2016 Harker Heights Council Minutes

Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 13, 2016, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:

Roll Call:

Rob Robinson Mayor 
Jody Nicholas Mayor Pro Tem 
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2
Spencer H. Smith Councilmember Place 3

David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Burk Roberts City Attorney

Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1
John Reider Councilmember Place 4

Consent Items:

Carpenter made the motion to approve Consent Items # 1 & 2. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 3-0.

1. The Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held on November 8, 2016. 

2. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution amending the Bylaws of the Harker Heights Animal Advisory Committee. Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager, was present to answer questions.

Presentation by Citizens:

1. The Council received and discussed a presentation from Tim Brown, Bell County Commissioner, Precinct 2, was in attendance and presented the City with a check for $33,201.00 from the Bell County Child Safety Fund. No action taken. 

Public Hearings:

1. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance to change zoning designation from PD-R (Planned Development District-Residential) to PD-R (Planned Development District-Residential), on 144.134 acres of land in Bell County, Texas, out of the H.R. Morrell Survey, Abstract No. 579, Lucy O’Dell Survey, Abstract No. 644, and the J.T.W.J Hallmark Survey, Abstract No. 413, and also being a portion of the tract described as 490.1 acres in a deed to James Dennis Magill dated May 23, 1972 and recorded in Volume 1177, Page 145 of the Bell County Deed Records and laying east of F.M. 3481, and further described as Property ID#433992 and Property ID#67413. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Josh Welch, was present to represent the request. Smith made the motion to approve with the attached conditions based on staff recommendation and findings. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 3-0. 

2. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance granting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) granting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow an accessory dwelling unit for a relative on property described as Summer Glen, Block 001, Lot 0004, Property ID#318084, also known as 1407 Summer Glen Dr. Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. . Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Michael Denison, was present to represent the request. Carpenter made the motion to approve with the staff recommendation and findings. Seconded by Smith. All in favor. Motion approved 3-0. 

New Business: 

1. The Council discussed and considered adoption of an ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of City of Harker Heights, Texas, Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2017, in a maximum aggregate principal amount of $6,000,000; levying a tax in payment of thereof; authorizing the execution and delivery of a purchase contract relating to said certificates of obligation; authorizing the execution and delivery of a paying agent/registrar agreement; approving the official statement; finding and determining that the meeting at which this ordinance is passed is open to the public as required by law; and enacting other provisions relating thereto. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director introduced Garry Kimball with Specialized Public Finance who made the presentation. Smith made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 3-0. 

Staff Reports:

1. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken. 


1. The Mayor mentioned the ground breaking for the 3rd building at Texas A&M that he attended.

2. The Mayor mentioned the passing of Jim Endicott and he appreciated all the service he did for the City of Harker Heights. 


There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m. 

                                                                                                                     Rob Robinson, Mayor 


Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager 

Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 8, 2016, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548: 

Roll Call:

Rob Robinson Mayor 
Jody Nicholas Mayor Pro Tem
Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2 
Spencer H. Smith Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4

David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager 
Burk Roberts City Attorney

Mayoral Proclamations and Presentation:

1. Proclamation for “City of Harker Heights Children’s Book Week” for November 14th through November 19th, 2016. Mayor Robinson read the Proclamation and presented it to Lisa Youngblood, Library Director. 

Consent Items:

1. Carpenter made the motion to approve the minutes of the meeting held on October 25, 2016. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.

Presentations by Citizens:

1. The Council received a presentation from Eloise Lundgren, Mary Gauer, and Jeanne Isdale, from the Girls Scouts of America for the 2017 Woman of Distinction Award to Mayor Pro Tem Nicholas. 

2. The Council received a presentation from Michael Blomquist, 3100 Oakridge Blvd., Harker Heights, Texas. Regarding the conduct and execution of the October 2016, Planning and Zoning Meeting.

New Business:

1. The Council discussed and considered a resolution requesting the members of the 85th Legislative Session of the State of Texas to support legislation that provides a fair and equitable distribution on the sporting goods sales tax revenue for local and state parks. Jerry Bark, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. Smith made the motion to approve. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.

2. The Council discussed and considered approving a request by WBW Land Investments LP, for preliminary plat approval for Tuscany Meadows II described as 144.18 acres of land in Bell County, Texas, out of the H.R. Morrell Survey, Abstract No. 579, Lucy O’Dell Survey, Abstract No. 644, and the J.T.W.J. Hallmark Survey, Abstract No. 413, and also being a portion of the tract described as 490.1 acres in a deed to James Dennis Magill dated May 23, 1972 and recorded in Volume 1177, Page 145 of the Bell County Deed Records and laying east of F.M. 3481, and further described as Property ID#433992 and Property ID#67413. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Reider made the motion to approve. Subject to the attached conditions. Seconded by Smith. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.

Councilmember Reider recused himself from New Business Item #3 and stepped down at 5:30 p.m. 

Mayor Robinson changed New Business Item #3 to a Public Hearing to allow citizens in the audience an opportunity to speak. 

3. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider approving a request by Luree Inc. for Concept Plan approval of a 45 acre tract of land to accommodate single family residences in an R-1 Zone (One Family Dwelling District) within the Oakridge Terrace Subdivision, also known as 1901 Valley Oaks Drive, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Jeff Smien, Luree, Inc., was present to represent the request. The Council received comments from 10 citizens. Schiffman made the motion to table the item and bring it back at a future Workshop. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.

At 6:30 p.m. the Council recessed for a short break. At 6:40 p.m. the Council reconvened the meeting. 

Councilmember Reider returned to the meeting at 6:40 p.m. 

4. The Council discussed and considered approving an ordinance authorizing publication of notice of intention to issue City of Harker Heights, Texas Certificates of Obligation, Series 2017. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. Smith made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

Staff Reports:

1. The Council received and discussed the FY 2015-2016 Fourth Quarter Investment Report. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. No action taken. 

2. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken.


There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 7:53 p.m. 

Rob Robinson, Mayor


Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager 

Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 25, 2016, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548: 

Roll Call:

Rob Robinson Mayor 
Jody Nicholas Mayor Pro Tem 
Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2
Spencer H. Smith Councilmember Place 3 
John Reider Councilmember Place 4 

David Mitchell City Manager 
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Burk Roberts City Attorney 

Mayoral Proclamations and Presentation:

1. Proclamation for “Municipal Court Week” for November 7th through November 11th, 2016, Mayor Robinson read the Proclamation and presented it to Judge Kosta and Court Staff. 

Consent Items:

1. Carpenter made the motion to approve the minutes of the meetings held on October 11, 2016, and October 18, 2016. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved. 5-0.

Closed Meeting:

At 5:09 p.m. the Mayor announced a closed meeting for the following purposes:

A) Pursuant to §551.074 of the Texas Government Code to deliberate the appointment of public officers to the Planning and Zoning Commission and Building Standards Commission.
B) Pursuant to §551.074 of the Texas Government Code to deliberate the appointment of public officers to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. 

At 5:45 p.m. the Mayor reconvened the open meeting to take the appropriate action on matters discussed in the closed meeting. Nicholas made the motion to appoint the following applicants to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Building Standards Commission:

A) Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Member Larry Robison- Regular Member – 3 year term - 1/2017 – 1/2020 Stephen Watford – Regular Member – Serving unexpired term for Neal Wendele – 1/2017 – 1/2018 Jeff Orlando – Regular Member – 3 year term – 1/2017 – 1/2020 D. Austin Ruiz – Regular Member – Serving unexpired term for Anthony T. Triola – 1/2017 – 1/2019 Alternate Member Dustin King – Alternate Member – 1 year term – 1/2017 – 1/2018 Daniel Ray Northington II - Alternate Member – 1 year term – 1/2017 – 1/2018 Klint Dailey - Alternate Member – 1 year term – 1/2017 – 1/2018 Kendal Cox - Alternate Member – 1 year term – 1/2017 – 1/2018 

Building Standards Commission Regular Member Larry Robison - Regular Member –3 year term - 1/2017 – 1/2020 Stephen Watford – Regular Member – Serving unexpired term for Neal Wendele – 1/2017 – 1/2018 Jeff Orlando – Regular Member – 3 year term – 1/2017 – 1/2020 D. Austin Ruiz – Regular Member – Serving unexpired term for Anthony T. Triola – 1/2017 – 1/2019 Alternate Member Dustin King – Alternate Member – 1 year term – 1/2017 – 1/2018 Daniel Ray Northington II - Alternate Member – 1 year term – 1/2017 – 1/2018 Klint Dailey - Alternate Member – 1 year term – 1/2017 – 1/2018 Kendal Cox - Alternate Member – 1 year term – 1/2017 – 1/2018 

Seconded by Reider All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.

Nicholas made the motion to appoint the following applicants to the Zoning Board of Adjustment:

B) Zoning Board of Adjustment Regular Member David McClure - Regular Member – 2 year term – 1/2017 – 1/2019 Charles Sweeney - Regular Member – 2 year term – 1/2017 – 1/2019 Alternate Member Raymond Hamden - Alternate Member – Serving unexpired term – 1/2017 – 1/2018 Paul Perugini - Alternate Member – Serving unexpired term – 1/2017 – 1/2018 

Seconded by Smith. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

New Business:

1. The Council discussed and considered appointments to the following boards and commissions. Nicholas made the motion to appoint the following: 

A) Public Safety Commission Regular Member Louis Best - Regular Member- 3 year term 1/2017-1/2020 Jack Palmer - Regular Member- 3 year term 1/2017-1/2020 Alternate Member Chris McClure - Alternate Member- 1 year term 1/2017-1/2018 Shane Hodyniak II - Alternate Member- 1 year term 1/2017-1/2018 
Seconded by Carpenter. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.

B) Parks and Recreation Advisory Board No action taken.

C) Library Board Regular Member Krystal Arriola - Regular Member- 3 year term 1/2017-1/2020 Consuelo Samarripa - Regular Member- 3 year term 1/2017-1/2020 Ursula Pirtle - Regular Member- 3 year term 1/2017-1/2020 Alternate Member Jessica Casey - Alternate Member- 1 year term 1/2017-1/2018 
Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

D) Animal Advisory Committee Regular Member Dr. Patricia Darnell - Regular Member- 3 year term - 1/2017-1/2020 Alternate Member Finnie Dirr - Alternate Member 1 year term - 1/2017-1/2018 George Grammas - Alternate Member 1 year term - 1/2017-1/2018 Susan Mooney - Alternate Member 1 year term - 1/2017-1/2018 Mary Brandt - Alternate Member 1 year term - 1/2017-1/2018 
Seconded by Carpenter. All in favor. Motion approved - 5-0. 

E) Economic Development Corporation Regular Member Bobby Hoxworth - Regular Member- 2 year term 10/2016-10/2018 Steve Carpenter - Regular Member- 2 year term 10/2016-10/2018 Jim Wright - Regular Member- 2 year term 10/2017-10/2018 
Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.

2. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and sign an architectural and engineering services contract with LBL Architects/Shelter Planners of America for the addition and renovation of the Pet Adoption Center. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. Smith made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

3. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and sign a “Professional Service Contract” for engineering services with Walker Partners for the Mountain Lion Road Retaining Wall Reconstruction Project. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Carpenter made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.

4. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and sign a “Professional Services Contract” for engineering services with Walker Partners for the Drainage Master Plan CIP #2, Phase 1 Project. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.

5. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing the City’s participation in the body-worn camera grant program administered by the Office of the Governor. Mike Gentry, Police Chief, made the presentation. Smith made the motion to approve. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.

Staff Reports:

1. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken. 



There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 6:36 p.m. 

Rob Robinson, Mayor


Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager 

Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 3:00 p.m. on October 18, 2016 in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:

Roll Call:

Rob Robinson Mayor 
Jody Nicholas Mayor Protem 
Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1 
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2 
Spencer H. Smith Councilmember Place 3 
John Reider Councilmember Place 4 

David Mitchell City Manager 
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager

At 3:44 p.m. the Workshop was adjourned.

Closed Meeting:

1. At 3:44 p.m. the Mayor announced a closed meeting for the following purposes:

A) Pursuant to §551.074 of the Texas Government Code to deliberate the appointment of public officers to the Planning and Zoning Commission and Building Standards Commission. 

B) Pursuant to §551.074 of the Texas Government Code to deliberate the appointment of public officers to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. 

2. At 4:45 p.m. the Mayor reconvened the open meeting to take action as appropriate on matters discussed in the closed meeting. Mayor Protem Nicholas and Councilmember Carpenter were appointed to a committee to review all of the applicants for the Boards and Commissions and to report back to the Council at the October 25, 2016, Council Meeting.


There being no further business, Mayor Rob Robinson adjourned the meeting at 4:46 p.m.

Rob Robinson, Mayor


Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager 

Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 11, 2016, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:

Roll Call:

Rob Robinson Mayor 
Jody Nicholas Mayor Pro Tem 
Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2 
Spencer H. Smith Councilmember Place 3 
John Reider Councilmember Place 4 

David Mitchell City Manager 
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager 
Burk Roberts City Attorney 

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Boy Scout Troup #255.

Mayoral Proclamations and Presentation:

1. The Mayor presented the Proclamation for “Fire Prevention Week” October 9th – 15th, 2016, to Fire Chief Paul Sims. 

Consent Items:

1. Carpenter made the motion to approve the minutes of the meeting held on September 13, 2016. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

Presentations by Citizens:

1. The Council received a presentation from Harker Heights Citizen Bradley Steimle, 105 West Iowa Dr., Harker Heights, Texas regarding interlocking railroad tie retaining wall throughout his neighborhood that is failing. No action taken. 

Public Hearings:

1. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance amending the zoning ordinance to establish the R1-I (Single Family Infill Dwelling District) zone, to conditionally allow R1-I lots in certain other zones, to modify the R-MU District to require larger setbacks and lot sizes, and to provide preliminary R1-R Zoning for newly-annexed tracts. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Raymond Hamden spoke in favor of the request. Smith made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

2. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance to change zoning designation from R-1 (Single Family Home Dwelling District) to R-2 (Two Family Dwelling District) for the property described as A0115BC I T Bean, Lot 1-4 BLK 48 Comanche Land Unded Acres 1.8, Bell County, Texas, Property ID#13103 also known as 1703 Pueblo Trace. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Carpenter made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.

New Business: 

1. The Council discussed and considered a presentation regarding the City of Harker Heights City Council 2016 Holiday Meeting and Workshop schedule. Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager, made the presentation. There will be a Joint Workshop with the KISD on November 1, Council Meeting November 8, Workshop November 15, Workshop December 6, and a Council Meeting December 13, 2016. January 3, 2017, no Workshop, the remainder of the Meetings and Workshops in January will be held on the normal scheduled days. No action taken. 


1. Councilmember Smith mentioned the Texas Municipal League’s Annual Conference and Exhibition was time well spent by all of the Council and the presentation by Councilmember Carpenter, Lisa Youngblood, Library Director, Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, and Judge Hall was excellent. They knocked it out of the park.

2. Councilmember Reider enjoyed himself at the National Night Out and he wanted to thank Chief Gentry and the Staff for a job well done. 

3. Mayor Robinson mentioned that his trip to the Association of the United States Army was time well spent. 

4. Councilmember Schiffman mentioned that the Texas Municipal League’s Annual Conference and Exhibition presentation was a success for our Teen Court. 

Staff Reports:

1. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken.


There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m. 

Rob Robinson, Mayor 


Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager 

Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 13, 2016, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:

Roll Call:

Rob Robinson Mayor 
Jody Nicholas Mayor Pro Tem 
Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1 
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2 
Spencer H. Smith Councilmember
Place 3 John Reider Councilmember Place 4 

David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Burk Roberts City Attorney

Consent Items:

1. Carpenter made the motion to approve the minutes of the meetings held on August 23, 2016, and September 6, 2016. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

Public Hearings:

1. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance to change zoning designation from R-1(M) (One-Family Manufactured Home Dwelling District) to R-2 (Two-Family Dwelling District) for the property described as Wildewood Acres Replat (LTS 15-16 BLK 8), Block 008, Lot 015A, Bell County, Texas, Property ID # 60206 also known as 930 Maplewood Drive. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Raymond Hamden was present to answer questions. Schiffman made a motion to approve. Seconded by Smith. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.

2. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance to change zoning designation from R-1(M) (One-Family Manufactured Home Dwelling District) to R-MU (Mixed Use Residential District) for the property described as Kern Acres 1st Extension & Revision, Block 003, Lot 0005, Bell County, Texas, Property ID# 131803 also known as 401 Bonnie Drive. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Raymond Hamden was present to answer questions. Smith made a motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.

3. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance to change zoning designation from R-1 (One-Family Home Dwelling District) to R-MU (Mixed Use Residential District) on property described as Kern Acres 1st Extension & Revision, Block 005, Lot 0014, Bell County, Texas Property ID# 10560 also known as 304 Harley Drive. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Raymond Hamden was present to answer questions. Carpenter made a motion to disapprove the request. Seconded by Reider. Nicholas, Carpenter, Schiffman, and Reider in favor of motion to disapprove. Smith opposed. Motion to disapprove approved. 4 to 1. 

4. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance granting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for a telecommunication tower on property described as Heights Commercial Subdivision, Block 002, Lot 0003, in the City of Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, Property ID# 47731 also known as the Extraco Bank Building located at 100 W. Central Texas Expressway. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Ron Grace, Vol. Program Director, Prosperity Broadcasting., was present to answer questions. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.

5. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider an ordinance adopting and approving a Budget for the City of Harker Heights, Texas, for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2016, to September 30, 2017. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. Smith made the motion to approve. Seconded by Carpenter. Mayor Robinson conducted a record vote. The results are as follows: Reider voted aye, Smith voted aye, Nicholas voted aye, Carpenter voted aye, and Schiffman voted aye. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.

6. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider ratifying the property tax increase reflected in the Fiscal Year 2016 – 2017 Budget. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. Schiffman made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. Mayor Robinson conducted a record vote. The results are as follows: Schiffman voted aye, Carpenter voted aye, Nicholas voted aye, Smith voted aye, and Reider voted aye. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.

7. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider an ordinance levying a tax rate for the City of Harker Heights, Texas, for the Tax Year 2016. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. Smith made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor Motion approved 5-0.

8. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider an ordinance prescribing and setting the Fiscal Year 2016 – 2017 rates and charges of the City of Harker Heights, Texas; penalties for non-payment; and providing an effective date. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

New Business:

1. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution awarding a contract for the Skipcha Mountain Estates Regional Sidewalk Project in the amount of $119,317.55 to TTG Utilities, LP. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Carpenter made the motion to approve. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

2. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution of the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, to certify local funding and support of the Harker Heights Commercial Drive Roundabout Project to the Killeen-Temple Metropolitan Planning Organization for funding competition to the Fiscal Year 2015/2016 Federal Highway Administration moving ahead for progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) Surface Transportation Program Metropolitan Mobility-Category 7. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Smith made the motion to approve a resolution revising Resolution No. 2015-47 approved on November 3, 2015, to include increasing the City of Harker Heights match from $112,528.00 to $128,426.00 stating the City of Harker Heights will be responsible for 100% of any project cost overruns and stating the City Manager has authority to execute the Advance Funding Agreement. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

3. The Council discussed and considered appointment of a Councilmember to the Hill Country Transit Authority Board for an unexpired term ending January 7, 2019. Mayor Rob Robinson appointed Councilmember Steve Carpenter for a term ending January 7, 2019. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

Items from Council:

1. Mayor mentioned how the Harker Heights Chamber of Commerce Food, Wine and Brew Festival was extremely well done. 

Staff Reports:

1. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken. 


There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m.

                                                                                                 Rob Robinson, Mayor 


Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager 

Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 6, 2016, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548: 

Roll Call:

Rob Robinson Mayor
Jody Nicholas Mayor Pro Tem 
Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1 
Spencer H. Smith Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4 

David Mitchell City Manager 
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager 

Absent: Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2

At 3:40 p.m. the Workshop was adjourned. 

Public Hearings:

1. The Council conducted the second Public Hearing to discuss the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Budget. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. No action taken.

2. The Council conducted the second Public Hearing to discuss a tax increase for fiscal year 2016-2017. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. No action taken.


There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 3:48 p.m. 

                                                                                  Rob Robinson, Mayor


Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager 

Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 23, 2016, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:

Roll Call:

Rob Robinson Mayor 
Jody Nicholas Mayor Pro Tem 
Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2
Spencer H. Smith Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4

David Mitchell City Manager 
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Burk Roberts City Attorney 

Mayoral Proclamations and Presentation:

1. The Mayor presented a proclamation to the Harker Heights Police Department. Mike Gentry, Police Chief, received the proclamation. 

Consent Items:

1. The Council approved minutes of the meetings held on August 9, 2016, and August 16, 2016. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Carpenter. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

Presentations by Citizens:

1. The Council received a presentation from Harker Heights Citizen Marie Poller; 4202 Lakecliff Drive, Harker Heights, Texas regarding the visibility of the lines on Verna Lee by Harker Heights High School intersecting with Indian Trail. The lines are hard to see and need to be restriped. No action taken.

Public Hearings:

1. The Council conducted the first Public Hearing to discuss the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Budget. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. No action taken.

2. The Council conducted the first Public Hearing to discuss a tax increase for fiscal year 2016-2017. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. No action taken.

New Business:

1. The Council discussed and considered approving an ordinance conditionally authorizing waiver of nuisance abatement liens against 1416 Shoshoni Trail, Harker Heights, Texas. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. Jeff Lackmeyer, Lackmeyer Construction LLC, was present to represent the request. Carpenter made the motion to approve removing interest accrued, the liens total approximately $1,990.00 owed. Seconded by Nicholas. Schiffman, Reider, and Smith voted against the motion. 2 in favor and 3 against. Motion failed.

Staff Reports:

1. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken.


Councilmember Reider wanted to thank the Police Department and expressed his appreciation for the department to Chief Gentry. 

At 5:45 p.m. the Mayor announced a closed meeting for the following purposes: 

Pursuant to Government Code 551.071, to seek the advice of an attorney regarding a matter in which the attorney’s duty to the City Council under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Open Meetings Act, to-wit: proposed concept plan for Oakridge Terrace Section Four.

At 6:25 p.m. the Mayor reconvened the open meeting to take the appropriate action on matters discussed in the closed meeting. Nothing to report. 


There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m. 

                                                                                                        Rob Robinson, Mayor 


Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager 

Minutes of the City of Harker Heights Employee Benefits Trust Meeting, Council Meeting and Workshop held at 3:00 p.m. on August 16, 2016, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:

Roll Call:

Rob Robinson Mayor 
Jody Nicholas Mayor Pro Tem 
Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1 
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2 
Spencer H. Smith Councilmember Place 3 
John Reider Councilmember Place 4 

David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager 

Councilmember Schiffman arrived at 3:12 p.m.

At 3:02 p.m. the Mayor called to Order the City of Harker Heights Employee Benefits Trust Meeting.

1. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution of the City of Harker Heights Employee Benefits Trust awarding contracts for the City of Harker Heights Employee Benefits Trust Group Medical Plan, Vision Benefits, Dental Benefits, Life Insurance, AD&D and Long Term Disability, and authorizing the City Manager to enter into such contracts on behalf of the City and the Employee Benefits Trust. Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager, introduced the City Consultant Bob Treacy, with Gallagher Benefit Services, made the presentation. Smith made the motion to approve the following: Medical Benefits – Baylor Scott and White CC 80/20 $2000 Deductible, Vision Benefits – Superior Vision for Gold Plan 75, Dental Benefits – Lincoln Financial Option 1 Inforce Plan, Life and AD&D Benefits - Lincoln Financial, Long Term Disability (LTD) – Lincoln Financial using the Premier Plan. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

At 3:32 p.m. the Mayor reconvened to the City of Harkers Heights Council Meeting:

New Business:

1. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution of the City of Harker Heights to pay for certain Employee related Benefits and approving any transfers necessary to fund the Trust. Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager, made the presentation. Schiffman made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

At 3:34 p.m. the Mayor adjourned to the Workshop:

1. The Council received and discussed a presentation on Retail Recruitment and Economic Development from The Retail Coach. David Mitchell, City Manager, introduced Kimberly Allred, Project Manager, The Retail Coach, made the presentation.

At 3:58 p.m. the Mayor announced a closed meeting for the following purposes:

Pursuant to 551.074 of the Texas Government Code to discuss and deliberate the employment, evaluation and duties of the City Manager. 

At 4:22 p.m. the Mayor reconvened the open meeting to take the appropriate action on matters discussed in the closed meeting. Carpenter made the following motion regarding the evaluation of the City Manager: 

1. As of October 1, 2016, increase an Annual Salary to $135,600.00 

2. Begin a monthly contribution of $200.00 a month deposited into a Nationwide 457 (b) retirement savings plan.

3. Extend current contract from September 30, 2017 to September 30, 2018. 

Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.


There being no further business, Mayor Rob Robinson adjourned the meeting at 4:24 p.m.

                                                                                                                                       Rob Robinson, Mayor 


Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager

Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 9, 2016, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:

Roll Call:
Rob Robinson Mayor 
Jody Nicholas Mayor Pro Tem
Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2 
Spencer H. Smith Councilmember Place 3 
John Reider Councilmember Place 4 

Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager 
Burk Roberts City Attorney 
Connie Wilcox Administrative Assistant 

Absent: David Mitchell City Manager 

Consent Items: 1.

Reider made the motion to approve the minutes of the meeting held on July 26, 2016. Seconded by Carpenter. All in favor Motion approved 5-0.

Public Hearings:

1. The Council discussed and considered approving an ordinance to change zoning designation from R-1 (One Family Dwelling District) to R-2 (Two Family Dwelling District), on property described as , A0115BC I T Bean, Lot 1 Block 51 Comanche Lands UNDED Acres .34, Bell County Texas, with property ID#124333, also known as 1600 Aztec Trace, Harker Heights, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Smith made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.

New Business:

1. The Council discussed and considered approving a request from the Navy Federal Credit Union for alcohol services at the Activities Center. Jerry Bark, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. Schiffman made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

2. The Council discussed and considered the Ad Valorem Tax Rate for fiscal year 2016-2017 and scheduled public hearings. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. The public hearings will be held on August 23rd, and September 6th, 2016. The proposed tax rate of $0.6770 per $100 valuation will be placed on the September 13th, 2016 Council agenda. Smith made a motion to approve. Seconded by Carpenter. Mayor Robinson conducted a record vote. The results are as follows: Reider voted aye, Smith voted aye, Nicholas voted aye, Carpenter voted aye, & Schiffman voted aye. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.

Staff Reports:

1. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager, made the presentation. No action taken. 

Items from Council:

1. The Mayor mentioned a packet that he received from David Mitchell, City Manager, from the Bell County Public Health District, status report. The packet will be in the Mayor’s office if you would like to review it. 


There being no further business, Mayor Rob Robinson adjourned the meeting at 5:22 p.m. 

                                                                                                                    Rob Robinson, Mayor 


Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager 

Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 26, 2016, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:

Roll Call:

Rob Robinson Mayor
Jody Nicholas Mayor Pro Tem 
Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2 
Spencer H. Smith Councilmember Place 3 
John Reider Councilmember Place 4 

David Mitchell City Manager 
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager 

Absent: Burk Roberts City Attorney 

Consent Items:

1. Reider made the motion to approve the minutes of the meeting held on July 12, 2016. Seconded by Carpenter. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

Presentation by Citizens:

1. The Council received a presentation from Alice Sifuentes, 2212 Addax Trail, regarding an RV parked, tall grass, bobtail parked, and a rental property without a property manager on Addax Trail. Alice Sifuentes was in attendance to make her presentation. No action taken.

Public Hearings: 

1. Discuss and consider approving an ordinance authorizing the City Manager to enter into a development agreement between the City of Harker Heights and Vale Building Group for the oversizing of a 24-inch diameter storm water line at Block 1, Lot 3 (326 Morgan Street) of the Morgan Commercial addition. The Mayor advised the Council that this item was withdrawn at this time by Mark Hyde, Public Works Director.

New Business:

1. The Council discussed and considered a request regarding the 6th Annual Community Garage Sale to be held on October 1, 2016, for the City of Harker Heights, and take the appropriate action. Jerry Bark, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. Smith made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0 Staff Reports: 1. The Council received and discussed the FY 2015-2016 Third Quarter Investment Report. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. No action taken. 

2. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. No action taken.

Closed Meeting:

1. At 5:23 p.m. the Mayor announced a closed meeting for the following purposes: 

Pursuant to 551.074 of the Texas Government Code to discuss and deliberate the employment, evaluation and duties of the City Manager.

At 6:03 p.m. the Mayor reconvened the open meeting to take the appropriate action on matters discussed in the closed meeting.

Nicholas made a motion to appoint Councilmember Carpenter and Councilmember Reider to a committee for an annual review of the City Manager and report back to the City Council at a later date. 


There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 6:05 p.m. 

                                                                                                     Rob Robinson, Mayor


Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager 

Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 12, 2016, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:

Roll Call:

Rob Robinson Mayor 
Jody Nicholas Mayor Pro Tem 
Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1 
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2 
Spencer H. Smith Councilmember Place 3 
John Reider Councilmember Place 4 

David Mitchell City Manager 
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager 
Burk Roberts City Attorney

Consent Items:

1. Carpenter made the motion to approve the minutes of the meeting held July 12, 2016. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0

Public Hearings:

1. The Council discussed and considered approving an ordinance to change zoning designation from R-1 (One-Family Dwelling District) to R1-R (Rural One-Family Dwelling District) on property described as A0722BC R.Y. Renick, 2-3, Acres 8.91, in the City of Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, Property ID#70961, located at the North Eastern corner of Broken Arrow and Hanna Hawk Circle. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Leeann Boore, applicant, was present to represent the request. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Smith. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

2. The Council discussed and considered approving to change zoning designation from R-1 (One-Family Dwelling District) to PD-R (Planned Development Residential District) on property described as A1032BC, D. R. Hughes Survey, 2, Acres 9.339, in the City of Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, Property ID#459261, also known as 3401 Oakridge Blvd. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Teresa L. Anderson, applicant, was present to represent the request. Carpenter made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

3. The Council discussed and considered approving to change zoning designation from R-1 (One-Family Dwelling District) to R-1 (M) (One-Family Manufactured Dwelling District), on Lot Six, Block Four, Kern Terrace, in the City of Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, Property ID#102944, also known as 108 N. Ann Blvd. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Laverne Miller, applicant, was present to represent the request. Carpenter made a motion to deny the request. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0. 

New Business:

At 5:43 p.m. Councilmember John Reider filed an Affidavit for Conflict of Interest for New Business item number one and left the meeting. 

1. The Council discussed and considered approving a request by Terra Azul Development LLC, for Preliminary Plat approval for the Enclave of Harker Heights, described as 19.827 Acres of the W.E. Hall Survey, Abstract No. 1086, and the J.M. Roberts Survey, Abstract No. 723, Property ID#453977, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, generally located between Indian Trail Drive and Lookout Ridge, directly behind Fire Station No. 1. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Chris Doose, applicant, was present to represent the request. Smith made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.

At 5:54 p.m. Councilmember John Reider returned to the meeting. 

2. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution adopting the Investment Policy of the City of Harker Heights, Texas; authorizing the City’s investment broker/dealer list; and approving a list of investment training sponsors. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. Schiffman made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

Staff Reports:

1. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken. 



There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 6:05 p.m.

Rob Robinson, Mayor 


Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager 

Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:02 p.m. on Tuesday, June 28, 2016, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:

Roll Call:

Rob Robinson Mayor 
Jody Nicholas Mayor Pro Tem 
Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1 
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2 
Spencer H. Smith Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4 

David Mitchell City Manager 
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager 
Burk Roberts City Attorney 

Mayoral Proclamations and Presentation:

1. Proclamation for “National Park and Recreation Month” for July 2016, Mayor Robinson read the Proclamation and presented it to Sarah Mylcraine, Activities Specialist, Harker Heights Parks and Recreation Department.

Consent Items:

1. Carpenter made the motion to approve the minutes of the meetings held on June 14, 2016. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

New Business:

At 5:12 p.m. Councilmember Smith stepped down. 

1. The Council discussed and considered a resolution authorizing the City Manager to negotiate a contract with Lott Vernon & Company to audit the City of Harker Heights for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 with the option to audit for four subsequent fiscal years. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Schiffman. Smith Abstained. Motion approved. 4 in favor and 1 abstention.

At 5:15 p.m. Councilmember Smith returned.

2. The Council discussed and considered approving a request for alcohol services for the Harker Heights Chamber of Commerce “Central Texas Food, Wine & Brew Festival” at 2410 Community Park. Jerry Bark, Parks and Recreation, made the presentation. Carpenter made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

3. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution awarding a contract for the Utility and Roadway Reconstruction of Coral & Cottonmouth Drive in the amount of $569,892.70 to TTG Utilities, LP. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Schiffman made the motion to approve. Seconded by Smith. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

4. The Council discussed and considered a resolution authorizing continued participation with the Atmos Cities Steering Committee; and authorizing the payment of two and one-half cents per capita to the Atmos Cities Steering Committee to fund regulatory and related activities related to Atmos Energy Corporation. Carpenter made the motion to approve. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

Reports of Advisory Boards & Commission:

1. The Council received and discussed a presentation from Mr. Robert Ator with Hill Country Transit District (HOP) regarding a request for outside agency funding of $36,939 in the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Budget. No action taken.

2. The Council received and discussed a presentation from Janell J. Frazier, Executive Director, Central Texas 4C, Inc. Head Start program, regarding a request for outside agency funding of $10,000 in the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Budget. No action taken.

Items from Council:

1. The Mayor mentioned a presentation at Texas A&M, Central Texas about the Solar Initiatives that he and Councilmen Schiffman attended.

2. The Mayor wanted to mention a call he received from a resident who stated how professional a department was at the City that helped them get a contact to remove a bee issue they had in their water meter box. 

Staff Reports:

1. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken.


1. Councilmember Carpenter mentioned a meeting he went to at Kiwanis for Expanding Retention Memory. Presented by Lisa Youngblood , Library Director. 


There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 6:04 p.m. 

Rob Robinson, Mayor 


Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager

Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 14, 2016, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:

Roll Call: 
Rob Robinson Mayor 
Jody Nicholas Pro Tem 
Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1 
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2 
Spencer H. Smith Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4 

David Mitchell City Manager 
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager 
Burk Roberts City Attorney 

Consent Items: 

1. Carpenter made the motion to approve the minutes of the meeting held on May 24, 2016. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

New Business: 

1. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing the City’s participation in the body-worn camera grant program administered by the Office of the Governor. Mike Gentry, Police Chief, made the presentation. Schiffman made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0 

Staff Reports: 

1. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken.


Councilmember Smith mentioned the Gault Site that is listed in the City Manager’s Report. 

Closed Meeting: 

1. At 5:23 p.m. Mayor Rob Robinson announced a closed meeting for the following purposes:

(A) Pursuant to §551.074 of the Texas Government Code to discuss and deliberate the appointment of public officers to the Planning and Zoning Commission and Building and Standards Commission. 

(B) Pursuant to §551.074 of the Texas Government Code to deliberate the appointment of an Alternate Municipal Judge. 

2. At 5:45 p.m. Mayor Rob Robinson reconvened the open meeting to take action as appropriate on matters discussed in the closed meeting. Schiffman made the motion to appoint Darrel T. Charlton as a Regular Member to the Planning and Zoning Board and Business and Standards Commission. Mr. Charlton will serve the unexpired term for Joseph F. Clever III effective June 30, 2016 to January 2018. Also to reappoint Billy Ray Hall Jr. as the Alternate Municipal Judge for an additional two year term (2016-2018) and to include a $500.00 annual pay increase. Seconded by Carpenter. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 


There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 5:47 p.m. 

                                                                                                               Rob Robinson, Mayor 


Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager 

Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. May 24, 2016, on Tuesday, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:

Roll Call:

Rob Robinson Mayor Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1 
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2
John Reider Councilmember Place 4 
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5 

David Mitchell City Manager 
Connie Wilcox Administrative Assistant 
Burk Roberts City Attorney 

Spencer H. Smith Councilmember Place 3
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager

Mayoral Proclamations and Presentation:

1. The Mayor, Pat Christ and Lisa Youngblood, Library director, recognized the following students for their accomplishments as Founding Members of the City of Harker Heights Knights of the Round Table. 

A. Katie Arey 

The following students were not in attendance:
B. Charlotte Fleming
C. Lexi Wetmore 
D. Glillian Rosa-Orama 
E. Saidee Bodoy
F. Alexander Fermin 
G. Sarah Crowder 
H. Dusti Patterson 
I. Kathryn Dean

Consent Items:

Carpenter made the motion to approve Consent Items # 1 & 2. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.

1. The Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held on May 10, 2016. 

2. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing continued participation with the Steering Committee of Cities served by Oncor; and authorizing the payment of 11 cents per capita to the Steering Committee to fund regulatory and legal proceedings and activities related to Oncor Electric Delivery Company, LLC.

Public Hearings: 

1. The Council discussed and considered approving an ordinance waiving a portion of the City’s liens at 416 Elbert Lane. Mayor Robinson changed this item to New Business. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. Raymond Hamden was present to answer questions. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Carpenter. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.

New Business:

1. The Council discussed and considered the appointment of Mayor Pro Tem. Mayor Robinson, made the presentation. Schiffman made the motion to appoint Jody Nicholas, Councilmember, Place 5, as Mayor Pro Tem. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0. 

2. The Council discussed and considered appointing a Director to the City of Harker Heights, Economic Development Corporation Board. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. Carpenter made the motion to appoint Spencer H. Smith Councilmember, Place 3, to the unexpired term vacated by Pat Christ, May 2016 – October 2017. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0. 

3. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute and deliver a Texas Local Government Code Chapter 380 Economic Development Agreement with the Armed Services YMCA of the U.S.A. for the provision of recreation programming in partnership with the City of Harker Heights Parks and Recreation. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. Schiffman made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.

4. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and sign a contract for architectural and engineering services for Central Fire Station remodel, renovation and addition to Architectural Edge Inc.; authorizing the City Manager to act as the executive officer and authorized representative in all matters pertaining to the contract. Jack Collier, Fire Chief, made the presentation. Carpenter made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0. 

5. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, declaring certain engineering firms to be pre-qualified to provide certain professional services to the City, subject to specified conditions. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.

6. The Council discussed and considered approving an ordinance of the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, approving a negotiated settlement between the Atmos Cities Steering Committee (“ACSC”) and Atmos Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division regarding the company’s 2016 rate review mechanism filings; declaring existing rates to be unreasonable; adopting tariffs that reflect rate adjustments consistent with the negotiated settlement; finding the rates to be set by the settlement tariffs to be just and reasonable and in the public interest; requiring the company to reimburse ACSC’s reasonable ratemaking expenses; determining that this ordinance was passed in accordance with the requirements of the Texas Open Meetings Act; adopting a savings clause; declaring an effective date; and requiring delivery of this ordinance to the company and the ACSC’s legal counsel. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. Chad Saylors, Operations Supervisor at the Killeen Service Center, Atmos Energy, was present to answer questions. Nicholas made the motion to approve. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0 

Staff Reports:

1. The Council received and discussed the FY 2015-2016 second quarter investment report. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. No action taken. 

2. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. No action taken. 


Tony Mino, Armed Services YMCA representative, mentioned the time of the YMCA ribbon cutting ceremony, at 10:00 a.m. on May 27, 2016. 


There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 5:57 p.m. 

Rob Robinson, Mayor


Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager 

Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:02 p.m. on Tuesday, May 10, 2016, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:

Roll Call:
Rob Robinson Mayor 
Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1 
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2 
Spencer H. Smith Councilmember Place 3 
John Reider Councilmember Place 4 
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5 

David Mitchell City Manager 
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Burk Roberts City Attorney 

Mayoral Proclamations and Presentation:

1. The Council received a presentation from the Firewise Communities/USA Recognition Program. Fire Chief, Jack Collier, introduced Carla Smith, Firewise Coordinatior, for Bella Vista Home Owners Association, Nick Harrison, Texas A&M Forest Service, State Firewise Coordinator, Mary K. Hicks, Texas A&M Forest Service Wildland Urban Interface Specialist and Kristen Newman, Texas A&M Forest Service, Wildland Urban Interface Specialist. 

New Business:

1. Installation of Officers:

a) Hal Schiffman was declared as unopposed for Councilmember, Place 1, for a three year term (2016 – 2019) and Spencer H. Smith was declared as unopposed for Councilmember, Place 3, for a three year term (2016 – 2019). For purposes of the May 7, 2016 election, pursuant to the Order of Cancelation issued on March 8, 2016, cancelling the election that was scheduled to be held on May 7, 2016. Burk Roberts, City Attorney, administered the oath of office to Hal Schiffman to serve as Councilmember, Place 1, and to Spencer H. Smith to serve as Councilmember, Place 3. 

Consent Items:

1. The Council approved minutes of the meeting held on April 26, 2016. Carpenter made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.

Public Hearings:

The following Agenda Item was taken out of order:

Public Hearing: Item #4. 

4. The Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider recommending an ordinance granting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for a Home Based Occupation on Lot Twenty-nine (29), Block One (1), TANGLEWOOD NORTH UNIT ELEVEN REPLAT, in the City of Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, according to the plat of record in Cabinet A, Slide 336-C, Plat Records of Bell County, Texas also known as 129 Wind Ridge, Property ID# 75251. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Isabel Northington, applicant, was present to represent the request. The Council received comments from 20 citizens. Reider made the motion to deny the request. Seconded by Carpenter. Smith, Reider, Carpenter and Nicholas in favor of the motion. Schiffman opposed. Motion approved. 4-1. At 6:55 p.m. the Mayor called for a break. The meeting resumed at 7:05 p.m. 

1. The Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance amending Chapter 90 of the City’s Code of Ordinances by adding section 90.30 that requires the microchipping of certain animals. Gary Bates, Director of Information Services, made the presentation. Schiffman made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.

2. The Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance to change zoning designation from R-1 (One-Family Dwelling District) to R1-R (Rural One Family Dwelling) on Lot Twenty (20) and Lot Twenty-One (21), Block One (1), COMANCHE GAP ESTATES, a subdivision in Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, according to the map or plat of record in Cabinet A, Slide 192-D, Plat Records of Bell County, Texas, also known as 2934 Apache Loop, Property ID#117892 and Lot Nineteen (19), Block One (1), COMANCHE GAP ESTATES, a subdivision in Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, according to the map or plat of record in Cabinet A, Slide 192-D, Plat Records of Bell County, Texas, also known as 2940 Apache Loop, Property ID#74361. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Kim Gehring, applicant, was present to represent the request. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Smith. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

3. The Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider an ordinance to change zoning designation from R-1 (One-Family Dwelling District) to R-2 (Two Family Dwelling District), on Lots Thirteen (13) and Fourteen (14), Block Three (3), WILDEWOOD ACRES, an addition to the City of Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, according to the map or plat of record in Cabinet A, Slide 306-B, Plat Records of Bell County, Texas, together with: a ten-foot (10’) adjacent strip abandoned alley per ordinance in Volume 2313, Page 391, Deed Records of Bell County, Texas, also known as 925 Lemonwood, Property ID#40470 and 927 Lemonwood, Property ID#40471. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Smith made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

New Business (continued):

2. The Council received and discussed approving a request by SGSB Land Holdings LLC, for preliminary plat approval for Dillard Development described as 10.276 acres out of and a part of the F.D. Cox Survey, Abstract No. 220, a subdivision in the City of Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, generally located at the South Eastern Corner of Nola Ruth Boulevard and Old Nolanville Road. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Carpenter made the motion to approve. Seconded by Smith. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

3. The Council received and discussed approving a resolution to reject all bids for the upgrade and replacement of two Rotostrainer Fine Screen Units and two Waste Removal Conveyors. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Nicholas made the motion to approve. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.

Staff Reports:

1. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken. 



There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

                                                                                    Rob Robinson, Mayor 


Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager 

Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 26, 2016, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:

Roll Call:
Rob Robinson Mayor 
Pat Christ Protem
Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1 
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2 
John Reider Councilmember Place 4 
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5 

David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Burk Roberts City Attorney

Mayoral Proclamations and Presentation:

1. The Mayor presented a proclamation for “Arbor Day” on April 29th, 2016, to Heather Buller, Parks and Recreation Activities Coordinator.

2. The Mayor presented a proclamation for “Older Americans Month” for May 2016, to Sarah Mylcraine, Parks and Recreation Activities Specialist. 

Consent Items:

1. The Council approved minutes of the meeting held on April 12, 2016. Christ made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.

Public Hearings:

1. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to consider approving an ordinance of the City of Harker Heights setting forth registration requirements and credit extension guidelines for credit access businesses and providing a penalty clause; and providing for publication and an effective date. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Christ. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

New Business:

1. The Council received and discussed approving a resolution directing Oncor Electric Delivery Company, LLC to file certain information with the City of Harker Heights; setting a procedural schedule for the gathering and review of necessary information in connection therewith; setting dates for the filing of the City’s analysis of Company’s filing and the Company’s rebuttal to such analysis; ratifying the hiring of the legal counsel and consultants; reserving the right to require the reimbursement of the City of Harker Heights’ rate case expenses; setting a public hearing for the purposes of determining if the existing rates of Oncor Electric Delivery Company are unreasonable or in any way in violation of any provision of law and the determination by the City of Harker Heights of just and reasonable rates to be charged by Oncor Electric Delivery Company, LLC.; noting compliance with open meetings law; providing notice of passage. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. Carpenter made the motion to approve. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.

2. The Council received and discussed approving a resolution of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, declaring certain engineering firms to be pre-qualified to provide certain professional services to the City, subject to specified conditions. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Nicholas made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

3. The Council received and discussed approving a resolution awarding a contract for the annual supply of water meters in the amount of $107,780.00 to HD Supply Waterworks, LTD. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Christ made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.

Staff Reports:

1. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken.



There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 5:35 p.m.

                                                                                      Rob Robinson, Mayor 

Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager 

Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 12, 2016, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:

Roll Call:

Rob Robinson Mayor 
Pat Christ Protem 
Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1 
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2 
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5 
David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Burk Roberts City Attorney 

Absent: John Reider Councilmember Place 4 

Mayoral Proclamations and Presentation:

1. The Mayor presented a proclamation for the Sustainable Environment Month for April 2016, to Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director.

2. The Mayor presented a proclamation for the National Library Day on April 10 – 16, 2016, to Lisa Youngblood, Library Director. 

Consent Items:

1. The Council approved minutes of the meetings held on March 22, 2016, and April 5, 2016. Christ made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0. 

Public Hearings:

1. The Council conducted a public hearing to consider an ordinance granting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP), for Seton Medical Center Harker Heights (SMCHH) to allow for a modular building on property located at 850 W. Central Texas Expressway described as Savannah Commercial Addition, Block 001, Lot Pt 1, (1, Less Pt out of E Side), Acres 19.306, with property ID# 390292, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Matt Maxfield, Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives, (FACHE), Chief Executive Officer at Seton Medical Center, was present to represent the request. Schiffman made the motion to approve with the following conditions:

1. The Conditional Use Permit will expire 2 years from the date of the City Council approval of the use permit request. An application to extend the request for additional time must be received by the City of Harker Heights 90 (ninety) days prior to the expiration of the Conditional Use Permit. 
2. Building exteriors should match the color scheme of the Seton Medical Center. 
3. The modular building has to be used for Hospital Administration Personnel only. No medical services will be provided within the building. 
4. The applicant shall meet and comply with all required approval from the Building Department and the Fire Department in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code (IBC) and the 2015 International Fire Code (IFC) as adopted by the City of Harker Heights. 
5. Site Plan approval is required prior to the issuance of any development permits. Seconded by Christ. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0. 

New Business:

1. The Council received and discussed approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute and deliver an amendment to the Ground Lease with the Armed Services YMCA of the U.S.A. for approximately 2.097 acres of land, located at 110 Mountain Lion Road. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. Carpenter made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.

2. The Council received and discussed approving a resolution awarding a contract for the City Wide Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System Upgrade Project in the amount of $307,900.00 to T. Morales Company Electric and Controls, LTD. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Christ made the motion to approve. Seconded by Carpenter. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.

Items from Council:

1. The Mayor discussed the C Zachary Sheppard Foundation Recipient. The foundation awarded the City of Harker Heights Super Heroes Adaptive Sports Program a Certificate. 

Staff Reports:

1. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken.



There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 5:35 p.m. 

                                                                                                            Rob Robinson, Mayor


Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager 

Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 3:00 p.m. on April 5, 2016 in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:

Roll Call:

Rob Robinson Mayor
Pat Christ Mayor 
Protem Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1 
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2 
John Reider Councilmember Place 4 
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5 

David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Burk Roberts City Attorney

At 3:55 p.m. the Workshop was adjourned. 

III. Closed Meeting:

1. At 3:55 p.m. the Mayor announced a closed meeting for the following purposes:

A) Pursuant to Government Code §551.071, to consult with an attorney regarding pending litigation, and/or a matter in which the attorney's duty under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Open Meetings Act, to-wit: Harker Heights Condominiums, LLC v. City of Harker Heights, Bell County District Court Cause #261,525-B.

2. At 4:40 p.m. the Mayor reconvened the open meeting and announced that no action will be taken. 


There being no further business, Mayor Rob Robinson adjourned the meeting at 4:41 p.m. 

                                                                                          Rob Robinson, Mayor 


Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager

Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:02 p.m. on Tuesday, March 22, 2016, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:

Roll Call:

Rob Robinson Mayor
Pat Christ Mayor Protem
Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1 
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2 
John Reider Councilmember Place 4 
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5 

David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Burk Roberts City Attorney

Absent: None 

Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations: 

1. The Mayor presented a proclamation for the Fair Housing Month April 2016, to Jim Martin, Regional Planner from the Central Texas Council of Governments (CTCOG).

2. The Mayor presented a proclamation for Recognition Day for “National and Community Service” on April 5, 2016 to Kim Harris, Retired Senior Volunteer Program, (RSVP) Coordinator representing the Greater Killeen Area.

Consent Items: 

Christ made the motion to approve Consent Items # 1, & 2. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

1. The Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held March 8, 2016.

2. The Council discussed and considered appointing Patricia Darnell as Election Judge and Deborah Kimbrel as Alternate Judge for the May 07, 2016 Joint Municipal Election. Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager, was present for questions. 

Public Hearing:

1. The Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider the need to continue sections 130.20 through 130.25 of the Harker Heights Code of Ordinances defining a curfew for minors in the City of Harker Heights, and discuss and consider whether such subchapter will be continued, abolished or modified. This is the last of two public hearings held reviewing this ordinance with the first being held on March 8, 2016. Phillip Gadd, Deputy Police Chief, made the presentation. Carpenter made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.

New Business:

1. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution awarding a contract for a concession agreement to the Mama’s Soul for one year, with the City having two successive one-year options to renew for a maximum combined term of three years, and authorizing the City Manager to enter into such contract on behalf of the City. Jerry Bark, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. Christ made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.

2. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution awarding a contract for the uniform procurement and laundry services to G&K Services for one year with the City having two successive options to renew for one year each upon the same terms and conditions as the original contract and authorize the City Manager to enter into such contract on behalf of the City. Jerry Bark, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. Christ made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

Staff Reports:

1. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. No action taken. 


There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 5:25 p.m. 

                                                                                                                        Rob Robinson, Mayor 


Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager 

Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:02 p.m. on Tuesday, March 8, 2016, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:

Roll Call:
Rob Robinson Mayor 
Pat Christ Mayor Protem 
Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1 
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2 
John Reider Councilmember Place 4 
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5 

David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager 
Burk Roberts City Attorney 

Absent: None 
Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:

1. The Mayor presented a proclamation for Dental Assistants Recognition Week March 6-12, 2016, to Dr. Michael W. Ford, DDS, MS from the Endodontic Associates of Central Texas, PLLC. 

Consent Items:

Christ made the motion to approve Consent Items # 1, & 2. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

1. The Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held February 23, 2016. 

2. The Council discussed and considered approving an Order of Cancellation for the General Election on May 07, 2016. Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager, made the presentation. 

Public Hearing:

1. The Council discussed and considered approving an ordinance granting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow B-3 uses with conditions on 2.9 acres of land, described as A0343BC J Goslin, 1-1-1 & A1099BC P Williamson 14-9, acres 2.996, with Property ID #73390, generally located at the southeastern corner of the intersection of Stillhouse Lake Road (FM 3481) and Fuller Lane, Harker Heights, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Mari Meyer was present to represent the request. Schiffman made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0 

At 6:55 p.m. the Council recessed for a short break. At 7:08 p.m. the Council reconvened the meeting.

2. The Council Conduct a public hearing on the need to continue sections 130.20 through 130.25 of the Harker Heights code of ordinances defining a curfew for minors in the City of Harker Heights, and discussing whether such subchapter will be continued, abolished or modified. Mike Gentry, Police Chief, made the presentation. The second Public Hearing is scheduled for March 22, 2016. No action taken.

At 7:15 p.m. Councilmember John Reider filed an Affidavit for Conflict of Interest for the Public Hearing item number three and left the meeting. 

3. The Council discussed and considered approving an ordinance granting Planned Development-Residential (PD-R) zoning with conditions on approximately 13.569 acres, being three parcels out of the W.E. Hall Survey, abstract no. 1086, the S.H. Osborne survey, abstract no. 646, and the J.M. Roberts survey, abstract no. 723, generally located near Indian Trail North of Clore Road and South of Veterans Memorial Boulevard. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Chris Doose was present to represent the request. Christ made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0. 

At 7:28 p.m. Councilmember John Reider returned to the meeting.

4. The Council discussed and considered approving an ordinance granting Conditional Use Permit (CUP), to allow a dog training facility on property located at 1901 E. FM 2410 (Knights Way), described as Property ID# 434691, Guys with Green Shoes Addition, Block 001, Lot 0001, Acres 4.92. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Craig Hannah was present to represent the request. Reider made the motion to approve with the following stipulations: 

1. No animals will be boarded overnight on the property. 
2. No smoke or blank ammunition will be used without proper safety and permission from city Police and Fire Departments. Such activity will require a sound amplification permit for each occurrence and only be allowed between the hours of 9AM to 5PM. 
3. Regular business hours are from 9AM to 9PM. 
4. A six (6) foot perimeter fence with additional metal lean-ins atop is required to ensure containment of all animals.
5. Adequate sanitation measures will be taken and must adhere to the Code of Ordinances Chapter 90 Section 5, Animal Waste, as amended. 
6. The development must meet parking requirements of 1 space per 200 square feet of net floor area. 
7. Sign Standards: a. One free standing sign shall be permitted and shall be consistent with an approved Master Signage Plan b. All signage shall comply with the visibility sight triangle requirements and Knights Way Overlay Requirements. 
8. Site Plan approval is required prior to the issuance of any development permits. 

Seconded by Christ. Schiffman, Christ, Nicholas, and Reider in favor. Carpenter opposed. Motion approved with (4) four in favor, (1) one opposed. 

New Business:

At 7:47 p.m. Councilmember John Reider filed an Affidavit for Conflict of Interest for the New Business item number one and left the meeting. 

1. The Council discussed and considered a request by Central-West Development LLC, for Preliminary Plat approval for Dakota Trace Duplexes described as Lots 6, 7, part of 8, Block 3, Comanche Land First Unit, also known as 1504 Dakota Trace, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Chris Doose was present for represent the request. Carpenter made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0. 

At 7:52 p.m. Councilmember John Reider returned to the meeting.

2. The Council discussed and considered authorizing the City Manager to sign a contract with Killeen Independent School District (KISD) to conduct the May 07, 2016, KISD Trustee Election. Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager, made the presentation. Schiffman made the motion to approve. Seconded by Christ. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

3. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to sign the Harker Heights Public Library Annual Report for the Fiscal year 2014-15 and System Membership Application Form for the Texas State Library System. Lisa Youngblood, Library Director, made the presentation. Christ made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

4. The Council discussed and considered approval of the fiscal year 2014-2015 comprehensive annual financial report. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, and Dane Legg of Lott Vernon and Company, made the presentation. Carpenter made motion to approve. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

5. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution awarding a contract for the Pet Adoption Center Outdoor Animal Run Project in the amount of $59,967.00 to Emerson Construction Company, Inc. Gary Bates, Director of Information Services, made the presentation. Schiffman made motioned to approve. Seconded by Christ. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

6. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution awarding a contract for the 2015 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Wastewater System Improvements Project in the amount of $587,820.17 to B-Corp Utilities, Inc. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Reider made motioned to approve. Seconded by Christ. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

7. The Council Discuss and consider approving a resolution awarding a contract for the FM 2410 Utility Relocation Project between Commercial Drive and Roy Reynolds Drive in the amount of $1,336,841.55 to TTG Utilities, LP. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Christ made motioned to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.

Items from Council:

1. Councilmember Christ mentioned the Job Fair at the High School for Summer Jobs on March 9, 2016 at 10:30 a.m. 

Staff Reports:

1. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken. 

David Culp made a complaint regarding the drainage problem he has had at his residence. 


There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 8:42 p.m. 

                                                                                Rob Robinson, Mayor 


Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager 

Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 23, 2016, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:

Roll Call:

Rob Robinson Mayor 
Pat Christ Mayor Protem
Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1 
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2 
John Reider Councilmember Place 4 
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5 
David Mitchell City Manager 
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Burk Roberts City Attorney 
Absent: None 

Consent Items:

1. The Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held February 9, 2016. Christ made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

New Business:

1. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and sign a “Professional Services Contract” for engineering services with Walker Partners for the Cottonmouth Drive & Coral Drive Street Reconstruction and Sanitary Sewer Main Improvement Project. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Carpenter made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

Reports of Advisory Boards & Commissions:

1. The Council received and discussed a presentation regarding the 2015 Annual Summary Report of the Planning and Zoning Commission and Building and Standards Commission. Michael Schulte, Planning and Zoning Chairman made the presentation. No action taken. 

Staff Reports:

1. The Council received and discussed the Unaudited Financial Statements for the First Quarter of FY 2015-2016. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. No action taken. 

2. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken. 


There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 5:46 p.m.

Rob Robinson, Mayor 


Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager 

Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:02 p.m. on Tuesday, February 9, 2016, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:

Roll Call:
Rob Robinson Mayor 
Pat Christ Mayor Protem 
Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1 
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2 
John Reider Councilmember Place 4 
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5 
David Mitchell City Manager 
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager 
Burk Roberts City Attorney 

Absent: None 

Mayor Protem, Christ joined the meeting at 5:06 p.m. 

Mayoral Proclamations and Presentation:

1. The Mayor presented the Library with the 2015 Excellence Award from the Texas Municipal Library Directors Association (TMLDA). Lisa Youngblood, Library Director, Amanda Hairston, Children’s Librarian and Amanda Smith, Library Clerk were present to receive the award. 

Consent Items:

1. The Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held January 26, 2016. Carpenter made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0. 

Presentation by Citizens:

1. The Council received and discussed a presentation from Joyce Hodson, Director of the Harker Heights Junior Ambassadors, discussing their activities. No action taken. 

Public Hearings:

1. The Council discussed and considered approving an ordinance amending Section 150.02 of the Code of Harker Heights to correct certain errors that occurred in adopting the 2015 International Technical Codes. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Christ made the motion to approve. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

New Business:

1. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution of the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, to certify local funding and support of the FM 3481 Sidewalk Improvements Project to the Killeen-Temple Metropolitan Planning Organization for funding competition to the fiscal year 2015/2016/2017 Federal Highway Administration Transportation Alternatives Program. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. Carpenter made the motion to approve. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

2. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution of the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, awarding financing in an amount of $208,000 for a computer system and making certain findings related thereto. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. Schiffman made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.

3. The Council discussed and considered adoption of an ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of City of Harker Heights, Texas, General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2016, in an aggregate maximum principal amount not to exceed $7,100,000; levying a tax in payment thereof; authorizing the execution and delivery of a bond purchase contract, a paying agent/registrar agreement, an officer’s pricing certificate, and an escrow agreement; calling certain obligations for redemption or prepayment; approving the preliminary official statement and authorizing the preparation and distribution of the official statement; appointing an authorized representative to determine the final terms of the bonds subject to certain specified parameters; finding and determining that the meeting at which this ordinance is passed is open to the public as required by law; and enacting other provisions relating thereto. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, Garry Kimball with Specialized Public Finance, made the presentation. Schiffman made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

4. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and sign a contract for the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Accounts Receivable Billing Service and Patient Care Reporting to Ambulance Medical Billing (AMB), authorizing the City Manager to act as the Executive Officer and authorized representative in all matters pertaining to the contract. Jack Collier, Fire Chief made the presentation. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Christ. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

Staff Reports:

1. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken. 

Adjournment: There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 5:38 p.m. 

                                                                                            Rob Robinson, Mayor 


Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager 

Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 26, 2016, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:

Roll Call:
Rob Robinson Mayor 
Pat Christ Protem 
Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1 
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2 
John Reider Councilmember Place 4 
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5 
David Mitchell City Manager 
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager 
Burk Roberts City Attorney 

Consent Items:
1. Christ made the motion to approve the minutes of the meeting held January 12, 2016. Seconded by Carpenter. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

New Business:
1. The Council discussed and considered approving an order for Municipal Election to be held on May 07, 2016, for the purpose of electing Councilmember, Place 1 and Councilmember, Place 3 for a three-year term (2016-2019) for the City of Harker Heights. Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager, made the presentation. Schiffman made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

2. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and sign a “Professional Services Contract” for engineering services with Walker Partners for the 2016 Water Master Plan Update. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Carpenter made the motion to approve. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

3. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution of the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, authorizing the Texas Coalition for Affordable Power, Inc. (TCAP) to negotiate an electric supply agreement for five years for deliveries of electricity effective January 1, 2018; authorizing TCAP to act as an agent on behalf of the City to enter into a contract for electricity; authorizing the City Manager or the Mayor or Assistant City Manager to execute an electric supply agreement for deliveries of electricity effective January 1, 2018, and committing to budget for energy purchases in 2018 through 2022 and to honor the City’s commitments to purchase power for its electrical needs in 2018 through 2022 through TCAP. The Council agreed with Option 1 at a fixed price for all consumption with a price not to exceed 4.1 cents per kWh providing an estimated annual savings of $17,000. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

4. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to purchase multiple desktop computing systems, mobile computing platforms, and networking equipment with support services from Dell, Inc. not to exceed $208,000.00. Gary Bates, Director of Information Services, made the presentation. Christ made the motion to approve. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

Staff Reports:
1. The Council received and discussed the FY 2015-2016 First Quarter Investment Report. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. No action taken. 

2. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken. 


There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 5:36 p.m. 

                                                                                                           Rob Robinson, Mayor 

ATTEST: Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager

Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:03 p.m. on Tuesday, January 12, 2016, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:

Roll Call: 

Rob Robinson Mayor

 Pat Christ Protem

 Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1 

Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2 

John Reider Councilmember Place 4

Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5 

David Mitchell City Manager 

Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager

Burk Roberts City Attorney

Mayoral Proclamations and Presentation:

1.  The Mayor read the proclamation for Elizabeth Laird, "Hug Lady".

Consent Items:

1.   Reider made the motion to approve the minutes of the meetings held December 8, 2015. Seconded by Christ. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.

Public Hearings:   

1.   The Council discussed and considered approving an ordinance extending the corporation limits of the City of Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas to include approximately 155.08 acres of land lying contiguous and adjacent to the present city limits, providing an effective date, adopting a service plan, and temporarily zoning such property R-1 (One Family Dwelling District). Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Schiffman made the motion to approve. Seconded by Christ. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.

 New Business:  

1.   The Council discussed and considered approving a Civil Rights resolution for the City of Harker Heights, Texas, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) contract no. 7215200. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. Carpenter made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

2.   The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution of the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, authorizing the Mayor or his designee to implement a Section 3 program. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. Christ made the motion to approve. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

3.   The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution establishing rules and regulations regarding the use of excessive force during nonviolent Civil Rights demonstrations, including physically barring entrance to a facility or location which is the subject of such demonstrations, and providing penalties for violations thereof.. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. Nicholas made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

4.  The Council discussed and considered approving a Section 504 Resolution Against Discrimination Based on Handicap and Grievance Procedures. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. Schiffman made the motion to approve. Seconded by Carpenter. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. 

5.   The Council discussed and considered appointing a Director on the City of Harker Heights, Economic Development Corporation Board. Mayor Robinson, made the presentation. Reider made the motion to appoint Councilmember Steve Carpenter to serve Councilmember John Reider’s unexpired term January 2016-October 2016 on the Economic Development Corporation Board. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.

Staff Reports: 

1.  The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken.


1.  Councilmember Reider mentioned that the Fire Department had a good response to the fire on Lookout Ridge.


There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 5:36 p.m.

                                                                                                                Rob Robinson, Mayor






Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager