Transit District on the Fiscal Year 2020 preliminary budget and services.
V. Public Hearings:
1. Conduct a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance amending Chapter 155 of the Harker Heights Code of Ordinances to establish the definition of a brewpub and winery, and to allow their use in certain zoning districts, and take the appropriate action. (Planning and Development Director)
VI. Old Business:
VII. New Business:
1. Discuss and consider approving a resolution awarding a contract for the annual supply of water meters in the amount of $101,654.00 to Core & Main and take the appropriate action. (Public Works Director)
2. Discuss and consider approving a resolution adopting a Long-Term Debt Policy for the City of Harker Heights and take the appropriate action. (Finance Director)
VIII. Reports of Advisory Boards & Commissions:
IX. Items from Council:
X. Staff Reports:
1. Receive and discuss the City Manager’s Report. (City Manager)
XI. Announcements:
XII. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 24th day of May, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact the City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.”
“Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.”
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 21, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a Workshop in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Roll Call:
II. New Business:
1. Receive and discuss a presentation on the use of Conditional Use Permits (CUPs). (Planning and Development Director)
2. Receive and discuss a Long-Term Debt Policy for the City of Harker Heights. (Finance Director)
3. Receive and discuss a presentation on the City’s Solid Waste Service. (Public Works Director)
III. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 17th day of May, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Ursula Paddie
Assistant City Secretary
Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.
Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 14, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a meeting in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Invocation:
II. Pledge of Allegiance:
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Honor the Texas Flag. I pledge allegiance to thee Texas; one state under God, one and indivisible.
III. Roll Call:
IV. Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
1. Proclaim May 2019 as “Building Safety Month”.
2. Proclaim May 12 – 18, 2019 as “National Police Week”.
V. Consent Items:
1. Discuss and consider approving the minutes of the meeting held on April 23, 2019, and May 7, 2019, and take the appropriate action
VI. Presentations by Citizens:
VII. Public Hearings:
1. Conduct a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance to change zoning designation from R-1 (One Family Dwelling District) to R2-I (Two Family Infill Dwelling District) on property described as Lot Twenty-Two (22), Block Three (3), Kern Acres, First Extension and Revision, according to a map or plat of Record In Cabinet A, Slide 223-D, Plat Records of Bell County, Texas, generally located at 504 S. Juanita Drive, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, and take the appropriate action. (Planning and Development Director)
2. Conduct a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance modifying the Code of Harker Heights Chapter 74, Schedule V and Schedule VI, by removing three (3) Stop Signs at Commercial Drive & Heights Drive and adding four (4) Yield Signs at Commercial Drive & Heights Drive and take the appropriate action. (Public Works Director)
VIII. Old Business:
IX. New Business:
1. Discuss and consider approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to sign a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Harker Heights, Texas, and the Bell County Public Health District to provide Mass Prophylaxis/Vaccine Dispensing Locations, and take the appropriate action. (Fire Chief)
2. Discuss and consider approving a resolution awarding a contract for the City Hall Marshal Station Expansion/Renovation Project in the amount of $78,932.00 to FCO Construction Services, LLC, and take the appropriate action. (Finance Director)
3. Discuss and consider approving a resolution of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, authorizing the Membership and approval of an Interlocal Participation Agreement with the GoodBuy Purchasing Cooperative and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract on behalf of the City, and take the appropriate action. (Finance Director)
4. Discuss and consider approving a resolution of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, finding that Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC’s application for approval to amend its Distribution Cost Recovery Factor pursuant to 16 Texas Administration Code § 25.243 to increase Distribution Rates within the City should be denied; finding that the City’s reasonable Rate Case Expenses shall be reimbursed by the Company; finding that the Meeting at which this resolution is passed is open to the public as required by law; requiring notice of this resolution to the Company and Legal Counsel, and take the appropriate action. (Finance Director)
5. Discuss and consider approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and sign a Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan Contract with Luck Design Team and take the appropriate action. (Parks and Recreation Director)
6. Receive and discuss a presentation on an update to Chapter 155 of the Harker Heights Code of Ordinances to allow Brewpubs and Wineries. (Planning and Development Director)
7. Receive and discuss a presentation on an update to Chapter 155 of the Harker Heights Code of Ordinances to allow Small-Scale Kenneling as a Home Occupation. (Planning and Development Director)
8. Discuss and consider the appointment of the Mayor Pro-tem, and take the appropriate action. (City Manager)
X. Reports of Advisory Boards & Commissions:
XI. Items from Council:
XII. Staff Reports:
1. Receive and discuss the City Manager’s Report. (City Manager)
XIII. Announcements:
XIV. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 10th day of May, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Ursula Paddie
Assistant City Secretary
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.”
“Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.”
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 7, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas will hold a meeting in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be considered and acted upon are listed in the following agenda:
I. Invocation:
II. Pledge of Allegiance:
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Honor the Texas Flag. I pledge allegiance to thee Texas; one and indivisible
III. Roll Call:
IV. New Business
1. Canvass Election Returns for the May 4, 2019 Municipal Election. (Assistant City Manager)
2. Installation of Officers:
a) Swear in Councilmember, Place 1. Three Year Term 2019-2022.
b) Swear in Councilmember, Place 3. Three Year Term 2019-2022.
V. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 3rd day of May, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.
Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.
TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 2019.
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 26th day of April, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact the City Secretary 48 hours prior to the meeting.”
Pursuant to chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into a Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 23, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a meeting in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Invocation:
II. Pledge of Allegiance:
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Honor the Texas Flag. I pledge allegiance to thee Texas; one state under God, one and indivisible
III. Roll Call:
IV. Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
1. Proclaim April 27, 2019, as “Arbor Day”.
V. Consent Items:
1. Discuss and consider approving the minutes of the meeting held on April 9, 2019, and take the appropriate action.
2. Discuss and consider approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to sign The Harker Heights Public Library Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2017-18 and 2018 System Membership Application Form for the Texas State Library System and take the appropriate action. (Library Director)
VI. Presentations by Citizens:
VII. Public Hearings:
1. Conduct a public hearing to discuss and consider adopting an ordinance amending the General Fund Budget for the City of Harker Heights, Texas for the Fiscal Year 2018-2019, and take the appropriate action. (Finance Director)
VIII. Old Business:
IX. New Business:
1. Discuss and consider the waiver of liens on Valley View Addition, Block 001, Lot 0007 located at 114 East Valley Road, Harker Heights, Texas, and take the appropriate action. (City Manager)
2. Discuss and consider approving an ordinance amending Chapter 90 of the Harker Heights Code of Ordinances to create an Animal Abuser Registry and prohibit certain persons from possessing animals in the City, and take the appropriate action. (IT Director)
3. Discuss and consider approving a resolution authorizing continued participation with the Steering Committee of Cities served by Oncor; and authorizing the payment of eight cents per capita to the Steering Committee to fund regulatory and legal proceedings and activities related to Oncor Electric Delivery Company, LLC., and take the appropriate action. (Finance Director)
X. Reports of Advisory Boards & Commissions:
XI. Items from Council:
XII. Staff Reports:
1. Receive and discuss the FY 2018-2019 Second Quarter Investment Report. (Finance Director)
2. Receive and discuss the City Manager’s Report. (City Manager)
XIII. Announcements:
XIV. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, the 18th day of April, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.”
“Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.”
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 16, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a Workshop in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Roll Call:
II. New Business:
1. Receive and discuss an update from Superintendent Dr. John M. Craft with Killeen Independent School District regarding enrollment, projected growth, academic programs, and current and future KISD Facilities. (City Manager)
2. Receive and discuss a presentation from Central Texas 4C, Inc., on the lease of City property for the construction of a building for the Head Start Program generally located at Harley Drive and West Arlo Road. (City Manager)
III. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 12th day of April, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.
Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 9, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a meeting in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Invocation:
II. Pledge of Allegiance:
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Honor the Texas Flag. I pledge allegiance to thee Texas; one state under God, one and indivisible
III. Roll Call:
IV. Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
1. Proclaim April 7-13, 2019, as “National Library Week”.
2. Presentation to the Pet Adoption Center (PAC) of the proceeds from the 2018 Fire Department Calendar Sales.
V. Consent Items:
1. Discuss and consider approving the minutes of the meeting held on March 26, 2019, and take the appropriate action.
VI. Presentations by Citizens:
VII. Public Hearings:
1. Conduct a public hearing on the need to continue sections 130.20 through 130.25 of the Harker Heights Code of Ordinances defining a Curfew for Minors in the City of Harker Heights, and discuss and consider whether such subchapter will be continued, abolished or modified, and take the appropriate action. (Police Chief)
VIII. Old Business:
IX. New Business:
1. Discuss and consider approving a resolution awarding a contract for the Carl Levin New Restroom Facility Project in the amount of $210,000.00 to Holy Contractors, LLC, and take the appropriate action. (Parks and Recreation Director)
2. Discuss and consider approving a resolution awarding a contract for the Carl Levin New Restroom Facility Utility Extensions Project in the amount of $141,036.86 to Holy Contractors, LLC, and take the appropriate action. (Parks and Recreation Director)
X. Reports of Advisory Boards & Commissions:
XI. Items from Council:
XII. Staff Reports:
1. Receive and discuss the Unaudited Financial Statements for the second quarter of Fiscal Year 2018-2019. (Finance Director)
2. Receive and discuss the City Manager’s Report. (City Manager)
XIII. Announcements:
XIV. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday, the 5th day of April, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.”
“Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.”
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 2, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a Workshop in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
1. Receive and discuss a presentation regarding an update on content and status of bills filed of interest to the City of Harker Heights in the 86th State of Texas Legislative Session. (Public Relations Director)
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 29th day of March, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.
Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 26, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a meeting in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Invocation:
II. Pledge of Allegiance:
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Honor the Texas Flag. I pledge allegiance to thee Texas; one state under God, one and indivisible.
III. Roll Call:
IV. Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
V. Consent Items:
1. Discuss and consider approving the minutes of the meeting held on March 12, 2019, and take the appropriate action
VI. Presentations by Citizens:
VII. Public Hearings:
1. Conduct a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance granting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow an accessory dwelling unit on property described as part of Lot Eight (8) and all of Lot Nine (9) and Lot Ten (10), Block Four (4), Hidden Valley Estates, an addition in Bell County, Texas, recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 212-A, Plat Records of Bell County, Texas, generally located at 2223 Fuller Lane, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, and take the appropriate action. (Planning and Development Director)
2. Conduct a public hearing on the need to continue sections 130.20 through 130.25 of the Harker Heights Code of Ordinances defining a Curfew for Minors in the City of Harker Heights, and discuss and consider whether such subchapter will be continued, abolished or modified, and take the appropriate action. (Police Chief)
VIII. Old Business:
IX. New Business:
1. Discuss and consider approving a resolution authorizing continued participation with the Atmos Cities Steering Committee; and authorizing the payment of five cents per capita to the Atmos Cities Steering Committee to fund regulatory and related activities related to Atmos Energy Corporation and take the appropriate action. (Finance Director)
2. Discuss and consider approving a resolution awarding a contract for a concession agreement to Mama’s Soul Catering and Concessions, LLC for one year, with the City having two successive one-year options to renew for a maximum combined term of three years, and authorizing the City Manager to enter such contract on behalf of the City and take the appropriate action. (Parks and Recreation Director)
X. Reports of Advisory Boards & Commissions:
XI. Items from Council:
XII. Staff Reports:
1. Receive and discuss the City Manager’s Report. (City Manager)
XIII. Announcements:
XIV. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday, the 22nd day of March, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.”
“Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.”
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 19, 1019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a Workshop at Dana Peak Park Comanche Gap Pavilion, 3800 Comanche Gap Road, Harker Heights Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Roll Call:
II. New Business:
1. Receive and discuss a presentation regarding the potential lease of Dana Peak Park, 600+ acres of the Corps of Engineers Property, located at 3800 Comanche Gap Road, Harker Heights, Texas. (Parks and Recreation Director)
III. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 15th day of March, 2019, and original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
"Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting."
"Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary."
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 12, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a meeting in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Invocation:
II. Pledge of Allegiance:
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Honor the Texas Flag. I pledge allegiance to thee Texas; one state under God, one and indivisible
III. Roll Call:
IV. Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
V. Consent Items:
1. Discuss and consider approving the minutes of the meeting held on February 26, 2019, and take the appropriate action.
2. Discuss and consider appointing Patricia Darnell as Election Judge and Deborah Kimbrel as Alternate Judge for the May 04, 2019, Joint Municipal Election with Killeen Independent School District and Central Texas College, and take the appropriate action. (Assistant City Manager)
VI. Presentations by Citizens:
VII. Public Hearings:
1. Conduct a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance granting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow an accessory dwelling unit on property described as part of Lot Eight (8) and all of Lot Nine (9) and Lot Ten (10), Block Four (4), Hidden Valley Estates, an addition in Bell County, Texas, recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 212-A, Plat Records of Bell County, Texas, generally located at 2223 Fuller Lane, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, and take the appropriate action. (Planning and Development Director)
2. Conduct a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance to change zoning designation from R-1 (One-Family Dwelling District) to R-2 (Two Family Dwelling District) on property described as Lot Twelve A (12-A), Block Eight (8), of the re-plat of Lots 12-14, Block 8, Wildewood Acres, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, according to the Plat of Record in Cabinet B, Slide 76-A, Plat Records of Bell County, Texas, and 10’ adjacent strip on South, generally located at 926 Maplewood Dr., Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, and take the appropriate action. (Planning and Development Director)
3. Conduct a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance to change zoning designation from R-1 (One-Family Dwelling District) to B-3 (Local Business District) on property described as Lots Eight (8) and Nine (9), Block B, Kern Valley First Extension, according to the Plat of Record in Cabinet A, Slide 229-C, Plat Records of Bell County, Texas, generally located at 514 And 516 Clore Road, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, and take the appropriate action. (Planning and Development Director)
VIII. Old Business:
IX. New Business:
X. Reports of Advisory Boards & Commissions:
XI. Items from Council:
XII. Staff Reports:
1. Receive and discuss the City Manager’s Report. (City Manager)
XIII. Announcements:
XIV. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday, the 8th day of March, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.”
“Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.”
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 5, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a Workshop in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Roll Call:
II. New Business:
1. Receive and discuss an update on Capital Improvement Projects. (Finance Director)
III. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 1st day of March, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.
Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 26, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a meeting in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Invocation:
II. Pledge of Allegiance:
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Honor the Texas Flag. I pledge allegiance to thee Texas; one state under God, one and indivisible.
III. Roll Call:
IV. Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
V. Consent Items:
1. Discuss and consider approving the minutes of the meeting held on February 12, 2019, and take the appropriate action.
2. Discuss and consider authorizing the City Manager to sign a contract with Killeen Independent School District (KISD) and Central Texas College (CTC) to conduct a joint election for the May 04, 2019, Municipal Election, the KISD Trustee Election and the Central Texas Trustee Election, and take the appropriate action. (Assistant City Manager)
VI. Presentations by Citizens:
VII. Public Hearings:
1. Conduct a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance to abandon (vacate) a portion of the Commercial Drive Public Right-Of-Way (0.012 Acres) located on the replat of the Colgate Addition, an addition to the City of Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, According To The Map Or Plat Of Record In Plat Year 2019, Number 1, Plat Records Of Bell County, Texas, and take the appropriate action. (Planning and Development Director)
VIII. Old Business:
IX. New Business:
1. Discuss and consider a resolution of the City of Harker Heights awarding a contract for Benefits Consultant Services to Gallagher Benefit Services, Inc. and authorize the City Manager to enter into such contract on behalf of the City, and take the appropriate action. (Human Resources Director)
2. Discuss and consider approving a resolution authorizing the City’s participation in the Grant Program administered by the Office of the Governor for funding the purchase of One Digital Crime Scene Reconstruction Diagraming Station, and take the appropriate action. (Police Chief)
3. Discuss and consider approving a resolution authorizing the City’s participation in a Homeland Security Grant Program administered by the Office of the Governor, for funding the purchase of One Unmanned Aircraft System (Drone), and take the appropriate action. (Police Chief)
4. Discuss and consider approving a resolution authorizing the City’s participation in the Grant Program administered by the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation Grants, LRAD Corporation, for funding the purchase of 31 Individual First Aid Kits (IFAKS), 5 Mass Casualty Kits (25 Individual Kits) and 25 Vehicle IFAKS, and take the appropriate action. (Police Chief)
5. Discuss and consider approving a resolution authorizing the City’s participation in the Homeland Security Grants Division Program for funding of the Crisis Response System for the Tactical and Negotiations Team, and take the appropriate action. (Police Chief)
6. Discuss and consider approving a resolution authorizing the City’s participation in the General Victim Assistance Direct Services Program Grant for funding of the Healthy Homes Program, and take the appropriate action. (Police Chief)
7. Discuss and consider approval of the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, and take the appropriate action. (Finance Director)
X. Reports of Advisory Boards & Commissions:
1. Receive and discuss a presentation regarding the 2018 Annual Summary Reports of the Planning and Zoning Commission and Building and Standards Commission. (Planning and Development Director)
XI. Items from Council:
XII. Staff Reports:
1. Receive and discuss a staff report regarding the Harker Heights Police Department and Harker Heights Fire Department’s Racial Profiling Data Reports for the calendar year 2018. (Police Chief)
2. Receive and discuss the City Manager’s Report. (City Manager)
XIII. Announcements:
XIV. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday, the 22nd day of February, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.”
“Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.”
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 19, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a Workshop in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda
I. Roll Call:
II. New Business:
1. Receive and discuss a presentation regarding potential changes/additions to the City’s Code of Ordinances in relation to commercial parking in residential zones and prohibiting parking on residential lawns. (Planning and Development Director)
III. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 15th day of February, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.
Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 12, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a meeting in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Invocation:
II. Pledge of Allegiance:
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Honor the Texas Flag. I pledge allegiance to thee Texas; one state under God, one and indivisible.
III. Roll Call:
IV. Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
V. Consent Items:
1. Discuss and consider approving the minutes of the meeting held on January 22, 2019, and take the appropriate action.
2. Discuss and consider approving an Order for Municipal Election to be held on May 04, 2019, for the purpose of electing Council Member, Place 1, and Council Member, Place 3 for a three-year term (2019-2022) for the City of Harker Heights, and take the appropriate action. (Assistant City Manager)
3. Discuss and consider approving a contract with Bell County authorizing the City to use their election equipment for the May 04, 2019, Municipal Election and take the appropriate action. (Assistant City Manager)
VI. Presentations by Citizens:
VII. Public Hearings:
1. Conduct a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance to change zoning designation from R1-M (One-Family Manufactured Home Dwelling District) to R-2 (Two-Family Dwelling District) on property described as Lot Six-A (6A), Block Nine (9), Replat of Lots 5–8, Block 9, Wildewood Acres, an addition to the City of Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, according to the plat of record in Cabinet B, Slide 83-A, Plat Records of Bell County, Texas, and a 10’ Strip Adjacent on North, generally located at 913 Ashwood Drive, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, and take the appropriate action. (Planning and Development Director)
2. Conduct a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance to change zoning designation from R-1 (One-Family Dwelling District) to R1-R (Rural One-Family Dwelling District) to allow a large accessory structure on property described as approximately 72.452 acres of land out of the J.M. Cross Survey, Abstract No. 179, being out of that 74.37 acre tract of land conveyed to John Allan Hamilton as recorded in Volume 2291, Page 568, Deed Records of Bell County, Texas, generally located at 12411 E. FM 2410 (E. Knights Way), Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, and take the appropriate action. (Planning and Development Director)
VIII. Old Business:
IX. New Business:
X. Reports of Advisory Boards & Commissions:
XI. Items from Council:
XII. Staff Reports:
1. Receive and discuss the City Manager’s Report. (City Manager)
XIII. Announcements:
XIV. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday, the 8th day of February, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.”
“Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.”
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 5, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a Workshop at the Harker Heights Waste Water Treatment Plant, 430 Pecan Drive, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Roll Call:
II. New Business:
1. Council tour of the Waste Water Treatment Plant at 430 Pecan Drive, Harker Heights, Texas, 76548, to review and discuss plant operations. No action will be taken.
III. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 1st day of February, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.
Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 25th day of January, 2019, an original copy of this notice was
posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact the City Secretary 48 hours prior to the meeting.”
Pursuant to chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into a Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 22, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a meeting in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Invocation:
II. Pledge of Allegiance:
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Honor the Texas Flag. I pledge allegiance to thee Texas; one state under God, one and indivisible.
III. Roll Call:
IV. Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
V. Consent Items:
1. Discuss and consider approving the minutes of the meeting held on January 8, 2019, and take the appropriate action.
VI. Presentations by Citizens:
VII. Public Hearings:
VIII. Old Business:
IX. New Business:
1. Discuss and consider adopting an ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of City Of Harker Heights, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2019, in a maximum aggregate principal amount of $4,000,000; levying a tax in payment thereof; authorizing the sale of said certificates of obligation; authorizing the execution and delivery of a paying agent/registrar agreement; approving the official statement; finding and determining that the meeting at which this ordinance is passed is open to the public as required by law; and enacting other provisions relating thereto, and take the appropriate action. (Finance Director)
2. Discuss and consider approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and sign a Design-Build Contract with Hill and Wilkinson General Contractors for the Fire Station #2 remodel, renovation and addition and take the appropriate action. (Fire Chief)
3. Discuss and consider approving an ordinance granting a variance of Harker Heights Code of Ordinances §112.02 to allow the sale of beer and other alcoholic beverages within 300 feet of a church on property located at 1350 E. FM 2410, as permitted by Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) Section 109.33(E), and take the appropriate action. (Planning and Development Director)
4. Discuss and consider approving a request for alcohol services for the Harker Heights Chamber of Commerce “Mug Run Series” Events scheduled for July 6, September 14, and December 14, 2019, at the 2410 Community Park and take the appropriate action. (Parks and Recreation Director)
5. Discuss and consider approving a request for Alcohol Services for the Harker Heights Chamber of Commerce “Central Texas Food, Wine & Brew Festival” at 2410 Community Park on Saturday, September 14, 2019, and take the appropriate action. (Parks and Recreation Director)
6. Discuss and consider approving a resolution awarding a contract for the Water Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project in the amount of $634,625.00 to A&M Construction and Utilities, Inc. and take the appropriate action. (Public Works Director)
7. Discuss and consider the appointment of a Councilmember to the Hill Country Transit Authority Board for a four year term ending January 7, 2023 and take the appropriate action. (City Manager)
X. Reports of Advisory Boards & Commissions:
XI. Items from Council:
XII. Staff Reports:
1. Receive and discuss the FY 2018-2019 First Quarter Investment Report. (Finance Director)
2. Receive and discuss the Unaudited Financial Statements for the First Quarter of FY 2018-2019. (Finance Director)
3. Receive and discuss the City Manager’s Report. (City Manager)
XIII. Announcements:
XIV. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday, the 18th day of January, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.”
“Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.”
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 15, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a Workshop in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Roll Call:
II. New Business:
1. Receive and discuss an update regarding the Harker Heights Chamber of Commerce by Gina Pence, Harker Heights Chamber of Commerce President.
2. Receive and discuss the draft Backflow Prevention ordinance. (Public Works Director)
III. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 11th day of January, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.
Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.
Notice is hereby given that, beginning at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 08, 2019, and continuing from day to day thereafter if necessary the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, will hold a meeting in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. The subjects to be discussed are listed in the following agenda:
I. Invocation:
II. Pledge of Allegiance:
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Honor the Texas Flag. I pledge allegiance to thee Texas; one state under God, one and indivisible.
III. Roll Call:
IV. Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
V. Consent Items:
1. Discuss and consider approving the minutes of the meeting held on December 11, 2018, and take the appropriate action.
VI. Presentations by Citizens:
1. Receive and discuss a presentation from Shay Luedeke, Bell County Tax Assessor-Collector, regarding the Child Safety Fund.
VII. Public Hearings:
VIII. Old Business:
IX. New Business:
1. Discuss and consider approving a resolution authorizing the City’s participation in the Grant Program provided by the Texas Department of Transportation, Selective Traffic Enforcement Program Grant, for funding the salaries of officers to conduct direct traffic enforcement in identified traffic problem areas, and take the appropriate action. (Police Chief)
2. Discuss and consider approving a resolution of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, in support of Bell County Water Control & Improvement District Number One’s (WCID1) efforts to expand the WCID #1 District Boundary and expand and modify its Board representation to include all of its wholesale customers, and take the appropriate action. (City Manager)
3. Discuss and consider approving a resolution awarding a contract for the Wastewater Interceptor Line “A” Project in the amount of $574,482.10 to Bruce Flanigan Construction, Inc., and take the appropriate action. (Public Works Director)
X. Reports of Advisory Boards & Commissions:
XI. Items from Council:
XII. Staff Reports:
1. Receive and discuss the City Manager’s Report. (City Manager)
XIII. Announcements:
XIV. Adjournment:
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday, the 4th day of January, 2019, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Ursula Paddie
Assistant City Secretary
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact City Secretary 48 hours prior to meeting.”
“Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.”
At 5:00 p.m. on Friday the 28th Day of December, 2018, an original copy of this notice was posted at the Harker Heights Municipal Building.
Patricia Brunson
Assistant City Manager
“Assistive listening devices are available upon request for those with hearing impairments. Please contact the City Secretary 48 hours prior to the meeting.”
Pursuant to chapter 551 of the Government Code the City Council reserves the right to go into a Closed Meeting on any item listed above if deemed necessary.