2017 Harker Heights Council Minutes
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 12, 2017, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Hal Schiffman Mayor Pro Tem
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Burk Roberts City Attorney
Absent: Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
Consent Items:
1. The Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held on November 14, 2017. Nicholas made the motion to approve. Seconded by Carpenter. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
The following Agenda Item was taken out of order:
Staff Reports: Item #2.
2. The Council received a presentation regarding Exploring New Heights. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. Mr. Mitchell presented a copy of the report and a gift bag, as a thank you for the following members’ participation in the focus group; Alexander Mack, William Mack, Julianna Green, Ian Reid and Larry Robinson. This item will be brought back at a future meeting for further discussion.
Public Hearing:
1. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider a rezoning request from R-1 (One-Family Dwelling District) to R1-R (Rural One-Family Dwelling District), on property described as Lakeside Hills Section Three, Lot Tract Pt 88, Life Estate, Acres 3, a subdivision in Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, according to the map or plat of record in Cabinet A, Slide 43-D, Plat Records of Bell County, Texas, Property ID# 72014, also known as 11361 Orlan Drive. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Bill Keulen applicant was present to represent the request. Reider made the motion to approve with staff recommendation. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
Old Business:
1. The Council discussed and considered the waiver of liens on Lot 32, Block 11, Valley View Addition located at 223 East Valley Road, Harker Heights, Texas. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. Carpenter made the motion to authorize the City Manager to waive all liens on the property at 223 East Valley Road subject to the conditions of the property first being rezoned to the R1-I (Single-Family Infill Dwelling District) and the construction of a stick-built home. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0
New Business:
1. The Council discussed and considered approving a request for alcohol services for the Theta Psi Upsilon Sorority Inc. “Founders Banquet”. Jerry Bark, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. Schiffman made the motion to approve the request of Theta Psi Upsilon Sorority Inc. in hosting a “Founders Banquet” at the Activities Center on Saturday, February 24, 2018 to include the service of adult beverages to include only beer and wine. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
Mayor Pro Tem Hal Schiffman left the meeting at 5:30 p.m.
2. The Council received and discussed the results of the Ten-Year Sanitary Sewer Overflow Initiative Program and the final report to be submitted to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Joe Hines, Utility Superintendent, made the presentation. Leigh Cerda, Associate and Senior Project Manager with Burgess and Niple, Inc. and Michelle Lacks, Graduate Engineer with Burgess and Niple, Inc. presented the report. No action taken.
3. The Council discussed and considered an ordinance authorizing publication of Notice of Intention to issue City of Harker Heights, Texas Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. Nicholas made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 3-0.
4. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution of the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, authorizing the execution and delivery of an amended and restated Addendum No. 5 to the amended and restated Water Supply Contract with Bell County Water Control and Improvement District No. 1. Joe Hines, Utility Superintendent, made the presentation. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 3-0.
Items from Council:
Councilmember Nicholas stated that she attended the Bell County Public Health District Quarterly Meeting on Monday, December 11, 2017. The year-end financials were reviewed at the meeting and they had a gain of $367,000. Mrs. Nicholas stated that Michael Jahne, Environmental Health Director, is retiring soon and Cathy Brem Preparedness Division, stated that the flu vaccinations that were given this year are not very effective.
Staff Reports:
1. The Council received and discussed the unaudited Financial Statements for the Fourth Quarter of FY 2016-2017. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. No action taken.
3. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. No action taken.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 6:23 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 14, 2017, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller's Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Hal Schiffman Mayor Pro Tem
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Burk Roberts City Attorney
Mayoral Proclamations and Presentation:
1. The Mayor proclaimed November 13th-18th, 2017 as "Harker Heights Children's Book Week". Ms. Amanda Hairston, Children's Librarian, was present to accept the proclamation. Ms. Hairston thanked Council for their support.
Consent Items:
1. The Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meetings held October 24, 2017 and October 31, 2017. Carpenter made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Presentations by Citizens:
1. Ms. Marlene DiLillo, Greater Killeen Free Clinic Executive Director, presented an update on the Greater Killeen Free Clinic.
2. Mr. Jim Wright presented information regarding an issue with metal panels related to dumpster enclosures and asked for assistance in resolving the issue.
Public Hearing:
1. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider a rezoning request from R-1 (One-Family Dwelling District) to R1-R (Rural-One Family Dwelling District) on property described as Comanche Gap Estates, Block 001, Lot 0006, Acres 2.58, with Property Id# 811, generally located at 2237 Apache Drive, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Courtney Peres, City Planner, made the presentation. Chet Jump, applicant was present to represent the request. Fountain made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
New Business:
1. The Council discussed and considered the waiver of liens on Lot 32, Block 11, Valley View Addition located at 223 East Valley, Harker Heights, Texas. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. Carpenter made the motion to table the item. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
2. The Council discussed and considered approving the Holiday Schedule. Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager, made the presentation. The following is a list of the remaining meetings for 2017:
December 5th, Employee Recognition Ceremony
December 12th, City Council Meeting.
The next scheduled Workshop will be January 16th, 2018. Reider made the motion to approve the Holiday Schedule as presented. Seconded by Carpenter. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
3. The Council discussed and considered adopting an ordinance amending the Utility Fund Budget for the City of Harker Heights, Texas for the Fiscal Year October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Closed Meeting:
At 5:57 p.m. the Mayor announced a closed meeting for the following purposes:
A) Pursuant to §551.074 of the Texas Government Code to deliberate the appointment of public officers to the Planning and Zoning Commission and Building Standards Commission.
B) Pursuant to §551.074 of the Texas Government Code to deliberate the appointment of public officers to the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
At 6:44 p.m. the Mayor reconvened the open meeting to take the appropriate action on matters discussed in the closed meeting.
Carpenter made the motion to appoint the following applicants to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Building Standards Commission:
A) Planning and Zoning Commission
Regular Member
Stephen Watford - Regular Member 1st 3 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2021
Darrell T. Charlton - Regular Member 1st 3 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2021
Daniel Ray Northington, II - Regular Member 1st 3 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2021
Lana "Kay" Carey - Regular Member - Serving unexpired term for David L. Kingsley - 1/2018 - 1/2019
Alternate Member
Colen Wilson - Alternate #1 Member - 1 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2019
Joseph M. Welch - Alternate #2 - 1 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2019
Joshua McCann - Alternate #3 - 1 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2019
Ken Cox - Alternate #4 - 1 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2019
Building Standards Commission
Regular Member
Stephen Watford - Regular Member 1st 3 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2021
Darrell T. Charlton - Regular Member 1st 3 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2021
Daniel Ray Northington, II - Regular Member 1st 3 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2021
Lana "Kay" Carey - Regular Member - Serving unexpired term for David L. Kingsley - 1/2018 - 1/2019
Alternate Member
Colen Wilson - Alternate #1 Member - 1 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2019
Joseph M. Welch - Alternate #2 - 1 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2019
Joshua McCann - Alternate #3 - 1 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2019
Ken Cox - Alternate #4 - 1 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2019
Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Nicholas made the motion to appoint the following applicants to the Zoning Board of Adjustment:
B) Zoning Board of Adjustment
Regular Member
Chris Diem - Regular Member - 3rd 2 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2020
Paul J. Perugini - Regular Member - 1st 2 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2020
David Hermosillo - Regular Member - 1st 2 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2020
Alternate Member
Thomas G. Wilson - Alternate Member - 2 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2020
Edward Paul Loughran, III - Alternate Member - 2 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2020
Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
New Business Continued:
4. The Council discussed and considered appointments to the following board and commissions. Carpenter made the motion to appoint the following:
A) Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Regular Member
Patrick W. Kerr - Regular Member - 2nd 3 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2021
Heidi Heckel - Regular Member - 1st 3 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2021
Patricia Amazon Muldron Roberts - Regular Member - 1st 3 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2021
Natalie R. Austin - Regular Member - 1st 3 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2021
Alternate Member
Angie Wilson - Alternate Member - 1 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2019
Jennifer McCann - Alternate Member - 1 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2019
B) Library Board
Regular Member
Jessica Casey - Regular Member - 1st 3 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2021
Jeanine L. Sims - Regular Member - Serving unexpired term for Krystal Arriola - 1/2018 - 1/2020
Alternate Member
Barbara Kelly - Alternate Member - 1 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2019
C) Public Safety Commission
Regular Member
John Footman - Regular Member - 2nd 3 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2021
Jennifer McCann - Regular Member - 2nd 3 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2021
Alternate Member
Chris McClure - Alternate Member - 1 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2019
Shane Hodyniak, II - Alternate Member - 1 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2019
D) Animal Advisory Committee
Regular Member
Dr. Brad Buckley Veterinarian - Regular Member - 2nd 3 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2021
Gary Bates Pet Adoption Supervisor - Regular Member - 1st 3 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2021
Susan Mooney - Regular Member - 1st 3 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2021
Alternate Member
Sue Wilson - Alternate Member - 1 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2019
George Grammas - Alternate Member - 1 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2019
Finni Dirr - Alternate Member - 1 year term - 1/2018 - 1/2019
Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Items from the Council:
Councilmember Schiffman stated that he along with City Manager David Mitchell attended the International Council of Shopping Centers Texas Conference and Deal Making Event in Dallas. They had some productive meetings with several folks intending good things for the community both retail and development wise. Mr. Schiffman stated that he is looking forward to furthering those relationships and that in all the years he has attended the event in the past, he has the most positive feeling coming away from this meeting. He sees some very favorable things in the near term.
Mayor Smith thanked Councilmember Schiffman and City Manager Mitchell for taking time to represent the City at the event.
Staff Reports:
1. The Council received and discussed the City Manager's Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 6:59 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 3:00 p.m. on October 31, 2017, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller's Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Hal Schiffman Mayor Pro Tem
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
At 3:44 p.m. the Workshop was adjourned.
Closed Meeting:
1. At 3:44 p.m. the Mayor announced a closed meeting for the following purposes:
A) Pursuant to Government Code §551.087, to deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect that the City Council seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the City, and with which the City Council is conducting economic development negotiations, to wit: City owned property at 110/120 S. Harley Drive.
B) Pursuant to Government Code §551.087, to deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect that the City Council seeks to have locate, stay, or expand in or near the territory of the City, and with which the City Council is conducting economic development negotiations, to wit: Economic Development Agreement with Rochester Armored Car for their site at 517 East Veterans Memorial Blvd.
2. At 4:14 p.m. the Mayor reconvened the open meeting and announced that no action will be taken.
There being no further business, Mayor Spencer H. Smith adjourned the meeting at 4:14 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 24, 2017, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller's Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Hal Schiffman Mayor Pro Tem
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Burk Roberts City Attorney
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
Mayoral Proclamations and Presentation:
1. The Mayor and Fire Chief Paul Sims presented awards and lapel pins to the following Harker Heights Fire Department 2017 Fire Prevention Month Poster Contest Winners:
* Lexie Miller, Harker Heights Elementary School and Overall Champion
* Camia Mateo, Mountain View Elementary School and Runner up Champion
* Natalie Cabrera, Nolanville Elementary School Champion
* Ryanne Rowson, Skipcha Elementary School Champion
* Jasmine Green, Eastern Hill Middle School Champion
* Blake Miller, Union Grove Middle School Champion
* Carol Dugger, Harker Heights Elementary School Principal, Overall School Champion
Fire Chief Sims thanked all the contest sponsors and judges.
2. The Mayor proclaimed November 6th - 10th, 2017 as Municipal Court Week. Alternate Judge Garland Potvin and Judge Billy Ray Hall were present to accept the proclamation. Judge Hall praised the work that the City's Municipal Court is doing and praised City Court Staff members for their hard work.
3. The Mayor proclaimed November 3rd, 2017 as "Texas Arbor Day". Heather Buller, Parks and Recreation Department Activities Coordinator was present to accept the proclamation. Ms. Buller invited Council, City Staff and the citizens present to attend the Parks and Recreation Departments Tree Planting Ceremony on Saturday, November 4, 2017 at Kern Park, located at 400 South Ann Boulevard from 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. to help plant ten maple trees.
Consent Items:
1. The Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held October 10, 2017. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
Presentations by Citizens:
1. Ms. Sarah Ruiz, Central Texas Aging and Disablility Resource Center, presented information to the City Council regarding affordable, integrated, and accessible housing within Central Texas.
2. Mr. Teck Low presented information regarding parking issues on Llama Trail and asked for assistance in resolving the issue.
3. Mr. Cecil Mosely presented information regarding parking issues on Llama Trail and asked for assistance in resolving the issue.
New Business:
1. The Council discussed and considered appointing a Director to the City of Harker Heights, Economic Development Corporation Board. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. Mr. Mitchell stated that Director Bobby Hoxworth, Place 2, President, has moved outside of the City limits and is no longer eligible to serve on the Board. Schiffman made the motion to appoint Jeff Orlando to fill Bobby Hoxworth, Place 2, President's unexpired term, 10/2017 - 10/2018, and to re-appoint Mayor Pro Tem Hal Schiffman, Place 1, Treasurer 10/2017 - 10/2019, Mayor Spencer H. Smith, Place 3 10/2017 - 10/2019, Mike Aycock, Place 5 10/2017 - 10/2019 and City Manager David Mitchell, Place 7, Secretary 10/2017 - 10/2019. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
Items from the Council:
1. Councilmember Schiffman informed Council and those present at the meeting about the Rotary Club of Harker Heights' 2017 Dodgeball Challenge Program to be held at the City of Harker Heights gym. Schiffman stated that this is the 3rd year for the event and that it is a great program.
Staff Reports:
1. The Council received and discussed the FY 2016-2017 Fourth Quarter Investment Report. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director made the presentation. No action taken.
2. The Council received and discussed the City Manger's Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken.
Mayor Smith stated that early voting started on Monday, October 23rd and that there are seven propositions for amendments to the State Constitution on the Ballot, of which Proposition #1 and #6 directly impact cities in regard to property tax exemptions.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 5:37 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 10, 2017, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller's Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Hall Schiffman Mayor Pro Tem
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Burk Roberts City Attorney
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
Mayoral Proclamations and Presentation:
1. The Mayor proclaimed October 8th - 14th, 2017, Fire Prevention Week. Fire Chief Paul Sims and Deputy Fire Chief Brad Alley were present to accept the proclamation.
Consent Items:
1. The Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held September 26, 2017. Carpenter made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 3-0.
Public Hearings:
New Business:
1. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution awarding a contract for the Mountain Lion Road Retaining Wall Project in the amount of $336,319.70 to Bruce Flanigan Construction, Inc. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Carpenter made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 3-0.
2. The Council discussed and considered approving an ordinance amending the zoning ordinance of the R1-I (Single Family Infill Dwelling District). Joseph Molis, Plannng and Development Director, made the presentation. Schiffman made the motion to approve the ordinance of the City of Harker Heights amending the zoning Ordinance of the R1-I (Single Family Infill Dwelling District) to allow a one year extension for zoning incentives for all R1-I lots platted and/or rezoned through September 30, 2018. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 3-0.
3. The Council discussed and considered approving an ordinance of the City of Harker Heights amending the zoning ordinance to establish the R2-I (Two-Family Infill Dwelling District) and to conditionally allow R2-I lots in certain other zoning districts. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Carpenter. All in favor. Motion approved 3-0.
4. The Council received and discussed a presentation on the proposed Defense Economic Adjustment Grant (DEAG) for the greater Fort Hood area. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. No action taken.
5. The Council received and discussed a presentation on providing funding for aesthetic treatment of sign structures in the I-14 Widening Project. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. No action taken.
Staff Reports:
1. The Council received and discussed the City Manager's Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken.
Mayor Smith wanted to express his appreciation to the staff that organized the reservations for the TML Conference in Houston.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 5:46 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on September 26, 2017 in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Millers's Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Hal Schiffman Mayor Pro Tem
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember 3
Jody Nicholas Councilmember 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Burk Roberts City Attorney
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
1. The Mayor presented a Proclamation to District 54 State Representative, Scott Cosper, declaring him a Bright Star of Central Texas.
Consent Items:
1. Carpenter made the motion to approve the minutes of the meeting held September 12, 2017. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
New Business:
1. Burk Roberts, City Attorney, administered the Oath of Office to Billy Ray Hall to serve as Municipal Court Judge for a two year term ending September 30, 2019 and to Garland K. Potvin to serve as Alternate Municipal Judge for a one year term ending September 30, 2018.
2. Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute and deliver a Non-Exclusive Agreement for use of Public Rights-of-Way with the Unite Private Networks, LLC. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Carpenter made the motion to approve. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
3. Council discussed and considered approving a resolution re-appointing Jared Bryan as the City of Harker Heights representative on the Board of Directors of the Tax Appraisal Board of Bell County, Texas. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. Jared Bryan was in attendance. Fountain made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
Staff Reports:
1. Council received and discussed the City Manager's Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 5:24 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 3:04 p.m. on August 15, 2017 in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Hal Schiffman Mayor Protem
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
Burk Roberts City Attorney
At 3:42 p.m. the Workshop was adjourned.
Closed Meeting:
At 3:42 p.m. the Mayor announced a closed meeting for the following purposes:
Pursuant to 551.074 of the Texas Government Code to discuss and deliberate the employment, evaluation and duties of the City Manager. At 4:41 p.m. the Mayor reconvened the open meeting to take the appropriate action on matters discussed in the closed meeting. Nicholas made the following motion regarding the evaluation of the City Manager:
1. As of October 1, 2017, increase annual salary by 2%.
2. Increase the monthly contribution to $300.00 a month for his Nationwide 457 (b) retirement savings plan.
3. Extend the current contract from September 30, 2018, to September 30, 2020.
4. Effective January 1, 2018, increase annual salary by 3%.
Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
There being no further business, Mayor Spencer H. Smith adjourned the meeting at 4:43 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:02 p.m. on Tuesday, August 08, 2017, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Hal Schiffman Mayor Pro Tem
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Absent: Burk Roberts City Attorney
Consent Items:
Reider made the motion to approve Consent Items # 1, & 2. Seconded by Carpenter. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
1. Discuss and consider approving the minutes of the meeting held July 11, 2017, and take the appropriate action.
2. Discuss and consider approving the minutes of the meeting held July 18, 2017, and take the appropriate action.
Presentations by Citizens:
1. The Council received and discussed a presentation from Phillip Sueoka regarding liens on Lots 242 and 244 Cardinal Lane, Harker Heights. Carpenter made the motion to reduce the liens from $13,382.51 to $5,000 for Lots 242 and 244 Cardinal Lane, with the stipulation that a stick built home be built on the property. This reduction is for Mr. Sueoka any future requests would need to be brought back before the Council for consideration. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
2. The Council received and discussed a presentation from Steven Chavez regarding amending the wording in the Harker Heights Code of Ordinances on the area requirements for R-2 (Two Family Dwelling District) zoned lots. No Action taken.
3. The Council was to receive and discuss a presentation from Frank and Janice Martino, 2001 Rose Circle, regarding solid waste collection in Harker Heights. Frank and Janice Martino were not in attendance.
Public Hearings:
1. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance granting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow a real estate office on property described as Forest Hills, Block 015, Lot 0008, with property ID# 92864, generally located at 105 E. Knights Way (E. FM 2410) Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Raymond Hamden, was present to represent the request. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
2. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider approving a rezoning request from R-1(M) (One-Family Manufactured Home Dwelling District) to R-2 (Two-Family Dwelling District), on property described as Wildewood Acres, Block 008, Lot 8, 9, & 10’ Strip Adjacent on South, with Property ID# 124750, generally located at 914 Maplewood Drive, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Raymond Hamden, was present to represent the request. Nicholas made the motion to approve. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
3. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider approving a rezoning request from R-1 (One-Family Dwelling District) to R-2 (Two-Family Dwelling District), on property described as Kern Acres 1st Extension & Revision, Block 001, Lot 0009, with Property ID# 122966, generally located at 308 Bonnie Drive, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Raymond Hamden, was present to represent the request. Fountain made the motion to approve. Seconded by Carpenter. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
4. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider approving a rezoning request from R-1 (One-Family Dwelling District) to R-2 (Two-Family Dwelling District), on property described as Kern Acres 1st Extension & Revision, Block 001, Lot 0008, with Property ID# 80146, generally located at 402 Bonnie Drive, Harker Heights, Bell County. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Raymond Hamden, was present to represent the request. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
5. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance to change zoning designation from R-1 (One-Family Dwelling District) to PD-M (Planned Development Mixed Use), on properties described as A0179BC J M Cross, 3-3-1, Acres 1.504, with Property ID# 127920, A0179BC J M Cross, Acres 2.097, with Property ID# 198358, A0179BC J M Cross, 3-3, Acres 9.469, with Property ID# 38947, A0179BC J M Cross, 3-3-2,Acres 6.949 with Property ID# 127921, generally located at 12590 E. Knights Way (E. FM 2410), Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Bobby Whitson, was present to represent the request. Schiffman made the motion to approve with the attached conditions from the Planning and Zoning. Seconded by Carpenter. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0. At 6:30 p.m. the Council recessed for a short break. At 6:35 p.m. the Council reconvened the meeting.
New Business:
1. The Council discussed and considered approving a request for alcohol services for the Harker Heights Chamber of Commerce “Central Texas Food, Wine & Brew Festival” at 2410 Community Park. Jerry Bark, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. Gina Pence, of the Harker Heights Chamber of Commerce, was present to represent the request. Fountain made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
2. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution adopting the investment policy of the City of Harker Heights; authorizing the City’s investment broker/dealer list; and approving a list of investment training sponsors. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. Schiffman made the motion to approve. Seconded by Carpenter. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
3. The Council discussed and considered approving the Ad Valorem Tax Rate for fiscal year 2017-2018 and scheduled public hearings. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. The public hearings will be held on August 22nd, and September 5th, 2017. The proposed tax rate of $0.6770 per $100 valuation will be placed on the September 12th, 2017 Council agenda. Carpenter made a motion to approve. Seconded by Fountain. Mayor Smith conducted a record vote. The results are as follows: Nicholas voted aye, Reider voted aye, Schiffman voted aye, Fountain voted aye, & Carpenter voted aye. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Staff Reports:
1. The Council received and discussed the FY 2016-2017 Third Quarter Investment Report. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. No action taken.
2. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken.
1. Councilmember Fountain wanted to thank David Mitchell, City Manager, and his Staff for getting her ready for her Texas Legislative training.
2. The Mayor wanted to mention that Heather Buller, Parks and Recreation Activities Coordinator, has been doing a good job with the Harker Heights Farmers Market.
Adjournment: There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 6:58 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 18, 2017, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Hal Schiffman Mayor Pro Tem
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Burk Roberts City Attorney
Absent: Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
Mayoral Proclamations and Presentation:
1. The Mayor presented a proclamation for “National Farmers Market Week: August 6th - 13th 2017, to Heather Buller, Parks and Recreation Activities Coordinator.
At 3:05 p.m. the Mayor called to Order the City of Harker Heights Employee Benefits Trust Meeting.
1. Discuss and consider approving a resolution of the City of Harker Heights Employee Benefits Trust awarding contracts for the City of Harker Heights Employee Benefits Trust Group Medical Plan, Vision Benefits, Dental Benefits, Life Insurance, AD&D and Long Term Disability, and authorizing the City Manager to enter into such contracts on behalf of the City and the Employee Benefits Trust. Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager, introduced the City Consultant, Burke Sunday, Life and Health Insurance Counselor at Gallagher Benefit Services made the presentation. Carpenter made the motion to approve the following: Medical Benefits – Baylor Scott and White CC 80/20 $2000 Deductible, Vision Benefits – Superior Vision for Gold Plan 75, Dental Benefits – Lincoln Financial Option 1 Inforce Plan, Life and AD&D Benefits - Lincoln Financial, Long Term Disability (LTD) – Lincoln Financial using the Premier Plan. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
At 3:17 p.m. the Mayor reconvened to the City of Harkers Heights Council Meeting:
New Business:
1. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution of the City of Harker Heights to pay for certain Employee related Benefits and approving any transfers necessary to fund the Trust. Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager, made the presentation. Schiffman made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
2. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution awarding a contract for the Birchwood Drive Water Main Extension Project in the amount $95,455.82 to B-Corp utilities. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Fountain made the motion to approve. Seconded by Carpenter, All in favor Motion approved 4-0.
At 3:24 p.m. the Mayor adjourned to the Workshop:
There being no further business, Mayor Spencer H. Smith adjourned the meeting at 4:36 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 11, 2017, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Hal Schiffman Mayor Pro Tem
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Burk Roberts City Attorney
Consent Items:
1. Carpenter made the motion to approve the minutes of the meeting held on June 27, 2017. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Public Hearings:
1. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider an ordinance granting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP), for a Micro Educational Farm, on property described as A1032BC D R Hughes, 18.498 acres with property ID # 16734, generally located at Oakridge Blvd. and Mesa Oaks Circle, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Teresa Anderson and Leeann Boore were present to represent the request. The Council received comments from 32 citizens (list attached). At 7:00 p.m. the Council recessed for a short break. At 7:12 p.m. the Council reconvened the meeting. Schiffman made a motion to approve the request. Seconded by Nicholas. Schiffman, Nicholas, and Reider, in favor of the motion to approve. Carpenter and Fountain opposed. Motion failed 3-2, due to lack of super majority by 75 percent approval by the City Council.
At 7:50 p.m. the Council recessed for a short break. At 7:55 p.m. the Council reconvened the meeting.
2. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider an ordinance granting R-2 (Two Family dwelling District) zoning on property located as 1604 Dakota Trace, Harker Heights, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Raymond Hamden was present to represent the request. Reider made the motion to approve based on staff recommendations. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
3. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider an ordinance modifying Conditional Use Permit on property located at 103 East Knights Way, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Brad Dragoo was present to represent the request. Schiffman made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
New Business:
1. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution awarding a contract for the 2017 Street Improvements Project in the amount of $647,069.00 to TTG Utilities, LP. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Staff Reports:
1. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken.
1. Councilmember Reider wanted to thank the City for the plant and card he received while he was out for his surgery.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 8:28 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 27, 2017, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Hal Schiffman Mayor Pro Tem
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Burk Roberts City Attorney
Absent: John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Mayoral Proclamations and Presentation:
1. Proclamation for “National Park and Recreation Month” for July 2017, Mayor Smith read the Proclamation and presented it to Dorian Evans, Activities Specialist, Harker Heights Parks and Recreation Department and Johnathan Hanson, Intern with Parks and Recreation.
Consent Items:
1. Nicholas made the motion to approve the minutes of the meeting held on June 13, 2017. Seconded by Carpenter. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
New Business:
1. The Council discussed and considered a resolution of the City of Harker Heights, Texas finding that Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC’S (“Oncor” or “Company”) application to change rates within the City should be denied; finding that the City’s reasonable rate case expenses shall be reimbursed by the Company; finding that the meeting at which this resolution is passed is open to the public as required by law; requiring notice of this resolution to the Company and legal counsel. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. Carpenter made the motion to approve. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
Closed Meeting:
At 5:12 p.m. the Mayor announced a closed meeting for the following purposes:
A) Pursuant to Texas Government Code §551.071, to consult with an attorney about pending litigation, and/or a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Open Meetings Act, to-wit: Substandard buildings owned by Harker Heights Condominiums, LLC on 4.216 acres of land, more or less, out of the V.L. Evans Survey, Abstract No. 288, located at Lynn Drive, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas.
B) Pursuant to Texas Government Code §551.071, to consult with an attorney about pending or contemplated litigation, and/or a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Open Meetings Act, to-wit: In the Matter of an Enforcement Action Against City of Harker Heights, TCEQ Docket #2017-0424-MWD-E.
At 5:57 p.m. the Mayor reconvened the open meeting and announced that no action will be taken from the Closed Meeting.
Items from the Council:
1. Mayor Pro Tem Schiffman spoke about the Fort Hood Renewable Energy Project that he attended on June 2, 2017.
2. Mayor Pro Tem Schiffman spoke about the 2017 Defense Communities Summit in Washington DC, he attended on June 19 through 21, 2017.
3. Mayor Smith spoke about his Leadership Academy training he attended June 14 through 16, 2017, in Round Rock, Texas.
Staff Reports:
1. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken.
1. Jerry Bark, Parks and Recreation Director, introduced Jonathan Hanson who is working on his Master of Science in Sports Administration and is interning with Parks and Recreation Department.
2. David Mitchell, City Manager, introduced Andrew McSweeney who is working on his Master of Public Administration Degree from the University of Texas at Arlington and interning in the Administration Department.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 6:09 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 13, 2017, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Hal Schiffman Mayor Pro Tem
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Burk Roberts City Attorney
Consent Items:
Carpenter made the motion to approve Consent Items # 1, & 2. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
1. The Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held May 23, 2017.
2. The Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held June 6, 2017.
Public Hearings:
1. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider an ordinance exempting certain large lot residential subdivisions from sidewalk requirements. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Schiffman made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
2. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider an ordinance amending Chapter 111 of the Code of Harker Heights repealing the requirement for garage sale permits and clarifying garage sale requirements. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Nicholas made the motion to approve. Seconded by Carpenter. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
3. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider an ordinance modifying the Conditional Use Permit on property located at 1909 Forest Hills, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Ann Nguyen, was present to represent the request. Council received comments from Mr. Ralph Gauer. Schiffman made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
New Business:
1. The Council discussed and considered an appeal of the City Manager’s decision to deny a heavy vehicle residential parking permit at 2211 Creek Drive. This Item was pulled from the agenda by the requestor.
2. The Council received and discussed a resolution of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, authorizing continued participation with the Atmos Cities Steering Committee; and authorizing the payment of two cents per capita to the Atmos Cities Steering Committee to fund regulatory and related activities related to Atmos Energy Corporation. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. Carpenter made the motion to approve. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Reports of Advisory Boards & Commission:
1. The Council received a presentation from Mr. Robert Ator with Hill Country Transit District (HOP) regarding a request for outside agency funding of $43,235 in the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget. No action taken.
2. The Council received a presentation from Marlene DiLillo with the Greater Killeen Free Clinic regarding a request for outside agency funding of $9,500 in Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget. No action taken.
3. The Council received a presentation from Gina Pence and Jennifer McCann with the Harker Heights Chamber of Commerce regarding a request for outside agency funding of $45,000 in Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget. No action taken.
4. The Council received a presentation from Janell Frazier, Executive Director, with the Central Texas 4C, Inc Head Start Program regarding a request for outside agency funding of $10,000 in Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget. No action taken.
Items from Council:
1. Councilmember Nicholas mentioned the meeting she attended for the Bell County Public Health District. They discussed the tracking of the Zika virus and West Niles traps. They noted 12 cases of the Zika virus reported near the border of Texas, and that West Niles is on the rise.
Staff Reports:
1. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken.
1. Councilmember Carpenter mentioned that the City Manager, David Mitchell’s son Jacob Mitchell was selected as second team first base for the State of Texas.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 6, 2017, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Hal Schiffman Mayor Pro Tem
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Burk Roberts City Attorney
Absent: David Mitchell City Manager
New Business:
1. The Council canvassed the election returns for the June 3, 2017, Municipal Runoff Election. Mayor Pro Tem Schiffman, and Councilmember Reider stepped out to tabulate the ballots. The results are as follows:
Pat Christ 224
Jackeline Soriano Fountain 260
Jackeline Soriano Fountain was declared the winner for Councilmember, Place 3, for an unexpired two year term (2017-2019).
Schiffman made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
2. Burk Roberts, City Attorney, administered the Oath of Office to Jackeline Soriano Fountain to serve as Councilmember, Place 3, for an unexpired term ending May, 2019.
Adjournment to Workshop at 3:42 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 23, 2017, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Jody Nicholas Mayor Pro Tem
Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Burk Roberts City Attorney
Mayoral Proclamations and Presentation:
1. The Mayor presented a proclamation for “The 2017 Southwestern District Senior Quartet Champions” to Bob Massey.
2. The Mayor presented a proclamation for American Legion Post 573, Auxiliary, Sons of American Legion, and Riders to Lawrence Jerry McCullar (Mac).
Consent Items:
Schiffman made the motion to approve Consent Items # 1, & 2. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
1. The Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held May 9, 2017.
2. The Council discussed and considered appointing Patricia Darnell as Election Judge and Deborah Kimbrel as Alternate Judge for the June 3, 2017, Municipal Runoff Election. Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager, was present for questions.
Public Hearings:
The following Agenda Item was taken out of order: Public Hearing: Item #5.
5. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider concerns from property owners over property valuation increases indicated on recent tax appraisal notices. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. No Action taken. The Council received comments from 12 citizens. The Council will send their concerns to the following: Senator Dawn Buckingham, Comptroller Glenn Hegar, Representative Scott Cosper, Royce Matkin, Chairman of the Bell County Appraisal District Board, Marvin Hahn, Chairman of the Bell County Appraisal District Board and Representative Hugh Shine. Copies of the letters are attached. At 6:03 p.m. the Council recessed for a short break.
At 6:17 p.m. the Council reconvened the meeting.
1. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider an ordinance amending Chapter 74, Schedule 1 of the Code of Harker Heights, to change the speed limit on Interstate Highway 14 from 75 mph to 65 mph, and take the appropriate action. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Schiffman made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved. 4-0.
2. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider an ordinance of the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, approving a negotiated settlement between the Atmos Cities Steering Committee (“ACSC”) and Atmos Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division regarding the Company’s 2017 Rate Review Mechanism Filings; declaring existing rates to be unreasonable; adopting tariffs that reflect rate adjustments consistent with the negotiated settlement; finding the rates to be set by the settlement tariffs to be just and reasonable and in the public interest; requiring reconciliation and rate adjustments if federal income tax rates change; terminating the RRM process for 2018 pending renegotiation of RRM terms and conditions; requiring the Company to reimburse ACSC’S reasonable ratemaking expenses; determining that this ordinance was passed in accordance with the requirements of the Texas Open Meetings Act; adopting a savings clause; declaring an effective date; and requiring delivery of this ordinance to the Company and the ACSC’S legal counsel, and take the appropriate action. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. Michael Street with Atmos Energy was also present. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 4.0.
3. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider adopting an ordinance amending the Code of City of Harker Heights by adding Chapter 103 regarding the permitting, location and condition of donation containers; providing for enforcement; providing for a penalty; providing for severability, savings, open meetings and effective date clauses; and providing for related matters. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Schiffman made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
4. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider adopting an ordinance amending §160.07(A) of the Code of Harker Heights to more clearly define standards for repair, vacation or demolition of certain buildings. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Nicholas made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
New Business:
1. The Council discussed and considered an appeal of the City Manager’s decision to deny a heavy vehicle residential parking permit at 2211 Creek Drive. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Reider made the motion to affirm the City Manager’s decision to deny a heavy vehicle residential parking permit at 2211 Creek Drive. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
2. The Council discussed and considered the appointment of Mayor Pro Tem. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. Carpenter made the motion to appoint Hal Schiffman, Councilmember, Place 1, as Mayor Pro Tem. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
Items from the Council:
1. The Mayor mentioned going to a III Corps function where Lieutenant General Funk provided an update briefing for community leaders, regarding III Corps Fort Hood and the U. S. Army.
Staff Reports:
1. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 6:43 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 9, 2017, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Rob Robinson Mayor
Jody Nicholas Mayor Pro Tem
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2
Spencer H. Smith Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Burk Roberts City Attorney
Absent: Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1
Mayoral Proclamations and Presentation:
1. The Mayor presented a proclamation for “National Police Memorial Day” for May 15, 2017, to Mike Gentry, Police Chief and Phillip Gadd, Deputy Police Chief.
2. The Mayor presented a proclamation for “Building Safety Month 2017” for May 2017, to Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director.
New Business:
1. The Council canvassed the election returns for the May 6, 2017, Municipal Election. Mayor Protem Nicholas, and Councilmember Carpenter stepped out to tabulate the ballots. The results are as follows:
Spencer H. Smith 635
Jackeline Soriano Fountain 266
Pat Christ 318
Laurie Williamson McElhiney 149
John Reider 605
Spencer H. Smith, uncontested, was declared the winner for the Mayor’s race and John Reider, uncontested, was declared the winner for Councilmember, Place 4, both three year terms.
Councilmember, Place 3, (unexpired two year term) had no candidate that received a majority vote.
Carpenter made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 3-0.
2. Burk Roberts, City Attorney, administered the Oath of Office to Spencer H. Smith to serve as Mayor, for a three year term ending May, 2020, and to John Reider to serve as Councilmember, Place 4, for a three year term ending May, 2020.
Mayor Smith presided over the meeting.
3. Discuss and consider approving a resolution of the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, ordering a runoff election to be held on June 3, 2017, in the City of Harker Heights. Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager, made the presentation. Nicholas made the motion to approve. Seconded by Carpenter. All in favor. Motion approved 3-0.
Consent Items:
1. Carpenter made the motion to approve the minutes of the meetings held on April 25, 2017. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 3-0.
Public Hearings:
1. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance to abandon (vacate) a 7.5 foot wide utility & drainage easement located across Lot 11, Block 9, The Ridge, Phase 3 Subdivision (1920 River Rock Trail) and further described in “Exhibit A”. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Reider made the motion to approve as described in “Exhibit A”. Seconded by Carpenter. All in favor. Motion approved 3-0.
2. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance to abandon (vacate) a ten foot wide utility easement located across Lot 1A, Block 1, Bass Subdivision, Phase 2 (1200 FM 2410) and further described in “Exhibit A”. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Nicholas made the motion to approve as described in Exhibit A. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 3-0.
New Business (continued):
4. The Council discussed and considered a resolution supporting regional participation in the EPA Ozone Advance Program. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Carpenter made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 3-0.
5. The Council discussed and considered an appeal of the City Manager’s decision to deny a heavy vehicle residential parking permit at 101 Cattail Circle. Reider made the motion to affirm the City Manager’s decision to deny a heavy vehicle residential parking permit at 101 Cattail Circle. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 3-0.
6. The Council discussed and considered appointing a representative to the Killeen Temple Metropolitan Planning Organization (KTMPO) Policy Board. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. Reider made the motion to appoint Mayor, Spencer H. Smith will serve until Council appoints replacement. Seconded by Carpenter. All in favor. Motion approved 3-0.
Staff Reports:
1. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. No action taken.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 6:07 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 25, 2017, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Rob Robinson Mayor
Jody Nicholas Mayor Pro Tem
Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2
Spencer H. Smith Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Burk Roberts City Attorney
Mayoral Proclamations and Presentation:
1. The Mayor presented a proclamation for “Older Americans Month” for May 2017, to Dorian Evans, Parks and Recreation Activities Specialist, Joyce Meyer and Ahava Martin.
Consent Items:
1. Smith made the motion to approve the minutes of the meetings held April 11, 2017. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion 5-0
Public Hearings:
1. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider an ordinance granting to Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC, its successors and assigns, an Electric Power Franchise to use the present and future streets, alleys, highways, public utility easements, public ways and public property of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, providing for compensation therefor, providing for an effective date and a term of said franchise, providing for written acceptance of this franchise, providing for the repeal of all existing franchise ordinances to Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC, its predecessors and assigns, and finding that the meeting at which this ordinance is passed is open to the public. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. Karl Green, Oncor Area Manager, was present to represent the request. Carpenter made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
New Business:
1. The Council discussed and considered a resolution authorizing continued participation with the Steering Committee of Cities Served by Oncor; and authorizing the payment of 11 cents per capita to the Steering Committee to fund regulatory and legal proceedings and activities related to Oncor Electric Delivery Company, LLC. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. Karl Green, Oncor Area Manager, was present to represent the request. Schiffman made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Staff Reports:
1. The Council received and discussed the FY 2016-2017 second quarter investment report. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. No action taken.
2. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken.
1. Councilmember Smith attended the Killeen Alliance of Black School Educators at Club Hood for their scholarship and recognition ceremony.
2. Mayor Robinson attended the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC). They gave out 20 scholarships to kids and sworn a citizen to have citizenship of the United States.
3. Mayor Robinson mentioned that he attended the Unveiling of Interstate 14.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 11, 2017, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Rob Robinson Mayor
Jody Nicholas Mayor Pro Tem
Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2
Spencer H. Smith Councilmember Place 3
David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Burk Roberts City Attorney
Absent John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Mayoral Proclamations and Presentation:
1. The Mayor presented a proclamation for “Arbor Day” April 28th, 2017, to Heather Buller, Parks and Recreation Activities Coordinator.
2. The Mayor presented a proclamation for “National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week” April 9-15, 2017, to Fire Chief Paul Sims, Phillip Gadd, Deputy Police Chief, Lt. Loretta Fox of the Harker Heights Police Department, Aubrey Huckaby, Bell County Communicators/Director of Operations, and Stephanie Jason, Harker Heights Call Taker.
3. The Mayor presented a proclamation for “Earth Day” April 22nd, 2017, to Lisa Youngblood, Library Director, and Harker Heights Knights of the Round Table Members, Ian Reid, Elyssa Wilson-Chandler, Carson Gordon, Amy Balsinger, Celestial Stringham, and Kagren McCarthy, Student Activities Coordinator.
Consent Items:
1. Smith made the motion to approve the minutes of the meeting held, March 28, 2017. Seconded by Carpenter. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
Presentations by Citizens:
1. The Council received a presentation from Marilyn Springer, 3387 Vineyard Trail, regarding Irrigation Systems in the City of Harker Heights. No action taken.
Public Hearings:
1. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance to change zoning designation from R1-R (Rural One-Family Dwelling District) to R-1 (One Family Dwelling District) for the property located at 4972 Lakeside Dr., Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Buster Sanders, was present to represent the request. Schiffman made the motion to approve. Seconded by Smith. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
2. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance granting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for a Micro Educational Farm, on property described as A1032BC D R Hughes, 2, Acres 18.498 with property ID# 16734, generally located at Oakridge Blvd and Mesa Oaks Circle, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Teresa Anderson, was present to represent the request. The Council received comments from 9 citizens. Carpenter made a motion to disapprove the request. Seconded by Smith, Carpenter, Smith, and Schiffman, in favor of motion to disapprove. Nicholas opposed. Motion to disapprove passed. 3-1.
At 6:03 p.m. the Council recessed for a short break. At 6:11 p.m. the Council reconvened the meeting.
New Business:
Mayor Robinson changed New Business Item #1 to a Public Hearing to allow citizens in the audience an opportunity to speak.
1. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider approving a request by LUREE Inc. for Concept Plan approval of a 45 Acre Tract of land to accommodate Single Family Residences in an R-1 Zone (One Family Dwelling District) within the Oakridge Terrace Subdivision, also known as 1901 Valley Oaks Drive, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Jeff Smien, LUREE, Inc., was present to represent the request. The Council received comments from 13 citizens. Nicholas made a motion to disapprove the request. Seconded by Smith. All in favor of motion to disapprove. Motion to disapprove passed 4-0.
At 7:02 p.m. the Council recessed for a short break. At 7:07 p.m. the Council reconvened the meeting.
2. The Council discussed and considered approving a request by Central-West Development LLC, for Preliminary Plat approval for the Shoshoni Trail Garden Homes filing number 2 development on property described as Shoshoni Trail Garden Homes Re-Sub of Lot 3, Block 1 and Lot 4, Block 1, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Raymond Hamden, was present to represent the request. Smith made the motion to approve. Seconded by Carpenter. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
Staff Reports:
1. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken.
Items from Council:
1. The Mayor discussed an event he went to at Club Hood. He said that our work is recognized in our Adaptive Sports Program for the City.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 7:18 p.m.
Rob Robinson, Mayor
Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 28, 2017, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Rob Robinson Mayor
Jody Nicholas Mayor Pro Tem
Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2
Spencer H. Smith Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Burk Roberts City Attorney
Mayoral Proclamations and Presentation:
1. The Mayor presented a proclamation for the Fair Housing Month April 2017, to Beth Correa, Regional Planner from the Central Texas Council of Governments (CTCOG).
Consent Items:
Smith made the motion to approve Consent Items # 1 & 2. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
1. The Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held March 14, 2017.
2. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to sign the Harker Heights Public Library Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2015-16 and System Membership Application Form for the Texas State Library System.
New Business:
1. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution of the City of Harker Heights suspending the April 21, 2017, effective date of Oncor Electric Delivery Company’s requested rate change to permit the City time to study the request and to establish reasonable rates; approving cooperation with the Steering Committee of Cities Served by Oncor to hire legal and consulting services and to negotiate with the Company and direct any necessary litigation and appeals; finding that the meeting at which this resolution is passed is open to the public as required by law; requiring notice of this resolution to the company and legal counsel for the Steering Committee. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. Karl Green, Oncor Area Manager, was present to represent the request. Schiffman made the motion to approve. Seconded by Smith. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Staff Reports:
1. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 5:20 p.m.
Rob Robinson, Mayor
Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 14, 2017, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Rob Robinson Mayor
Jody Nicholas Mayor Pro Tem
Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2
Spencer H. Smith Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Burk Roberts City Attorney
Pledge of Allegiance:
1. Lily Molis, daughter of Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America and Texas Flag.
Consent Items:
Carpenter made the motion to approve Consent Items # 1, 2 & 3. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
1. The Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held February 28, 2017.
2. The Council discussed and considered appointing Patricia Darnell as Election Judge and Deborah Kimbrel as Alternate Judge for the May 06, 2017, Joint Municipal Election.
3. The Council discussed and considered authorizing the City Manager to sign a contract with Killeen Independent School District (KISD) to conduct a joint election for the May 06, 2017, Municipal Election, and the KISD Trustee Election.
New Business:
1. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution supporting House Bill 1427 which amends Section 41.005 of the Texas Utilities Code to clarify that a Municipality may regulate the operations of an electric cooperative through the City’s zoning ordinance which is a permissible public health, safety, or welfare regulation. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. After questions and discussion Schiffman made the motion to approve. Seconded by Carpenter. Schiffman, Carpenter, and Nicholas in favor of the motion to approve. Smith and Reider opposed the motion. Motion passed 3-2.
2. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution awarding a contract for the Amy Lane Sidewalk Construction Project in the amount of $256,095.15 to Battery Warehouse. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Nicholas made the motion to approve. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Staff Reports:
1. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. No action taken.
1. The Mayor mentioned a luncheon for the Heart of Texas Defense Alliance and received a compliment for the work that the Fire Department and Police Department do with the Healthy Home Program and Shining Star Program.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.
Rob Robinson, Mayor
Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 28, 2017, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Rob Robinson Mayor
Jody Nicholas Mayor Pro Tem
Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2
Spencer H. Smith Councilmember Place 3
David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Burk Roberts City Attorney
Absent John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Mayoral Proclamations and Presentation:
1. The Mayor presented a Proclamation to Lily’s Cakes for winning on the Food Network’s “Cake Wars”. Lily and Sam Halabi were present to receive the Proclamation.
Consent Items:
1. Nicholas made the motion to approve the minutes of the meeting held, February 14, 2017. Seconded by Smith. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
New Business:
1. The Council discussed and considered approval of the fiscal year 2015-2016 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, and Dane Legg of Lott, Vernon and Company, made the presentation. Nicholas made motion to approve. Seconded by Carpenter. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
2. The Council discussed and considered a resolution authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and sign a Construction Manager at Risk contract with Hill and Wilkinson for the addition to the Pet Adoption Center Project. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. Schiffman made the motion to approve. Seconded by Smith. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
3. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and sign a “Professional Services Contract” for engineering services with Kasberg, Patrick & Associates, LP for the 2016-17 Street Improvement Project. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Carpenter made the motion to approve “Professional Services Contract” for engineering services with Kasberg, Patrick & Associates LP, removing paragraph numbered 2 in the resolution that read: “The proposed Agreement is hereby approved in all respects, including its form, terms and provisions”. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
4. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and sign a “Professional Services Contract” for engineering services with Walker Partners for the 2016-2017 Water Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Smith made the motion to approve “Professional Services Contract” for engineering services with Walker Partners, removing paragraph numbered 2 in the resolution that read: “The proposed Agreement is hereby approved in all respects, including its form, terms and provisions”. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
5. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and sign a “Professional Services Contract” for engineering services with Walker Partners for the 2016-2017 Demolition of the Decommissioned Maintenance Yard Pump Station, 0.5 Million Gallon Maintenance Yard Ground Storage Tank and 0.3 Million Gallon Arrowhead Ground Storage Tank. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Carpenter made the motion to approve “Professional Services Contract” for engineering services with Walker Partners, removing paragraph numbered 2 in the resolution that read: “The proposed Agreement is hereby approved in all respects, including its form, terms and provisions”. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
6. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution to the Members of the 85th Legislative Session of the State of Texas to support the City of Harker Heights Legislative Agenda. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. Smith made the motion to approve. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
Items from Council:
1. The Mayor spoke about the Joint Land Use Study (JLUS) with Fort Hood, and how it could affect the City of Harker Heights.
Staff Reports:
1. The Council received and discussed a Staff Report regarding the Harker Heights Police Department and Harker Heights Fire Department’s Racial Profiling Data Reports for the calendar year 2016. Mike Gentry, Police Chief, made the presentation. No action taken.
2. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. No action taken.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 6:22 p.m.
Rob Robinson, Mayor
Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manage
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 14, 2017, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Rob Robinson Mayor
Jody Nicholas Mayor Pro Tem
Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2
Spencer H. Smith Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Burk Roberts City Attorney
Mayoral Proclamations and Presentation:
1. The Mayor presented the Library with the 2016 Achievement of Library Excellence Award from the Texas Municipal Library Directors Association (TMLDA). Lisa Youngblood, Library Director, Kiara Richie, Part Time Library Clerk, Sarah Chon, Part Time Student Library Page, and Rose Ramon, Library Clerk, were present to receive the award.
Presentations by Citizens:
1. The Texas Country Gentlemen Barbershop Chorus, Bob Massey, Mike Reid, Nathan Knights, and Randy Brumagim wanted to thank the Council and Staff with two Valentunes, a rose and a card for Valentine’s Day.
Consent Items:
Carpenter made the motion to approve Consent Items # 1, 2 & 3. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
1. The Council discussed and considered approving a contract with Bell County authorizing the City to use their election equipment for the May 06, 2017, Municipal Election.
2. The Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held, January 24, 2017.
3. The Council discussed and considered approving an amended order for Municipal Election to be held on May 06, 2017, for the purpose of electing Mayor for a Three- Year Term (2017-2020), Councilmember, Place 3 for an Unexpired Term (2017-2019), and Councilmember, Place 4 for a Three-Year Term (2017-2020) for the City of Harker Heights.
New Business:
1. The Council discussed and considered the appointment of a Councilmember as the alternate voting member for the City of Harker Heights on the Central Texas Council of Governments (CTCOG) Executive Committee to replace Pat Christ. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. Schiffman nominated Councilmember Carpenter as the alternate who will serve until a replacement is appointed. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
2. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and sign a “Professional Services Contract” for engineering services with Clark & Fuller, PLLC for the Birchwood Drive Water Line Replacement Project. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Carpenter. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
3. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing the City’s participation in the grant program administered by the Office of the Governor for funding the purchase of 50 Conducted Energy Devices (“Taser”). Mike Gentry, Police Chief, make the presentation. Schiffman made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
4. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing the City’s participation in the grant program administered by the Office of the Governor for funding the purchase of one Digital Crime Scene Reconstruction Diagraming Station. Mike Gentry, Police Chief, make the presentation. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Reports of Advisory Boards & Commissions:
1. The Council received and discussed a presentation regarding the 2016 Annual Summary Report of the Planning and Zoning Commission and Building and Standards Commission. Larry Robison, Planning and Zoning Chairman, made the presentation. No action taken.
Staff Reports:
1. The Council received and discussed the FY 2016-2017 First Quarter Investment Report. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. No action taken.
2. The Council received and discussed the Unaudited Financial Statements for the First Quarter of FY 2016-2017. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. No action taken.
3. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. No action taken.
Items from the Council:
1. Mayor Robinson said that he met Killeen’s new City Manager, Ronald L. Olson who came from the City of Corpus Christi.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.
Rob Robinson, Mayor
Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 24, 2017, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Rob Robinson Mayor
Jody Nicholas Mayor Pro Tem
Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2
Spencer H. Smith Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Burk Roberts City Attorney
Pledge of Allegiance:
1. Boy Scout Alexander Watson, Johnathan Flores Jr. and Alejandro Bonilla, from Boy Scout Troop # 255 led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America and Texas Flag.
Consent Items:
Carpenter made the motion to approve Consent Items # 1, & 2. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
1. The Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held January 10, 2017.
2. The Council discussed and considered approving an Order for Municipal Election to be held on May 06, 2017, for the purpose of electing Mayor, and Councilmember, Place 4 for a three-year term (2017-2020) for the City of Harker Heights. Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager, made the presentation.
New Business:
1. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution expressing support for the proposed development of Avanti Manor, an affordable rental housing community dedicated to serving seniors, David Mitchell, City Manager, introduced Henry Flores, with Avanti Manor, who made the presentation. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Smith. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
2. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution granting a waiver of permitting fees in the amount of $100.00 for the proposed development of Avanti Manor, an affordable rental housing community dedicated to serving seniors. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. Schiffman made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
3. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an interlocal cooperation agreement for two household hazardous waste events with the City of Killeen the City of Harker Heights Funding amount not to exceed $5,000.00 for each event. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Schiffman made the motion to approve. Seconded by Smith. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Staff Reports:
1. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. No action taken.
1. The Mayor read the invite to the Public Meeting with Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) for the US 190 expansion project held today at the Harker Heights Activities Center from 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m.
Rob Robinson, Mayor
Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 10, 2017, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Rob Robinson Mayor
Jody Nicholas Mayor Pro Tem
Hal Schiffman Councilmember Place 1
Steve Carpenter Councilmember Place 2
Spencer H. Smith Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Burk Roberts City Attorney Mayoral
Proclamations and Presentation:
1. Proclamation for “Bright Stars of Central Texas” Scout Committee Chairman’s and Boy Scout Troop 243. Mayor Robinson read the Proclamation and presented it to Boy Scout Troop 243.
Consent Items:
1. Nicholas made the motion to approve the minutes of the meeting held on December 13, 2016. Seconded by Carpenter. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Public Hearings:
1. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance to abandon (vacate) two feet of a fifteen foot wide utility easement located across Lot 11, Block 3, Evergreen Phase 5 (1609 Gold Splash Trail) and further described in “Exhibit A”. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Schiffman made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
2. The Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance to change zoning designation from R-1 (Single Family Dwelling District) to R-2 (Two-Family Dwelling District) for the property described as Wildewood Acres, Block 002, Lot 008, & 10’ Strip Adj on South, Bell County Property ID#30401 also known as 914 Ramblewood Drive. Leo Mantey, City Planner, made the presentation. Carpenter made the motion to approve based on staff recommendations. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
New Business:
1. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and sign a “Professional Services Contract” for engineering services with Burgess & Niple, Inc. for the 2017 Sanitary Sewer Basin Flow Monitoring Project and submission of the Sanitary Sewer Overflow Initiative Final Report to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Schiffman. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
2. The Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and sign a Construction Manager at Risk contract with Hill and Wilkinson General Contractors for Central Fire Station remodel, renovation and addition. Glenn Gallenstein, Deputy Fire Chief, made the presentation. Nicholas made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Staff Reports:
1. The Council received and discussed the unaudited financial statements for the fourth quarter of FY 2015 – 2016. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. No action taken.
2. The Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. No action taken.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 5:53 p.m.
Rob Robinson, Mayor
Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager