2020 Harker Heights Council Minutes
Minutes of the of the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, Special Meeting held at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 29, 2020, by a telephonic meeting to contain the spread of COVID-19 in accordance with Governor Abbott’s declaration of the COVID-19 public health threat and action to temporarily suspend certain provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act issued on March 16, 2020:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Michael Blomquist Mayor Pro-tem
Jennifer McCann Councilmember Place 1
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Julie Helsham City Secretary
New Business:
1. Council Canvassed Election Returns for the December 19, 2020, Municipal Runoff Election for the City of Harker Heights, Texas.
Councilmember McCann canvassed the Election returns. The results are as follows:
Terry Delano | 771 / 48.1% |
Lynda Nash | 832 / 51.9% |
Lynda Nash was declared the winner for the Councilmember, Place 4 race for a three-year term (2020-2023).
McCann made the motion to approve. Seconded by Blomquist. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 3:06 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Julie Helsham, City Secretary
Minutes of the of the City Council meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 8, 2020, by a telephonic meeting to contain the spread of COVID-19 in accordance with Governor Abbott’s declaration of the COVID-19 public health threat and action to temporarily suspend certain provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act issued on March 16, 2020:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Michael Blomquist Mayor Pro-tem
Jennifer McCann Councilmember Place 1
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Julie Helsham City Secretary
Consent Items:
1. Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meetings held on November 10, 2020, November 17, 2020, November 23, 2020, and December 1, 2020. Reider made the motion to approve as written. Seconded by McCann. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Presentations by Citizens:
Mr. Steve Woods, 1415 Indian Trail, Harker Heights, Texas, made a presentation regarding the City’s Carport Policy.
Mr. Ronald Thomas, 220 W. Beeline Lane, Harker Heights, Texas made a presentation regarding his request for the City to change Section 95.4 “Noise Ordinance” of the City of Harker Heights Code of Ordinances.
Mr. Jeffrey K. Harris, 1102 Windy Hill, Harker Heights, Texas, inquired about the decibel levels allowed in the Noise Ordinance.
Ms. Lynda Nash, 3006 Sundance Drive, Harker Heights, Texas, made a presentation regarding a Community Clean-up on December 12th at 901 South Ann Boulevard. Ms. Nash thanked Public Works Director Mark Hyde for suppling the trash bags and for his help in getting the north side of town cleaned up.
Public Hearings:
1. Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an Ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, to change the Zoning Designation from R-1 (One Family Dwelling District) to B-4 (Secondary and Highway Business District) on property described as Kern Acres Second Extension and Revision, Block Three (3), Lot Twelve (12), generally located at 106 W. Kathey Road, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Kristina Ramirez, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Tim Kropp, applicant, was present to represent the request. Blomquist made the motion to approve. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
2. Conduct a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an Ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, to change the zoning designation from R-3 (Multi Family dwelling district) to R-1(M) (One family manufactured home dwelling district) on property described as Comanche Land first unit, block four (4), lot four (4), generally located at 1408 Yuma Trail, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Kristina Ramirez, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Michelle Simpson, applicant was present via telecommunication to represent the request. Reider made the motion to disapprove. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion to disapprove passed 5-0.
3. Conduct a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an Ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, to change the Zoning Designation from R-1 (One Family Dwelling District) to R-2 (Two Family Dwelling District) on property described as 6.51 Acres out of a 47.626 Acre Tract of land in Bell County, Texas, Being Part of the H.B. Littlefield Survey, Abstract No. 511, the land herein described being Part of a Called 113.5 Acre Tract of land conveyed to Robert Don Sutton, Trustee, generally located north of Killeen ISD Middle School No. 14 along Warriors Path, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Kristina Ramirez, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Dustin King, applicant, was present to represent the request. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by McCann. McCann, Fountain, Reider and Nicholas in favor. Blomquist against. Motion passed by a super majority vote of 4-1.
New Business:
1. Council discussed and considered approving a request for the Concept Plan of Abooha Toklo Addition Section Two on property described as 10.395 acres out of the H.B. Littlefield Survey, Abstract 511, generally located within the 1700 Block of Warriors Path, and property described as the Marley Addition Amended, Block One (1), Lot Eight (8), 2.257 Acres, generally located within the 1700 Block of Warriors Path, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Kristina Ramirez, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Nicholas made the motion to approve. Seconded by Blomquist. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
2. Council discussed and considered approving a request for Preliminary Plat Approval for Abooha Toklo Addition Phase Two on property described as approximately 1.807 Acres of land, being all of Lot Three, Block One, Abooha Toklo Addition Phase One, generally located near the intersection of Pontotoc and Pueblo Trace, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Kristina Ramirez, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. McCann made the motion to approve a request for preliminary plat approval for the proposed plat, Abooha Toklo Addition Phase Two, on property described as 1.807 acres of land being all of Lot Three (3), Block One (1), Abooha Toklo Addition Phase One, of record in Plat No. 2020-38421, generally located near the intersection of Pueblo Trace and Pontotoc Trace, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
3. Council discussed and considered approving a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, authorizing the City’s participation in the Traffic Enforcement Program Grant administered by the Texas Department of Transportation for funding the salaries of Officers to conduct extra traffic enforcement and education in areas of the City that are experiencing higher vehicle collisions. Phil Gadd, Police Chief, made the presentation. Reider made the motion to approve a Resolution authorizing the City’s participation in the Selective Traffic Enforcement Program Grant program administered by The Texas Department of Transportation for funding $11,998.79 towards officer overtime salaries to increase enforcement and education in known traffic problem areas, and reduce the number of crashes in those areas. Seconded by Blomquist. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
4. Council discussed and considered approving a Resolution of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, updating the Names of Authorized Signers for all Financial Transactions Conducted by the City. Ayesha Lealiiee, Finance Director, made the presentation. McCann made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
5. Council discussed and considered approving the City of Harker Heights Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) Water Payment Assistance Grant Program. Ayesha Lealiiee, Finance Director, made the presentation. Nicholas made the motion to approve. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
6. Council discussed and considered approving a request from Robin Fisher for a facility rental at the Community Park Pavilion for an event in excess of ten (10) people on Friday, December 18, 2020. Jeff Achee, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. McCann made the motion to approve. Seconded by Blomquist. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Reports of Advisory Boards & Commissions:
Mayor Pro-tem Blomquist stated he will be attending the Bell County Health Board Meeting on Monday, December 14th and that the COVID-19 vaccine distributions are imminent.
Items from Council:
Mayor Pro-tem Blomquist stated that the Harker Heights Virtual Tree Lighting Ceremony on December 3rd was a great production and a huge success.
Councilmember McCann suggested to Workshop the City’s Future Land Use Map with the new Planning and Development Director Kristina Ramirez around the beginning of the new year.
Staff Reports:
1. Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. No action taken.
Closed Meeting:
1. At 7:10 p.m. the Mayor announced a closed meeting for the following purposes:
(A) Pursuant to 551.071 of the Texas Government Code to discuss with Attorneys regarding Pending Litigation and Other Matters as Allowed.
2. At 7:39 p.m. the Mayor reconvened the open meeting to take the appropriate action on matters discussed in the closed meeting. No action taken.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Julie Helsham, City Secretary
Minutes of the of the City Council meeting held at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 1, 2020, by a telephonic meeting to contain the spread of COVID-19 in accordance with Governor Abbott’s declaration of the COVID-19 public health threat and action to temporarily suspend certain provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act issued on March 16, 2020:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Michael Blomquist Mayor Pro-tem
Jennifer McCann Councilmember Place 1
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Julie Helsham City Secretary
Absent: Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
New Business:
1. Council discussed and considered approving the City of Harker Heights Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) Small Business Grant Awards for Phase 2. Jerry Bark, Assistant City Manager, made the presentation. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Blomquist. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
Council moved to Item 3.
3. Council discussed and considered approving a request from the City of Harker Heights Parks and Recreation Department to host an event at the Community Park Softball Complex for in excess of ten (10) people on Thursday, December 17, 2020. Jeff Achee, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. Nicholas made the motion to approve. Seconded by McCann. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
2. Council discussed and considered approving a request for alcohol services from Kristl Evans and Southern Roots Brewing Company for an event at Harker Heights Community Park on Thursday, December 17, 2020. Jeff Achee, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by McCann. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 3:12 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Julie Helsham, City Secretary
Minutes of the of the City Council meeting held at 3:00 p.m. on Monday, November 23, 2020, by a telephonic meeting to contain the spread of COVID-19 in accordance with Governor Abbott’s declaration of the COVID-19 public health threat and action to temporarily suspend certain provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act issued on March 16, 2020:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Michael Blomquist Mayor Pro-tem
Jennifer McCann Councilmember Place 1
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
Julie Helsham City Secretary
Absent: David Mitchell City Manager
New Business:
1. Council discussed and considered approving a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, Ordering a Runoff Election to be held on Saturday, December 19, 2020, for the purpose of electing a Council Member, Place 4, to the Harker Heights City Council; Designating the Polling Place; Authorizing the appointment of Election Officials; Authorizing an Election services contract with the Election Office of Bell County, Texas, for the coordination and use of voting machines and equipment, and authorizing the City Manager to sign the Agreement on behalf of the City; Providing for an effective date. Julie Helsham, City Secretary, made the presentation. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 3:07 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Julie Helsham, City Secretary
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 17, 2020, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Michael Blomquist Mayor Pro-tem
Jennifer McCann Councilmember Place 1
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Julie Helsham City Secretary
New Business:
1. Canvass Election Returns for the November 3, 2020, General Election for the City of Harker Heights, Texas. Julie Helsham, City Secretary, made the presentation.
Mayor Pro-tem Blomquist, canvassed the Election returns. The results are as follows:
Spencer Hutson Smith | 8,151 |
Vitalis Dubininkas | 2,949 |
Terry Delano | 3,696 |
Lynda Nash | 4,781 |
Jeffrey Keith Harris | 2,820 |
Spencer Hutson Smith was declared the winner for the Mayor’s race for a three year term (2020-2023).
No candidate received a majority vote for the office of Councilmember, Place 4, (expired three year term).
Blomquist made the motion to approve. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
2. Installation of Officers:
(a) Swear in Mayor. Three Year Term 2020-2023.
Judge Garland K. Potvin, Alternate Municipal Court Judge, administered the Oath of Office to Spencer Hudson Smith to serve as Mayor, for a three year term ending May, 2023.
(b) Swear in Councilmember, Place 4. Three Year Term 2020-2023.
No candidate received a majority vote.
3. Council discussed and considered approving an Order for a Municipal Run Off Election to be held on December 19, 2020, in the City of Harker Heights, Texas, for the purpose of Electing Councilmember, Place 4, for a Three Year Term (2020-2023) for the City of Harker Heights. Julie Helsham, City Secretary, made the presentation. Blomquist made the motion to approve. Seconded by McCann. All in favor. Motion approve 5-0.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Julie Helsham, City Secretary
Minutes of the of the City Council meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, by a telephonic meeting to contain the spread of COVID-19 in accordance with Governor Abbott’s declaration of the COVID-19 public health threat and action to temporarily suspend certain provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act issued on March 16, 2020:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Michael Blomquist Mayor Pro-tem
Jennifer McCann Councilmember Place 1
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Julie Helsham City Secretary
Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
1. The Mayor presented a proclamation to Lisa Youngblood, Library Director, declaring November 16th – 21st, 2020, as “Harker Heights Children’s Book Week”.
Consent Items:
1. Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held on October 27, 2020. Fountain made the motion to approve as written. Seconded by McCann. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Public Hearings:
1. Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an Ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, granting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow for a Greenhouse on property described as Amaya Addition, Lot Two (2), Block One (1), 5.364 acres, generally located at 12696 E. Knights Way (E. F.M.2410), Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Kristina Ramirez, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Robert Amaya, applicant was available to represent the request. Blomquist made the motion to disapprove the request. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion to disapprove passed 5-0.
2. Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an Ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, granting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow for an Accessory Dwelling Unit on property described as Indian Trails Section One (1), Block Three (3), Lot Eleven (11), generally located at 1614 Beaver Trail, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Kristina Ramirez, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Deborah Fischer, applicant, was available to represent the request. Fountain made the motion to approve the request based on Staff’s recommendation and findings. Seconded by McCann. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
3. Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an Ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, granting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow for a Modular Storage Container Business Park and to change the zoning designation from B-4 (Secondary and Highway Business District) to B-4 with a Tavern Overlay on properties described as Kern Acres Second Extension and Revision, Part of Block Two (2), and Part of Lots Nine (9) and Twenty-One (21), according to the Plat of Record in Cabinet A, Slide 224-B, generally located at 126 East Veterans Memorial Boulevard, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, and 0.692 acres of land out of the C. Keele Survey, Abstract No. 991, generally located at 128 East Veterans Memorial Boulevard, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Kristina Ramirez, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Robert Cavazos, applicant was available to represent the request.
McCann made the motion to approve the request for a CUP to allow a Modular Storage Container Business Park based on Staff’s recommendation and findings. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
McCann made the motion to approve the request to change the zoning to B-4 with a Tavern Overlay based on Staff’s recommendation and findings. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
4. Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an Ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, granting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow for a Salvage Yard on property described as Four Individual Tracts consisting of a total of 2.903 acres of land in Bell County, Texas, Part of the J. T. W. J. Hallmark Survey, Abstract No. 413, Recorded in Volume 5870, Page 734, Official Public Records of Real Property, Bell County, Texas, Instrument No. 2008-049474, generally located at 1100 E. Knights Way (E. F.M.2410), Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Kristina Ramirez, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Blomquist made the motion to disapprove the request. Seconded by McCann. All in favor. Motion to disapprove passed 5-0.
At 6:39 p.m. Mayor Smith called for a ten (10) minute break.
Mayor Smith reconvened the meeting at 6:48 p.m.
New Business:
1. Council discussed and considered approving a request from Raymond Hamden to forgive all or a part of City liens in the amount of $16,602.75 placed upon 114 East Valley Road, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Kristina Ramirez, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. McCann made the motion to approve the request from Raymond Hamden to reduce a part of the City liens from $16,602.75 to $9,179.00 placed upon 114 East Valley Road, Harker Heights, Bell County Texas. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
2. Council discussed and considered approving the authorization of the City of Harker Heights Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) Small Business Grant Program – Phase 2. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved. 5-0.
3. Council discussed and considered approving a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, awarding a Contract for the 2020 Street Improvement Projects in the amount of $572,495.56 to Lonestar Grading & Materials, LLC. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Blomquist made the motion to approve the Resolution awarding a contract for the 2020 Street Improvement Projects, Part “A” through “I” in the amount of $572,495.56 to Lonestar Grading & Materials, LLC. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
4. Council discussed and considered reappointing the City Manager, David Mitchell, as the Alternate Representative to fill the vacancy to the Bell County Health District Board. Julie Helsham, City Secretary, made the presentation. McCann made the motion to re-appoint City Manager David Mitchell. Seconded by Blomquist. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
5. Council discussed and considered approving a request from Daniel Ganoe for a Facility Rental at the Community Park Pavilion for an event in excess of ten (10) people on Friday, November 20, 2020. Jeff Achee, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. McCann made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
6. Council discussed and considered approving a request from Stephen Watson for a Facility Rental at the Purser Family Park Pavilion for an event in excess of ten (10) people on Sunday, December 20, 2020. Jeff Achee, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. McCann made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
7. Council discussed and considered approving a request from Kasey Winter for a Facility Rental at the Carl Levin Park Pavilion for an event in excess of ten (10) people on Saturday, April 17, 2021. Jeff Achee, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. Fountain made the motion to approve. Seconded by McCann. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
8. Council discussed and considered approving a request from Bunk Morris for a Facility Rental at the Community Park Pavilion for an event in excess of ten (10) people on Saturday, December 5, 2020. Jeff Achee, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. McCann made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
9. Council discussed and considered approving a request for Alcohol Services from Bunk Morris and The Pan American Golf Association for a facility rental at the Community Park Pavilion on Saturday, December 5, 2020. Jeff Achee, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. McCann made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Items from Council:
Mayor Pro-tem Blomquist stated that he attended the last Farmer’s Market on October 31st and it was a Spooktacular event with lots of kids dressed up. On November 6th he attended the Texas Arbor Day Celebration at Carl Levin Park where he read the City’s Arbor Day Proclamation. Blomquist had the Honor of awarding Steven Carpenter, former Harker Heights City Manager, a Citation in recognition of all his contributions to the Parks and Recreation Department, and for establishing the Arbor Day Celebration here in Harker Heights.
Councilmember Fountain attended the Harker Heights Chamber of Commerce “Truly Texas” ribbon cutting event on Tuesday, November 10th.
Councilmember McCann stated that she attended the City of Belton’s Mayor Marion Grayson Farewell Celebration on Tuesday, November 10th.
Staff Reports:
1. Council received and discussed the Fiscal Year 2019 – 2020 Fourth Quarter Investment Report. Ayesha Lealiiee, Finance Director, made the presentation. No action taken.
2. Council received and discussed the Unaudited Financial Statements for the Fourth Quarter of Fiscal Year 2019 - 2020. Ayesha Lealiiee, Finance Director, made the presentation. No action taken.
3. Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. No action taken.
Mayor Smith stated that he attended the following events:
• October 30th – III Corps Retirement Ceremony
• November 9th – III Corps Veteran’s Day Ceremony at the III Corps Headquarters
Mayor Smith wished a Happy 245th Birthday to all the Leathernecks and Devildogs.
Mayor Pro-tem Blomquist congratulated Mayor Smith on his re-election.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 8:24 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Julie Helsham, City Secretary
Minutes of the of the City Council meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 27, 2020, by a telephonic meeting to contain the spread of COVID-19 in accordance with Governor Abbott’s declaration of the COVID-19 public health threat and action to temporarily suspend certain provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act issued on March 16, 2020:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Michael Blomquist Mayor Pro-tem
Jennifer McCann Councilmember Place 1
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Juliette Helsham City Secretary
Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
1. The Mayor presented a proclamation to Municipal Court Judge Billy Ray Hall, Jr. proclaiming November 2nd – 6th, 2020, as Municipal Court Week. Judge Hall praised the work that the City’s Municipal Court is doing and praised City Court Staff members for their hard work.
2. The Mayor presented a proclamation to Jeff Achée, Parks and Recreation Director, declaring November 6, 2020, as “Texas Arbor Day”.
Consent Items:
1. Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held on October 13, 2020. Fountain made the motion to approve as written. Seconded by Blomquist. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
2. Council discussed and considered approving an Ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, amending Ordinance 2020-06 of the Harker Heights Code to extend the Public Health Emergency Declaration through January 31, 2021. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
3. Council discussed and considered a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, establishing its Policy and Procedures for Public Comments, Rules of Decorum, and Presentations at Open Meetings of the City Council. Blomquist made the motion to approve. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Presentations by Citizens:
Jeffrey K. Harris, 1102 Windy Hill Road, Harker Heights, Texas 76548, commended City Staff, specifically the City Manager David Mitchell, Jeff Achée, Parks and Recreation Director, and Jerry Bark, Assistant City Manager, for clearing up some of the misunderstandings from the County regarding the Election.
Lynda Nash, 3006 Sun Dance Drive, Harker Heights, Texas 76548, gave an update to the City Council on the Food Drive. She stated that they distributed over 2,000 boxes of food and 2,000 gallons of milk.
Old Business:
1. Council discussed and considered approving a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, authorizing a change in the Plate Vest Level listed in the City’s previous Application for a Grant in the amount of $86,130.44 through the Criminal Justice Division Grant Program; for the purchase of 38 Pro Tech DT 206c Level III Plate Vests with accessories; and 4 RAM1 Swat Heavy Vest; authorizing the City Manager to sign on behalf of the City. Phil Gadd, Chief of Police, made the presentation. Blomquist made the motion to approve. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approve 5-0.
New Business:
1. Council discussed and considered approving the City of Harker Heights Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) Small Business Grant Awards for Phase 1 in the amount of $89,468.50. Jerry Bark, Assistant City Manager, made the presentation. Nicholas made the motion to approve the Harker Heights Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) Small Business Grant Awards for Phase 1 in equal amounts for a total amount of $89,468.50. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
2. Council discussed and considered approving a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, awarding a Contract for the Lynn Drive Demolition Project in the amount of $65,250 to Sierra Contracting Corporation (DBA Sierra Demolition); authorizing the City Manager to sign on behalf of the City. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Blomquist made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
3. Council discussed and considered approving an Ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, adopting and extending its Water Conservation Plan, as revised, and Drought Contingency Plan for a period of five (5) years; providing for review for the purpose of re-adoption in five (5) years; and providing that such plans shall continue in full force and effect until readoption. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Reider made the motion to approve an Ordinance amending Chapter 52, “Water and Sewers” of the City of Harker Heights Drought Contingency Plan and Water Conservation Plan for water customers. Seconded by McCann. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
4. Council discussed and considered approving a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Contract with Santex Truck Centers Ltd. (DBA Kyrish Government Group/Kyrish Truck Center) for the refurbishment of the Harker Heights Fire Department 1996 E-One/Freightliner Pumper in the amount of $227,13. Paul Sims, Fire Chief, made the presentation. Fountain made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Closed Meeting
1. At 5:50 p.m. the Mayor announced a closed meeting for the following purposes:
A) Pursuant to §551.074 of the Texas Government Code to deliberate the appointment of public officers to the Planning and Zoning Commission and Building Standards Commission.
B) Pursuant to §551.074 of the Texas Government Code to deliberate the appointment of public officers to the Board of Adjustment.
2. At 6:32 p.m. the Mayor reconvened the open meeting to take the appropriate action on matters discussed in the closed meeting.
Fountain made the motion to appoint the following applicants to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Building Standards Commission:
A) Planning and Zoning Commission and Building and Standards Commission
Regular Members
Nuala K. Taylor Unexpired Term for Jan Anderson 10/2020 – 01/2022
Stephan Watford 2nd 3 Year Term 1/2021 – 1/2024
Joshua McCann 1st 3 Year Term 1/2021 – 1/2024
Rodney Shine 1st 3 Year Term 1/2021 – 1/2024
Alternate Members
Christopher Albus Alternate member #1 3 Year Term 1/2021 – 1/2024
Michael Stegmeyer Alternate member #2 3 Year Term 1/2021 – 1/2024
Barry Heidtbrink Alternate member #3 3 Year Term 1/2021 – 1/2024
Natalie R. Austin Alternate member#4 3 Year Term 1/2021 – 1/2024
Seconded by McCann. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Blomquist made the motion to appoint the following applicants to the Board of Adjustment:
B) Board of Adjustment
Regular Members
David A. McClure 3rd 2 Year Term 1/2021 – 1/2023
Pasquale Canterino 1st 2 Year Term 1/2021 – 1/2023
Alternate Members
William R. Mack II Alternate member #2 2 Year Term 1/2021 – 1/2023
Thomas F. Lorenson Alternate member #3 2 Year Term 1/2021 – 1/2023
Vacant Alternate member #4 2 Year Term 1/2021 – 1/2023
Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
New Business Continued:
5. Council discussed and considered appointments to the following Boards, Commissions, and Committee:
McCann made the motion to appoint the following applicants to the Parks and Recreation/Tree Advisory Board:
A) Parks and Recreation/Tree Advisory Boards
Regular Members
Heidi Heckel 2nd 3 Year Term 1/2021 – 1/2024
Jackson Palmer 1st 3 Year Term 1/2021 – 1/2024
Natalie R. Austin 2nd 3 Year Term 1/2021 – 1/2024
Brittney Harris 1st 3 Year Term 1/2021 – 1/2024
Alternate Members
Alonzo Williams Alternate member #1 1 Year Term 1/2021 – 1/2022
Yomi Hardison Alternate member #2 1 Year Term 1/2021 – 1/2022
Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
McCann made the motion to appoint the following applicants to the Library Board:
B) Library Board
Regular Members
Karry Woods 1st 3 Year Term 1/2021 – 1/2024
Alternate Members
Vacant Alternate member #1 1 Year Term 1/2021 – 1/2022
Vacant Alternate member #2 1 Year Term 1/2021 – 1/2022
Seconded by Blomquist. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Fountain made the motion to appoint the following applicants to the Public Safety Commission:
C) Public Safety Commission
Regular Members
Jackson Palmer 1st 3 Year Term 1/2021 – 1/2024
Shane Hodyniak II 1st 3 Year Term 1/2021 – 1/2024
Alternate Members
Jeremy Hoffman Alternate member #1 1 Year Term 1/2021 – 1/2022
Yomi Hardison Alternate member #2 1 Year Term 1/2021 – 1/2022
Seconded by Blomquist. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Blomquist made the motion to appoint the following applicants to the Animal Advisory Committee:
D) Animal Advisory Committee.
Regular Members
Gary Bates Member 2nd 3 Year Term 1/2021 - 1/2024
Susan Mooney Member 2nd 3 Year Term 1/2021 - 1/2024
Alternate Members
Finni Dirr Alternate member #1 1 Year Term 1/2021 – 1/2022
George Grammas Alternate member #2 1 Year Term 1/2021 – 1/2022
Karry Woods Alternate member #3 1 Year Term 1/2021 – 1/2022
Vacant Alternate member #4 1 Year Term 1/2021 – 1/2022
Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
McCann made the motion to appoint the following applicants to the Harker Heights Economic Development Corporation:
E) Harker Heights Economic Development Corporation
Regular Members:
Michael Blomquist President Place 2 2 Year Term 10/2020 – 10/2022
John Reider Place 4 2 Year Term 10/2020 – 10/2022
Jim Wright Place 6 2 Year Term 10/2020 – 10/2022
Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
6. Council discussed and considered approving a request from James Butler for a Special Events Permit for an event at 110 E. Beeline Lane that will host in excess of ten (10) people on Wednesday, October 28th and Saturday, October 31st, 2020. Jeff Achee, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. McCann made the motion to approve request for a Special Events Permit for an event on Wednesday, October 28th through November 1st, 2020. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
7. Council discussed and considered approving a request from Urzah Hunter for a Facility Rental at the Carl Levin Park Pavilion for an event in excess of ten (10) people on Friday, October 30, 2020. Jeff Achee, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. McCann made the motion to approve. Seconded by Blomquist. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
8. Council discussed and considered approving a request from Taija Montgomery for a Facility Rental at the Community Park Pavilion for an event in excess of ten (10) people on Sunday, January 17, 2021. Jeff Achee, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. Fountain made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
9. Council discussed and considered approving a request from Kaitlin Nix for a Facility Rental at the Purser Family Park Pavilion for an event in excess of ten (10) people on Saturday, October 31, 2020. Jeff Achee, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. McCann made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
10. Council discussed and considered approving a request from Rachel Smith for a Facility Rental at the Carl Levin Park Pavilion for an event in excess of ten (10) people on Sunday, November 1, 2020. Jeff Achee, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. Fountain made the motion to approve. Seconded by McCann. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Items from Council:
Mayor Pro-tem Blomquist stated that he attended the following events:
• Friday, October 23rd - III Corps Uncasing of the Colors
• Saturday, October 24th - Second to the last Harker Heights Farmer’s Market
Mayor Pro-tem Blomquist reminded everyone that Saturday, October 31st will be the last Harker Height Farmer’s Market for the year and encouraged everyone to come out and enjoy the Fall Festival Trick-or-Treat Event at the Farmer’s Market. Blomquist also mentioned that there will be a special guest reader at the Harker Heights Library this coming Friday, October 30th.
Councilmember Fountain stated that she got to visit with the Election Judges for the Harker Heights Precinct and thanked them for their hard work.
Councilmember Nicholas stated that on October 22nd she attended the Central Texas Council of Governments (CTCOG) Executive Committee meeting. They discussed a new group which was created call “Connected Nation.org”, which will look at the Broadband Service problems within the seven (7) counties that the CTCOG services.
Staff Reports:
1. Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. No action taken.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Juliette Helsham, City Secretary
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Michael Blomquist Mayor Pro-tem
Jennifer McCann Councilmember Place 1
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Juliette Helsham City Secretary
Consent Items:
1. Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held on August 25, 2020, and September 1, 2020. Fountain made the motion to approve as written. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
Councilmember Reider joined the meeting at 5:06 p.m.
2. Council discussed and considered authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Interlocal Cooperation Contract with the Texas Department of Public Safety relating to the Failure to Appear Program. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. Blomquist made the motion to approve. Seconded by McCann. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Presentations by Citizens:
The Mayor read a written statement received from Scot Arey, 2027 Sandy Point, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. No action taken.
Public Hearings:
1. Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider approving an Ordinance adopting a budget for the City of Harker Heights, Texas, for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2020, and ending September 30, 2021, and record the vote. Ayesha Lealiiee, Assistant Finance Director, made the presentation. Blomquist made the motion to approve with the Outside Agency Funding clarifications; funding for the Heart of Texas Defense Alliance will be $17,000; the Harker Heights Chamber of Commerce (Visitor’s Center) will be $50,000; the Killeen Chamber of Commerce (Economic Development Department) will be $0; the Clements Boys and Girls Club (Afterschool Program at Union Grove and Eastern Hills Middle Schools) will be $30,000; and the Greater Killeen Community Clinic will be $12,000. Seconded by McCann. Mayor Smith conducted a record vote. The results are as follows: McCann voted aye, Fountain voted aye, Blomquist voted aye, Reider voted aye, and Nicholas voted aye. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
2. Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider ratifying the property tax increase reflected in the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Budget, and record the vote. Ayesha Lealiiee, Assistant Finance Director, made the presentation. Nicholas made the motion to approve. Seconded by Fountain. Mayor Smith conducted a record vote. The results are as follows: McCann voted aye, Fountain voted aye, Blomquist voted aye, Reider voted aye, and Nicholas voted aye. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
3. Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider an Ordinance prescribing and setting the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 rates and charges of the City of Harker Heights, Texas; Penalties for Non-payment; Providing for an effective date. Ayesha Lealiiee, Assistant Finance Director, made the presentation. Fountain made the motion to approve. Seconded by Blomquist. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
At 5:59 p.m. Mayor Smith called for a ten (10) minute break.
Mayor Smith reconvened the meeting at 6:10 p.m.
4. Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider an Ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, to change the zoning designation from B-3 (Local Business District) to B-4 (Secondary and Highway Business District) on property described as 1.26 acres of land more or less out of the D. Houston Survey, Abstract No. 393, generally located at 126 E. Beeline Lane, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Nicholas made the motion to approve based upon Staff’s recommendation and finding. Seconded by McCann. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
5. Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider approving an Ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, to change the zoning designation from R-1 (One Family Dwelling District) to R-2 (Two Family Dwelling District), on property described as Kern Terrance, block two (2), lot five (5), generally located at 308 Randy Blvd., Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Fountain made the motion to approve based upon Staff’s recommendation and findings. Seconded by McCann. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
6. Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider approving an Ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, to change the zoning designation from R-1 (One Family Dwelling District) to R1-R (Rural One Family Dwelling District), on property described as lot eighty-seven A (87A) of Lakeside Hills Section Three Replat, generally located at 11539 Orlan Drive, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. McCann made the motion to approve based upon Staff’s recommendation and findings. Seconded by Blomquist. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
7. Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider approving an Ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, to change the zoning designation from R-1 (One Family Dwelling District) to R1-I (One Family Infill Dwelling District), on property described as Kern Acres Second Extension and revision, block eleven (11), lot one (1), generally located at 605 South Harley Drive, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Bernard Mathews, applicant, was present to represent the request. Blomquist made the motion to disapprove the request. Seconded by Fountain. All in Favor. Motion to disapprove was passed 5-0.
At 7:00 p.m. Mayor Smith called for a ten (10) minute break.
Mayor Smith reconvened the meeting at 7:10 p.m.
8. Council conducted a Public Hearing to receive and discuss a presentation regarding the Voluntary Annexation of Right-of Way along Warriors Path described as approximately 2.806 acres of the Right-of Way of Warriors Path adjacent to the City of Harker Heights, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. No action taken.
9. Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider approving an Ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, amending §72.20, §72.21, and §72.22 of the Code of Ordinances; repealing §72.23 of the Code of Ordinances; creating an amended definition of “Heavy Vehicle”; providing regulations relating to the parking of certain heavy vehicles; regulating the placement of heavy vehicles with accessory equipment running; providing a repealer clause; confirming the Health, Safety and Welfare purpose of the Ordinances; confirming the effect; and providing for an effective date of the amendments. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Blomquist made the motion to approve based upon Staff’s recommendation and findings. Seconded by McCann. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
10. Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider approving an Ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, amending Section 155.061(a) of the Code of Ordinances relating to surfaces required for parking and loading spaces as well as aisles and maneuvering areas relating thereto; adding a new §155.069 relating to parking in yards in residential areas; providing an affirmative defense; providing exceptions; providing for a penalty; providing a repealer clause; confirming the health, safety and welfare purpose of the ordinances; confirming the effect; and providing for an effective date of the amendments. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Fountain made the motion to approve based on Staff’ recommendation and findings. Seconded by McCann. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
New Business:
1. Council discussed and considered approving a request from Robin Fisher for an Outdoor Facility Rental at the Purser Family Park, Carl Levin Park, and Community Park Pavilions for events in excess of ten (10) people on Friday, October 23, 2020. Jeff Achee, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. McCann made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
2. Council discussed and considered approving a request from Cortney Kimball for an Outdoor Facility Rental at the Carl Levin Park Amphitheater for an event in excess of ten (10) people on Friday, September 11, 2020. Jeff Achee, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. Blomquist made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
3. Council discussed and considered approving a request from Lynda Nash for an Outdoor Facility Rental at the Purser Family Park Pavilion for an event in excess of ten (10) people on Saturday, September 19, 2020. Jeff Achee, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. McCann made the motion to approve. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
4. Council discussed and considered approving a request from Lynda Nash for an Outdoor Facility Rental at the Summit Soccer Complex for an event in excess of ten (10) people on Saturday, September 26, 2020. Jeff Achee, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. McCann made the motion to approve. Seconded by Blomquist. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
5. Council discussed and considered approving a request from Dwayne Smith for an Outdoor Facility Rental at the Purser Family Park Pavilion for an event in excess of ten (10) people on Saturday, October 17, 2020. Jeff Achee, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. Fountain made the motion to approve. Seconded by Blomquist. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Reports of Advisory Boards & Commissions:
Mayor Pro-tem Blomquist stated that he would be attending the Bell County Health Board Meeting on Monday, September 14, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. in Temple, Texas, and will report back to Council at the next Council meeting.
Items from Council:
Mayor Pro-tem Blomquist encouraged everyone to get out and enjoy the Farmer’s Market.
Staff Reports:
1. Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. No action taken.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 8:16 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Juliette Helsham, City Secretary
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 1, 2020, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Michael Blomquist Mayor Pro-tem
Jennifer McCann Councilmember Place 1
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Juliette Helsham City Secretary
Presentations by Citizens:
Lynda Nash, 3006 Sun Dance Drive, Harker Heights, Texas 76548, requested to place on a future agenda to discuss and request the City to financially support a program to supply sanitation items for citizens in relation to COVID-19. Mayor acknowledged that both the City Manager and Assistant City Manager have received the information. No action taken.
Public Hearing:
1. Council conducted a Public Hearing to receive and discuss the Voluntary Annexation of Right-Of-Way along Warriors Path described as approximately 2.806 acres of the Right-Of-Way of Warriors Path adjacent to the City of Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. No action taken.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Juliette Helsham, City Secretary
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 25, 2020, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Michael Blomquist Mayor Pro-tem
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Juliette Helsham City Secretary
Jennifer McCann Councilmember Place 1
Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
1. The Mayor presented a Proclamation declaring August 2020 as “Black Business Month”.
Consent Items:
1. Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held on August 11, 2020. Reider made the motion to approve as written. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
Public Hearings:
1. Receive and discuss a presentation regarding the Voluntary Annexation of Right-Of-Way along Warriors Path described as approximately 65,820 square feet of the Right-Of-Way of Warriors Path Adjacent to the City of Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas.
Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, stated that due to the heading for the item being incorrect, Staff is requesting that Council table this item. Blomquist made the motion to table the item. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
2. Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider approving an Ordinance of the City Of Harker Heights, Texas, setting forth Regulations for Mobile Food Vendors and Mobile Food Vendor Courts; providing a penalty clause; and providing for publication and an effective date. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Reider made the motion to approve based upon the Staff’s recommendation and findings. Seconded by Blomquist. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
3. Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider approving an Ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, adopting and amending the 2017 National Technical Codes Section 150.02 (K), in relation to the National Electrical Code. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Fountain made the motion to approve based upon the Staff’s recommendation and findings. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
4. Council conducted a Public Hearing to discuss and consider approving an Ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, adopting and amending the 2015 General Technical Codes Section 150.02(I), in relation to Swimming Pools and Spas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Blomquist made the motion to approve based upon the Staff’s recommendation and findings. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
Old Business:
1. Council discussed and considered approving an Ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, amending Ordinance 2020-06 of the Harker Heights Code to extend the Public Health Emergency Declaration through September 30, 2020. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. Nicholas made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
2. Council discussed and considered approving a Resolution of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, authorizing the City’s Application for a Grant in the amount of $86,130.44, through the Criminal Justice Division Grant Program; for the purchase of 38 Pro Tech DT 206C Level IIIA Plate Vests with Accessories; 4 RAM1 SWAT Heavy Vest; and authorizing the City Manager to sign on behalf of the City. Phil Gadd, Police Chief, made the presentation. Blomquist made the motion to approve with no requirement for a cash or in-kind match. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
New Business:
1. Council discussed and considered approving a request from April McCarty and Digital Domination Partners, LLC, for a Special Events Permit to host an outdoor event at the Harker Heights Walmart Supercenter, located at 2020 Heights Drive, Harker Heights, Texas, which will have in excess of ten (10) people on Friday, September 11, 2020, and Saturday, September 12, 2020. Jeff Achee, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. Nicholas made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
2. Council discussed and considered the Preliminary Ad Valorem Tax Rate, Record the Vote, and Schedule the Public Hearing. Ayesha Lealiiee, Assistant Finance Director, made the presentation.
The public hearing will be held on September 22nd, 2020. The proposed tax rate of $0.6770 per $100 valuation will be placed on the September 22nd, 2020, Council agenda. Fountain made a motion to place a proposal to adopt the tax rate of $0.6770 per $100 valuation on the September 22, 2020, council agenda. Seconded by Reider. Mayor Smith conducted a record vote. The results are as follows: Nicholas voted aye, Reider voted aye, Blomquist voted aye, & Fountain voted aye. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
Blomquist made the motion to schedule a public hearing for September 22nd, 2020. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
Items from Council:
Mayor Pro-tem Blomquist stated that on Friday, August 21st, 2020, he attended on behalf of the City, the Memorial Service at Dana Peak for Pvt. Mejhor Morta. Blomquist stated that the Farmer’s Market is still alive and kicking. The Farmer’s Market goes all the way to Halloween and he encourages all citizens to go out and enjoy the local vendors.
Staff Reports:
1. Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. No action taken.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 6:28 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Juliette Helsham, City Secretary
Minutes of the of the City Council meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 11, 2020, by a telephonic meeting to contain the spread of COVID-19 in accordance with Governor Abbott’s declaration of the COVID-19 public health threat and action to temporarily suspend certain provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act issued on March 16, 2020:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Michael Blomquist Mayor Pro-tem
Jennifer McCann Councilmember Place 1
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Juliette Helsham City Secretary
Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
1. Retired Chief Max Westbank, Director of the Texas Law Enforcement Recognition Program for the Texas Police Chief’s Association, presented the “Recognized Law Enforcement Agency” award to the Harker Heights Police Department and gave an overview of the program.
Consent Items:
1. Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meetings held on July 28, 2020, and August 4, 2020. Reider made the motion to approve both as written. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0.
Public Hearings:
1. Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider supplanting Ordinance 2018-30 regarding a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) on property described as Five Feathers Addition, Block One (1), Lot Two (2), generally located at 2004 Warriors Path, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Larry Pilkey, applicant was present via telecommunication to represent the request. Fountain made the motion to approve. Seconded by McCann. Fountain, McCann and Nicholas in favor. Blomquist and Reider against. Motion passed 3-2.
2. Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an Ordinance granting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow an Accessory Dwelling Unit on property described as Lot Sixteen (16), Block One (1), The Colony, acres .803, generally located at 3910 Walden Creek Crossing, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Mark McGee, applicant was present via telecommunication to represent the request. Blomquist made the motion to approve with the condition that no one resides in the RV on the premises. Seconded by Reider. Blomquist, McCann, Reider and Nicholas in favor. Fountain against. Motion passed 4-1.
3. Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an Ordinance granting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow a Storage Container on property described as Lot Seven (7), Block Nine (9), Meadow Acres, First Extension, generally located at 906 S. Ann Blvd, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Nicholas made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0.
At 6:35 p.m. Mayor Smith called for a ten (10) minute break.
Mayor Smith reconvened the meeting at 6:43 p.m.
Old Business:
1. Council discussed and considered approving an Order of a General Election to be held on November 3, 2020, for the purpose of Electing a Mayor and Council Member, Place 4, for a three (3) year term (2020-2023) for the City of Harker Heights, Texas. Juliette Helsham, City Secretary, made the presentation. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0.
2. Council discussed and considered approving a Contract with the Election Officer of Bell County, Texas, to conduct a Joint Election on November 3, 2020, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and Council Member, Place 4, for the City of Harker Heights, Texas; and authorize the City Manager to sign the Agreement on behalf of the City. Juliette Helsham, City Secretary, made the presentation. Blomquist made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0.
New Business:
1. Council discussed and considered approving a request by Alex Jarbouh for Concept Plan approval of the Escapology Addition for the proposed development on property described as a 7.07 acre tract of land situated in the Lucy O’Dell Survey, Abstract No. 644, generally located north east at the intersection of E. Knights Way (E. FM 2410) and Cedar Knob Road, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director made the presentation. Nicholas made the motion to approve. Seconded by Blomquist. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0.
2. Council discussed and considered approving a request by Alex Jarbouh for Preliminary Plat Approval of the Escapology Addition on property described as a 7.07 acre tract of land situated in the Lucy O’Dell Survey, Abstract No. 644, generally located north east at the intersection of E. Knights Way (E. FM 2410) and Cedar Knob Road, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by McCann. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
3. Council discussed and considered approving a request from Kassandra Flores for a Facility Rental at the Harker Heights Community Park Pavilion for an event in excess of ten (10) people on Sunday, August 16, 2020. Jeff Achee, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. Fountain made the motion to approve. Seconded by McCann. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0.
4. Council discussed and considered approving a request from Vince Dy for a Facility Rental at the Carl Levin Park Pavilion in Harker Heights, Texas, for an event in excess of ten (10) people on Thursday, September 3, 2020. Jeff Achee, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. McCann made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0.
5. Council discussed and considered approving a request from Clarence Rollins for a Facility Rental at the Carl Levin Park Pavilion in the City of Harker Heights, Texas, for an event in excess of ten (10) people on Friday, August 14, 2020. Jeff Achee, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. Mr. Achee stated that the requestor has changed the date of the event to Saturday, August 29, 2020. Blomquist made the motion to approve the request for the new date of Saturday, August 29, 2020. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion passed 5-0.
6. Council received and discussed the Fiscal Year 2020 – 2021 Budget. Ayesha Lealiiee, Assistant Finance Director made the presentation. No action taken.
Items from Council:
Mayor Pro-tem Blomquist stated that the Farmers’ Market is starting to get a little bit better. The vendors are now able to cook out there and there were some vendors cooking this past Saturday. Mr. Blomquist encouraged everyone to come and take a look.
Staff Reports:
1. Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. No action taken.
Mayor Smith stated that he had left a phone message for the Pastor of the First Baptist Church to thank him for hosting the COVID-19 mobile testing event in Harker Heights.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 7:33 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Juliette Helsham, City Secretary
Minutes of the of the City Council meeting held at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 4, 2020, by a telephonic meeting to contain the spread of COVID-19 in accordance with Governor Abbott’s declaration of the COVID-19 public health threat and action to temporarily suspend certain provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act issued on March 16, 2020:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Michael Blomquist Mayor Pro-tem
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Juliette Helsham City Secretary
Jennifer McCann Councilmember Place 1
New Business:
At 5:19 p.m. Councilmember John Reider filed an Affidavit for Conflict of Interest for Public Hearing item number one and left the meeting.
1. Council discussed and considered approving an amendment to the City of Harker Heights, Texas, July 23, 2019, City Council Meeting Minutes to correct a clerical error. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. Blomquist made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 3-0.
At 5:23 p.m. Councilmember John Reider returned to the meeting.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 5:24 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Juliette Helsham, City Secretary
Minutes of the of the City Council meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 28, 2020, by a telephonic meeting to contain the spread of COVID-19 in accordance with Governor Abbott’s declaration of the COVID-19 public health threat and action to temporarily suspend certain provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act issued on March 16, 2020:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Michael Blomquist Mayor Pro-tem
Jennifer McCann Councilmember Place 1
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Juliette Helsham City Secretary
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
1. The Mayor presented a Proclamation declaring August 2nd – 8th, 2020, as “National Farmers Market Week”.
Consent Items:
1. Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held on July 14, 2020. Blomquist made the motion to approve as written. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
Public Hearings:
1. Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an Ordinance of the City Of Harker Heights, Texas, to amend Chapter 74, Transportation Code, Schedules I(A), II(A), And II(B), and Chapter 74, Schedule V and Schedule VI of the Code of Ordinances for the City of Harker Heights, Texas, to change the Speed Limit on Warriors Path Road from East Knights Way (F.M. 2410) to 620 feet north of Pontotoc Trace, and adding School Zones, to include locations on Pueblo Trace, Inca Drive, Pima Trail and Yuma Trail to reflect a 20 MPH School Zone and locations on Warriors Path Road to reflect a 25 MPH School Zone; and adding one (1) Stop Sign at Inca Drive and Pueblo Trace; adding one (1) Stop Sign at Hopi Trail and Pueblo Trace; removing one (1) Yield Sign at Inca Drive and Pueblo Trace, and removing one (1) Yield Sign at Hopi Trail and Pueblo Trace. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. McCann made the motion to approve. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
Old Business:
1. Council discussed and considered approving an Ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, amending Ordinance 2020-06 of the Harker Heights Code to extend the Public Health Emergency Declaration through August 31, 2020. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. Nicholas made the motion to approve. Seconded by McCann. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
New Business:
1. Council discussed and consider approving a request from Zubeena Catania for a facility rental at the Harker Heights Community Park Pavilion for an event in excess of ten (10) people on Saturday, August 15, 2020. Jeff Achee, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. McCann made the motion to approve. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
2. Council discussed and considered approving an Economic Development Incentive Agreement with the Fort Hood Area Habitat For Humanity to create a Development of a minimum of ten (10) Affordable Single-Family Homes in Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas; and authorize the City Manager to sign the Agreement on behalf of the City. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. Blomquist made the motion to approve. Seconded by McCann. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
3. Council discussed and considered approving a Resolution of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, supporting the Fort Hood Area Habitat For Humanity by authorizing incentives to waive certain fees and grant a piece of City Owned Property for the Development of a minimum of ten (10) Affordable Single-Family Homes in Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. Fountain made the motion to approve. Seconded by Blomquist. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
4. Council discussed and considered approving a Resolution of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, granting a Voluntary Petition to extend the Corporate Limits of the City of Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, to include approximately 2,650 Linear Feet of Warriors Path, including the street and right of way, such land lying contiguous and adjacent to the present City Limits. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. McCann made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
5. Council discussed and considered approving a Resolution adopting the Investment Policy of the City of Harker Heights, Texas; authorizing the City’s Investment Broker/Dealer List; and approving a list of Investment Training Sponsors. Ayesha Lealiiee, Assistant Finance Director, made the presentation. McCann made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved. 4-0.
Items from Council:
Mayor Pro-tem Blomquist stated that the Farmer’s Market is going well and smoothly. The Farmer’s Market has a lot of vendors and encourages everyone to come out and partake, but to use social distancing and wearing masks. The City has set-up sanitation stations at the entrances so that everyone can practice safe health practices. Mayor Pro-tem Blomquist encourages everyone to come out and support the local vendors at the Farmer’s Market and take a break from being cooped up and enjoy the Farmer’s Market.
Councilmember Nicholas stated that she attended the Central Texas Council of Governments meeting on July 23rd and the following was discussed:
• The Area Agency on Aging
o Received a Cares Act Fund of $828,361
o They will use the funds to do a lot of the care that they do such as delivering meals to homes
o This year they have worked with 1,550 families
o They have delivered 62,000 meals
o They are working with nursing homes that have had issues with the COVID-19 virus
• Unemployment Rates
o In May the unemployment rate for Bell County was 11%
o In June, the unemployment rate for Bell County went down to 8.1% and all seven (7) Counties unemployment rates decreased in June
o In July, the unemployment rates are much higher and there is a lot of unemployment again
• Hill Country Transit
o Judge Blackburn stated that they are going to do a sturdy to evaluate the transportation for the Hill Country Transit
o Hill Country Transit is 20 years old and services five (5) cities and eight (8) counties
o The study will take 120 days and is scheduled to start on August 1st. The study will cost $32,000
Staff Reports:
1. Council received and discussed the Fiscal Year 2019–2020 Third Quarter Investment Report. Ayesha Lealiiee, Assistant Finance Director, made the presentation. No action taken.
2. Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. No action taken.
Mayor Smith commented on the following:
• He remotely attended a WebX meeting with the Central Texas Council of Governments (CTCOG).
• Attended a Zoom meeting with Congressman Carter and Mayor Hall of Liberty Hill to discuss issues and challenges for municipal governments, specifically Harker Heights’ priorities going forward.
• Had phone conversations with Representative Buckley and Senator Buckingham, re-emphasizing the issues that are of importance to Harker Heights.
Attended a briefing on July 27th by Major General Efflandt, Deputy Commanding General for III Corps and Fort Hood regarding current issues with Fort Hood and the importance of Fort Hood to the City of Harker Heights and the surrounding communities. The Harker Heights values and supports our soldiers for the work they do, defending our freedoms, and for the value that they add to our community. We are proud to have our soldiers with us.
Closed Meeting:
1. At 6:13 p.m. the Mayor announced a closed meeting for the following purpose:
(A) Pursuant to 551.074 of the Texas Government Code to discuss and deliberate the employment, evaluation, and duties of the City Manager.
2. At 6:49 p.m. Mayor Spencer H. Smith reconvened the open meeting to take action as appropriate on matters discussed in the closed meeting. McCann made the following motion regarding the evaluation of the City Manager:
1. As of October 1, 2020, increase annual salary by 3%.
2. Car allowance and phone stipend to remain the same.
3. Health Insurance Packet to be moved to the Scott and White Family Care Plan.
4. Increase the monthly contribution to $833.33 a month for a total of $10,000 per year for Nationwide 457 (b) retirement savings plan.
5. Grant an annual leave buy-back of up to 200 hours.
6. Extend the current contract from September 30, 2022, to September 30, 2023.
Motion Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 6:53 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Juliette Helsham, City Secretary
Minutes of the of the City Council meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, by a telephonic meeting to contain the spread of COVID-19 in accordance with Governor Abbott’s declaration of the COVID-19 public health threat and action to temporarily suspend certain provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act issued on March 16, 2020:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Michael Blomquist Mayor Pro-tem
Jennifer McCann Councilmember Place 1
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
ody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Juliette Helsham City Secretary
Consent Items:
1. Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held on June 23, 2020. Reider made the motion to approve as written. Seconded by Blomquist. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Public Hearings:
1. Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an Ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, to change zoning designation from R-1 (One Family Dwelling District) to R-2 (Two Family Dwelling District) on property described Wildewood Acres Amended (Lot 16A, Block 11), Block 11, Lot 16 and Lot 17, generally located at 931 and 933 Pinewood Drive, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director made the presentation. Blomquist made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
2. Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an Ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, to change the zoning designation from R-1 (One Family Dwelling District) to R1-R (Rural One Family Dwelling District) on property described as 5.63 Acres, Lot 90 of Lakeside Hills Section Three, generally located at 11366 Orlan Drive, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director made the presentation. Fountain made the motion to approve. Seconded by McCann. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
3. Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an Ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, to change zoning designation from R-1 (One Family Dwelling District) to R-2 (Two Family Dwelling District) on property described as 9.10 Acres out of the H.B. Littlefield Survey, Abstract 511, generally located within the 1700 Block of Warriors Path, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director made the presentation. Jerome Gomer, applicant was present to represent the request. Reider made the motion to approve based on staff’s recommendations and findings. Seconded by Blomquist. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
4. Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an Ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, to change zoning designation from R-1 (One Family Dwelling District) to PD-B (Planned Development Business District) on property described as a 14.908 acre tract of land located in the J.M. Cross Survey, Abstract No. 179, generally located at 12025 E. Knights Way (E. FM 2410), Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director made the presentation. McCann made the motion to approve with the conditions recommended by the Planning and Development Director. Seconded by Reider. All in Favor. Motion approved by a super majority of 5-0.
New Business:
1. Council discussed and considered approving an Applicant request for Concept Plan approval on property described as a 2.32 acre tract of land being part of the H.B. Littlefield Survey, Abstract No. 511; the land herein described being all of a Called 0.31 Acres Parcel designated as Tract 1 and a 2.018 Acre Parcel designated as Tract 2, generally located near the intersection of Pueblo Trace and Pontotoc Trace, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director made the presentation. Blomquist made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
2. Council discussed and considered approving a Resolution of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, authorizing the approval of an Interlocal Participation Agreement with the Cities of Temple, Belton, Copperas Cove, Harker Heights and Killeen, and the Counties of Bell, Coryell, Hamilton, Lampasas, Llano, Mason, Milam, Mills and San Saba to conduct a Transit Study to develop Regional Transportation Alternatives; and authorize the City Manager to sign the Agreement on behalf of the City. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. Nicholas made the motion to approve. Seconded by McCann. All in favor. Motion approve 5-0.
Items from Council:
Mayor Pro-tem Blomquist stated that he has spoken with the City Manager regarding the Farmers’ Market. It is looking kind of sparce and bleak. Blomquist stated that they are trying to get vendors that sale fruits and vegetables and working with Seton to try and get vendors that can cook there. He stated they are trying to address citizens concerns and moving forward so the City can bring the Bright Star of Central Texas Farmers’ Market back to its rightful place and glory here in Central Texas.
Councilmember Nicholas stated that she attended the Central Texas Council of Governments meeting on Tuesday, July 7th. Topics that were discussed were COVID-19 and employment issues. The good news is that in May the unemployment rate was a lot more then it is currently. Some of the counties that we have the percentage of unemployment are; Bell County is at 11%, Milam County is at 11.1%, Coryell County is at 10% and Lampasas County is at 7.8 %. So as you can see that Counties are really not doing that bad as far as the situation is at hand, and there are a lot of good things going on with virtual employment. CTCOG had some really good sessions and mentoring and really feel that these virtual job fairs are going to be a thing of the future, as well as now because it works out very well. Fifty million people filed for unemployment, not just from Bell County, but many have returned to work and they have seen a real down slide so it is getting better.
Staff Reports:
1. Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken.
Closed Meeting:
1. At 6:28 p.m. the Mayor announced a closed meeting for the following purpose:
(A) Pursuant to 551.074 of the Texas Government Code to discuss and deliberate the employment, evaluation and duties of the City Manager.
2. At 6:52 p.m. Mayor Spencer H. Smith reconvened the open meeting to take action as appropriate on matters discussed in the closed meeting. Mayor Smith appointed Councilmember McCann and Councilmembers Nicholas to meet with the City Manager to discuss and deliberate employment evaluation and duties of the City Manager and they will bring back to the July 28, 2020 meeting for consideration.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 6:53 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Juliette Helsham, City Secretary
Minutes of the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, and the Harker Heights Employee Benefits Trust meetings held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 23, 2020, by a telephonic meeting to contain the spread of COVID-19 in accordance with Governor Abbott’s declaration of the COVID-19 public health threat and action to temporarily suspend certain provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act issued on March 16, 2020:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Michael Blomquist Mayor Pro-tem
Jennifer McCann Councilmember Place 1
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
David Mitchell City Manager
Juliette Helsham City Secretary
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
At 5:03 p.m. the Mayor moved to recess the City Council Meeting and called to order the City of Harker Heights Employee Benefits Trust Meeting.
1. Council discussed and considered approving a Resolution of the City of Harker Heights Employee Benefits Trust awarding contracts for the City of Harker Heights Employee Benefits Trust Group Medical Plan, Vision Benefits, Dental Benefits, Life Insurance, AD&D and Long Term Disability and authorizing the City Manager to enter into such contracts on behalf of the City and the Employee Benefits Trust. Leona Clay, Human Resource Director, made the presentation. Fountain made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
At 5:12 p.m. the Mayor adjourned the City of Harker Heights Employee Benefits Trust Meeting and reconvened to the City of Harker Heights Council Meeting.
1. Council discussed and considered approving a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, to pay for certain Employee Related Benefits and approving any transfers necessary to fund the Trust. Leona Clay, Human Resource Director, made the presentation. Blomquist made the motion to approve. Seconded by McCann. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
1. The Mayor presented a proclamation to Jeff Achee, Parks and Recreation Director, declaring July 2020 as “Park and Recreation Month”.
Consent Items:
1. Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held on June 9, 2020. Reider made the motion to approve as written. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
Presentations by Citizens:
Lynda Nash, 3006 Sun Dance Drive, Harker Heights, Texas 76548, asked where citizens of Harker Heights can find the City’s Policies on wearing masks.
City Manager David Mitchell stated that the City of Harker Heights maintains on the City website a COVID-19 page. All of the City’s initiatives, declarations and all COVID-19 related issues can be found at that location.
Old Business:
1. Council discussed and considered approving an Ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, amending Ordinance 2020-06 of the Harker Heights Code to extend the Public Health Emergency Declaration through July 31, 2020. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. Fountain made the motion to approve. Seconded by McCann. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
New Business:
1. Council discussed and considered approving a Resolution of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, adopting the 10-Year Parks, Open Space, and Trails Master Plan Update. Jeff Achee, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. Blomquist made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
2. Council discussed and considered approving a Resolution authorizing the City’s participation for a grant in the amount of $20,964.00 through the Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Grant Program; for the purchase of 1 Aero Clave RDS 3110, 1 Victory Handheld Sprayer, 5 UV Spotlight Point And Shoot, 3 Cruiser UV, 2 Razor UV, and 6 No Touch Pro-Therms Thermometers. Phil Gadd, Police Chief, made the presentation. Reider made the motion to approve with no requirements for a cash or in-kind match. Seconded by Blomquist. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
Staff Reports:
1. Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. No action taken.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 5:52 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Juliette Helsham, City Secretary
Minutes of the of the City Council meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 9, 2020 by a telephonic meeting to contain the spread of COVID-19 in accordance with Governor Abbott’s declaration of the COVID-19 public health threat and action to temporarily suspend certain provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act issued on March 16, 2020:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Michael Blomquist Mayor Pro-tem
Jennifer McCann Councilmember Place 1
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Juliette Helsham City Secretary
Consent Items:
1. Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held on May 26, 2020. Blomquist made the motion to approve as written. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Presentations by Citizens:
Lynda Nash, 3006 Sun Dance Drive, Harker Heights, Texas 76548, stated that the Harker Heights Food Bank at 906 South Ann Blvd. will be having a drive-thru/delivery service from 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, June 11, 2020. Ms. Nash stated that they have been filling 210 boxes to distribute to 210 families and invited everyone to come volunteer to help distribute the boxes.
Public Hearings:
1. Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an Ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, to modify the Code of Harker Heights Chapter 74, Schedule V, by adding three (3) Stop Signs at the Pueblo Trace and Pima Trail Intersection. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director made the presentation. McCann made the motion to approve. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
2. Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an Ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, to change the zoning designation from R-1 (One Family Dwelling District) to R1-R (Rural One Family Dwelling District) on property described as Tract 20, Lakeside Hills, Section Two, a Subdivision in Bell County, according to the Plat of Record in Cabinet A, Slide 43-C, Plat Records of Bell County, Texas, containing 6.11 Acres, generally located at 10518 Meadow Circle, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Nicholas made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
3. Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an Ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, to change the zoning designation from R-3 (Multi-Family Dwelling District) to R2-I (Two Family Infill Dwelling District) on property described as Lots One (1) through Five (5), Block Three (3), Kern Terrace Second Extension, Harker Heights, per Plat ff Record in Cabinet A, Slide 225-A, Plat Records of Bell County, Texas, and 1.241 Acres out of the V.L. Evans Survey, Abstract 288, generally located southwest of the intersection of Jamie Road and North Mary Jo Drive, currently addressed as 200, 202, 204, 206, and 208 Jamie Road, and 200 Jan Circle, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director made the presentation. Reider made the motion to approve based on staff’s recommendations and findings. Seconded by Blomquist. All in favor. Motion approve 5-0.
New Business:
1. Council discussed and considered approving a Preliminary Plat for Freedom Park Subdivision on property described as Lots One (1) through Five (5), Block Three (3), Kern Terrace Second Extension, Harker Heights, per Plat of Record in Cabinet A, Slide 225-A, Plat Records of Bell County, Texas, and 1.241 Acres out of the V.L. Evans Survey, Abstract 288, generally located southwest of the intersection of Jamie Road and North Mary Jo Drive, currently addressed as 200, 202, 204, 206, and 208 Jamie Road, and 200 Jan Circle, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director made the presentation. Blomquist made the motion to approve. Seconded by McCann. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Items from Council:
Mayor Pro tem Blomquist stated that he attended the Bell County Public Health District Meeting for Bell County that was chaired by Dr. Chadwell. Several items on the agenda were discussed, primarily dealing with the budget. The budget for this year was approved by the Board with no changes to the Board that would affect the City of Harker Heights. For the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 budget, there was a slight increase and that increase will be coming back for a vote to the Board. It was a nominal increase of $4,532 for Harker Heights and was based on the census of 2010. One thing the City can look at based on the results of the 2020 census is the proportions may change a little bit and the funding might increase because it is based on the population of Bell County. Blomquist stated that he reviewed the document for the cooperative agreement, which has not been reviewed or updated for the last 20 to 25 years. He raised the issue with the Board that some changes need to be looked at as far as cleaning up and bringing the agreement up to date. One of the issues needing to be updated is that the members that are not on the Board, notably the City of Nolanville, and this is one of the things he made a recommendation on changing. Some of the larger municipalities that are not on the Board should be brought onto the Board instead of just being encompassed into Bell County. There was also discussion on the COVID-19 issue. The Board reminded everyone to be vigilant, do not get complacent, and to remember to keep washing your hands.
Councilmember Reider made a request to have the Bell County Tax Appraisal District Chief Appraiser Billy White come to a City Council meeting to discuss the appraisal process for the City of Harker Heights.
Staff Reports:
1. Council received and discussed training on Cyber Security Awareness. Gary Bates, I. T. Director, made the presentation. No action taken.
2. Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. No action taken.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 6:09 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Juliette Helsham, City Secretary
Minutes of the of the City Council meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 26, 2020 by a telephonic meeting to contain the spread of COVID-19 in accordance with Governor Abbott’s declaration of the COVID-19 public health threat and action to temporarily suspend certain provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act issued on March 16, 2020:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Michael Blomquist Mayor Pro-tem
Jennifer McCann Councilmember Place 1
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Juliette Helsham City Secretary
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
Consent Items:
1. Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held on May 12, 2020. Reider made the motion to approve as written. Seconded by McCann. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
Presentations by Citizens:
Lynda Nash, 3006 Sun Dance Drive, Harker Heights, Texas 76548, stated that the Harker Heights Food Bank at 906 South Ann Blvd. will be having a drive-thru/delivery service event on June 11th and they are desperately in need of volunteers. Ms. Nash requested that the City list the event on the City calendar to help recruit some volunteers.
Mayor Smith stated they have the information and that the City Manager would coordinate it.
Old Business:
1. Council discussed and considered approving an Ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, amending Ordinance 2020-06 of the Harker Heights Code to extend the Public Health Emergency Declaration through June 30, 2020. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. McCann made the motion to approve. Seconded by Blomquist. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
Items from Council:
Councilmember McCann stated that Dana Peak Park looks beautiful, people are getting out using their social distancing. McCann stated it is good to see people utilizing the Parks because it is gorgeous, and everything all around the City looks great.
Mayor Pro-tem Blomquist thanked the Fire Department and the Police Department for doing an outstanding job during these trying times. Blomquist also stated that he has read some articles in the newspaper about increased crime and theft and encouraged all citizens to make sure to lock their vehicles especially at night.
Staff Reports:
1. Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 5:19 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Juliette Helsham, City Secretary
Minutes of the of the City Council meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 12, 2020 by a telephonic meeting to contain the spread of COVID-19 in accordance with Governor Abbott’s declaration of the COVID-19 public health threat and action to temporarily suspend certain provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act issued on March 16, 2020:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Michael Blomquist Mayor Pro-tem
Jennifer McCann Councilmember Place 1
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Juliette Helsham City Secretary
Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
1. The Mayor presented a proclamation proclaiming May 2020 as “Older Americans Month”.
2. The Mayor presented a proclamation proclaiming May 10 – 16, 2020 as “National Police Week”.
3. The Mayor presented a proclamation proclaiming May 2020 as “Building Safety Month”.
Consent Items:
1. Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held on April 28, 2020. Reider made the motion to approve as written. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Public Hearings:
1. Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider approval of an Ordinance granting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow a four (4) story hotel not to exceed 60 feet in height within a B-4 Zoning District on property described as a 2.200 acre tract of land in Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, being all of Lot Seven (7), and part of Lot Three (3), Block One (1), ACTG Addition, being a Replat of Lot Two (2), Block One (1), Union State Bank Addition, Phase Three as recorded in Cabinet D, Slide 200-D, generally located behind 335 E. Knights Way, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Blomquist made the motion to approve based on Staff’s recommendations and findings. Seconded by McCann. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
2. Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider approving of an Ordinance to change the zoning designation from R-1 (One Family Dwelling District) to R1-R (One Family Rural Dwelling District) on property described as Tract 89, Lakeside Hills, Section Three, a subdivision in Bell County, according to the Plat Thereof of Record in Plat Book A, Slide 43-D, Plat Records of Bell County, Texas, and containing 8.02 Acres, generally located at 11365 Orlan Drive, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Nicholas made the motion to approve based on Staff’s recommendation and findings. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
3. Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an Ordinance amending the BYOB Business Regulation Ordinance 2020-10, Section 125.29 of the Harker Heights Code of Ordinances to modify the insurance requirements within Chapter 125 of the Harker Heights Code of Ordinances. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Fountain made the motion to approve based on Staff’s recommendation and findings. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
New Business:
1. Council discussed and considered a request for Preliminary and Final Plat approval for the proposed Curry Niche, on property described as 1.470 acres of the I.T. Bean Survey, Abstract No. 115, Bell County, Texas, and being the remainder of that tract of land conveyed to Patrick Curry and Kimberly Curry as recorded in Instrument No. 2016-00032581, Official Records of Real Property of Bell County, Texas, generally located at 1703 Pueblo Trace, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation.
Patrick Curry stated that he appreciated everyone’s effort in working with him and his wife to make this happen. He stated that he has been working with Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, for about three (3) years and he appreciates everyone’s effort in this.
Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Blomquist. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
2. Council discussed and considered approving a Resolution of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, finding that Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC’s application for approval to amend its Distribution Cost Recovery Factor to Increase Distribution Rates within the City should be denied; authorizing participation with Oncor Cities Steering Committee; authorizing the hiring of Legal Counsel and Consulting Services; finding that the City’s Reasonable Rate Case Expenses shall be reimbursed by the Company; finding that the Meeting at which this Resolution is passed is open to the public as required by law; requiring notice of this Resolution to the Company and Legal Counsel. Ayesha Lealiiee, Assistant Finance Director, made the presentation. Fountain made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
At 6:04 p.m. Mayor Pro-tem Michael Blomquist filed an Affidavit for Conflict of Interest for New Business item number three and left the meeting.
3. Council discussed and considered approving a Resolution granting a waiver of Permitting fees in the amount of $35.00 for Residential Homes with On-Site Sewage Facilities (OSSF’s) and unapproved Irrigation Backflow Prevention Assemblies, located within the geographical area depicted in Exhibit “A”. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Nicholas made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
At 6:08 p.m. Mayor Pro-tem Michael Blomquist returned to the meeting.
4. Council discussed and considered approving an adjustment to the City of Harker Heights Council Calendar to immediately reinstate Council Workshop Meetings. Juliette Helsham, City Secretary, made the presentation. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Blomquist. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Staff Reports:
1. Council received and discussed the FY 2019-2020 Second Quarter Investment Report. Ayesha Lealiiee, Assistant Finance Director, made the presentation. No action taken.
2. Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. No action taken.
Mayor Smith complimented the City Manager’s Report on the Monarch Butterfly events. He mentioned that the City is designated as a Tree City USA. He remains hopeful that the City will still sponsor Arbor Day without COVID-19 affecting the event. The Mayor explained the importance of teaching the public and getting the youth to participate. The Mayor stated “it’s a green thing, but an easy green thing” to learn the science behind the Monarch Butterfly and bring awareness of the nature around us by understanding how it impacts many things.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Juliette Helsham, City Secretary
Minutes of the of the City Council meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 28, 2020 by a telephonic meeting to contain the spread of COVID-19 in accordance with Governor Abbott’s declaration of the COVID-19 public health threat and action to temporarily suspend certain provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act issued on March 16, 2020:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Michael Blomquist Mayor Pro-tem
Jennifer McCann Councilmember Place 1
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Juliette Helsham City Secretary
Consent Items:
1. Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held on April 14, 2020. Reider made the motion to approve as written. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Presentations by Citizens:
1. Council received a presentation by Thomas Briganti, 1704 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Lot #200, Killeen, Texas,76542, regarding Food Truck regulations. Mayor Pro-tem Blomquist requested staff to place the matter on a future agenda. No further action taken.
2. Mayor Smith read a written comment submitted by Tamara Lam, 3705 Oakridge Blvd., Harker Heights, Texas 76548, regarding updating the City of Harker Heights Website regarding recycling. Mayor Smith stated that City staff has already addressed the issue. No action taken.
Public Hearings:
1. Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an Ordinance amending Chapter 154 “Subdivisions”, Section 154.36 (F), (3), Fire Hydrants of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, Code of Ordinances to correctly reference the Adopted Fire Code. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director made the presentation. Fountain made the motion to approve based upon staff’s recommendation and findings. Seconded by Blomquist. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
2. Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an Ordinance amending the BYOB Businesses Regulation Ordinance 2020-10, Section 125.09, (F), of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, to correct a clerical error which will standardize the appeals processes within Chapter 125 of the Harker Heights Code of Ordinances. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director made the presentation. Nicholas made the motion to approve based upon staff’s recommendation and findings. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
New Business:
1. Council discussed and considered approving a Resolution of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, declaring certain Engineering Firms to be pre-qualified to provide certain Professional Services to the City, subject to specified conditions. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director made the presentation. Reider made the motion to approve based upon staff’s recommendation and findings. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
2. Discuss and consider approving an Ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, amending Ordinance 2020-06 of the Harker Heights Code to extend the Public Health Emergency Declaration through May 31, 2020. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. Blomquist made the motion to approve. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Items from Council:
Councilmember Fountain reiterated that the City has done a really great job and she appreciates them everyday staying safe and making sure that our citizens are taken care of. Fountain thanked staff again.
Mayor Pro-tem Blomquist gave kudos to the Fire Department and the Police Department and that he noticed on Facebook citizens dropping off food items for all their hard work. Blomquist wanted to also highlight all the work that the Library has done in putting together activities online for citizens across Harker Heights and outside to pass the time and to make this more enjoyable for everyone.
Staff Reports:
1. Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken.
Mayor Smith encouraged everyone to continue to support the City and the citizens as we go through this COVID-19. Smith stated that we still have a long way to go with it and he appreciated everybody within their circle of influence as far as helping out in this effort.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 5:42 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Juliette Helsham, City Secretary
Minutes of the of the City Council meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 by a telephonic meeting to contain the spread of COVID-19 in accordance with Governor Abbott’s declaration of the COVID-19 public health threat and action to temporarily suspend certain provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act issued on March 16, 2020:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Michael Blomquist Mayor Pro-tem
Jennifer McCann Councilmember Place 1
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Juliette Helsham City Secretary
Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
1. The Mayor presented a proclamation proclaiming April 19-25, 2020, as “National Library Week”.
2. The Mayor presented a proclamation proclaiming April 24, 2020, as “Arbor Day”.
Consent Items:
1. Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held on March 24, 2020. Reider made the motion to approve as written. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
2. Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the special called meeting held on April 7, 2020. Reider made the motion to approve as written. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Presentations by Citizens:
Lynda Nash, 3006 Sun Dance Drive, Harker Heights, Texas 76548, thanked the City Council for addressing the Conex issue at the Food Bank. No action taken.
Public Hearings:
1. Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance amending Section 155.005 of the Harker Heights Code of Ordinances to allow minor setback variances by the Building Official over all zoning districts. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director made the presentation. Fountain made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
2. Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, amending Sections 150.32, 150.33, 150.34, 150.36, and 155.050 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, which pertain to fence height, materials and location. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director made the presentation. Blomquist made the motion to approve with the addition that front fencing material be constructed of non-opaque material. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
3. Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, amending ordinance 2017-28, Section §155.0231 (G) (2) of the Code of Ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, to modify the R2-I Side Yard Setback Requirements for corner lots. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director made the presentation. Fountain made the motion to approve. Seconded by Blomquist. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
4. Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, setting forth regulations for businesses not licensed or permitted to sell or serve alcoholic beverages which allow patrons to bring alcoholic beverages onto their premises for consumption (“BYOB Businesses”), providing a penalty clause, and providing for publication and an effective date. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director made the presentation. Blomquist made the motion to approve based upon staff’s recommendation and findings. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
New Business:
1. Council discussed and considered approving an Ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of City of Harker Heights, Texas, General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2020, in an aggregate maximum principal amount not to exceed $6,085,000; levying a tax in payment thereof; authorizing the execution and delivery of a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement, and an Escrow Agreement; calling certain obligations for redemption or prepayment; awarding the purchase of the Certificates; finding and determining that the meeting at which this Ordinance is passed is open to the public as required by law; and enacting other provisions relating thereto. Ayesha Lealiiee, Assistant Finance Director and Garry Kimball, Managing Director Specialized Public Finance made the presentation. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Blomquist. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Staff Reports:
1. Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager made the presentation. No action taken.
Mayor Smith stated that as Council heard from the City Manager, cases of the COVID-19 continue to go up incrementally in Harker Heights and there are nine (9) case right now. Mayor Smith encouraged the Council and the City Staff , as they have influence in the community to have people to make good decisions and to make good choices not only for themselves, for their family, but for our community as we continue to deal with the COVID-19. It has been very difficult for many of us but, again we will see it through and will work together to overcome it.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 5:42 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Juliette Helsham, City Secretary
Minutes of the of the City Council meeting held at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 7, 2020 by a telephonic meeting to contain the spread of COVID-19 in accordance with Governor Abbott’s declaration of the COVID-19 public health threat and action to temporarily suspend certain provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act issued on March 16, 2020:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Michael Blomquist Mayor Pro-tem
Jennifer McCann Councilmember Place 1
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Juliette Helsham City Secretary
New Business:
1. Council discussed and considered approving an ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, declaring a public health emergency; Providing that the declaration extends through April 30, 2020; Adopting, and providing authority to enforce, declarations and orders of the Governor, County Judge of Bell County and Bell County Commissioners’ Court relating to COVID-19 pandemic; Authorizing the City to provide aid and assistance; Providing for a penalty; Providing an effective date; and directing the City Manager to post applicable orders on the City’s website. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. Blomquist made the motion to approve. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Councilmember McCann praised the City of Harker Heights community for coming together and supporting each other during the COVID-19 public health threat.
Mayor Pro-tem Blomquist echoed Councilmember McCann comments and encouraged everyone to stay safe, wash your hands and stated that we will get through this.
Councilmember Fountain thanked City Staff for their hard work.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 3:42 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Juliette Helsham, City Secretary
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Michael Blomquist Mayor Pro-tem
Jennifer McCann Councilmember Place 1
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Juliette Helsham City Secretary
Charlie Olson City Attorney
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Consent Items:
1. Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held on March 10, 2020. McCann made the motion to approve. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
Presentations by Citizens:
1. Lynda Nash, 3006 Sun Dance Drive, Harker Heights, Texas 76548, gave a short presentation regarding allowing or finding an alternate location for the Conex container for the Harker Heights Food Pantry. No action taken.
New Business:
1. Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing the City’s Application for a grant in the amount of $87,925.09 through the Criminal Justice Division Grant Program; for the purchase of 38 Pro Tech DT 206c Level 3 Plate Vests, Accessories, 5 RAM1 Swat Heavy Vests. Chief Gadd, Police Chief, made the presentation. Blomquist made the motion to approve the resolution authorizing the City’s application for a grant through the Criminal Justice Division Grant Program in the amount of $87,925.09 with no requirement for a cash or in-kind match, for the purchase of 38 Pro Tech DT 206c Level 3 Plate Vests, Accessories, 5 RAM1 Swat Heavy Vests. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
2. Council discussed and considered approving an ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, postponing Municipal Elections until November 3, 2020, Uniform Election Date pursuant to proclamation of Governor Greg Abbott. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation.
Terry Delano, 514 Lobo Trail, Harker Heights, Texas 76548, gave a short presentation regarding postponing the Municipal Election until the November 3, 2020, Uniform Election Date.
Nicholas made the motion to approve. Seconded by McCann. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
3. Council discussed and considered approving an adjustment to the City of Harker Heights Council calendar by postponing all Council Workshops until May 31, 2020, as a prevention measure to COVID19. Juliette Helsham, City Secretary, made the presentation. Blomquist made the motion to approve. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
Items from Council:
Councilmember Fountain stated that she wanted to share the comments of the City for the handling of the pandemic and thanked City Manager David Mitchell and his team for executing their mission and providing them with the guidance that the City has a succession in place and most importantly for taking care of his Staff and making sure they were safe.
Mayor Pro-tem Blomquist concurred with Councilmember Fountain and thanked Chief Gadd and Chief Sims for doing and outstanding job during this stressful time.
Mayor Smith stated that he attended the following events:
• March 17th – Harker Heights City Council Workshop.
• March 18th – Killeen Temple Metropolitan Planning Organization (KTMPO) Transportation Policy Planning Board (TPPB) meeting in Belton.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 5:20 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Juliette Helsham, City Secretary
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Michael Blomquist Mayor Pro-tem
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Jennifer McCann Councilmember Place 1
Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
1. The Mayor presented the 2019 Texas Municipal Library Directors Association Achievement of Excellence Libraries Award to the Lisa Youngblood, Stewart C. Meyer Harker Heights Public Library Director, Amanda Hairston, Children’s Librarian, and Christina Link, Reference Librarian. Library Board members Julianne Green and Ursula Pirtle were also present.
2. Central Texas Veterans Commission representatives; Tony Ramirez, District Manager, Robert Hetzel, District Coach, Shawn Jevning, Assistant Manager & District Supervisor, Sara Phillips, VCA District Coach, and Natalie Nelson, Staff Services Officer, presented the Texas Veterans Commission Employer of the Year Government Entity Award to the City of Harker Heights. Mayor Spencer H. Smith, Human Resources Director Leona Clay, Human Resources Coordinator Melonie Matthewson and Human Resources Clerk John Dothage were present to receive the award.
Consent Items:
1. Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held on February 25, 2020. Reider made the motion to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
2. Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to sign the Harker Heights Public Library Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2018-19 and Accreditation in State Library System Application Local Fiscal Year 2019. Lisa Youngblood, Library Director, made the presentation. Blomquist made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
New Business:
1. Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing continued participation with the Steering Committee of Cities served by Oncor; and authorizing the payment of seven cents per capita to the Steering Committee to fund regulatory and legal proceedings and activities related to Oncor Electric Delivery Company, LLC. Ayesha Lealiiee, Assistant Finance Director, made the presentation. Fountain made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
2. Council discussed and considered approving an ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, releasing a 5.811acre tract of land from the Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction of the City of Harker Heights to the City of Killeen, Texas. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. Mr. Gary Purser, Jr., 6503 Wells Fargo, Killeen, Texas, was present to represent the request. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
3. Council discussed and considered approving an ordinance of the City of Harker Heights, Texas, repealing Section 36.05 – Juvenile Case Manager Fund- of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Harker Heights; directing a transfer of funds to the local Truancy Prevention and Diversion Fund; directing that the Juvenile Case Manager Fund be closed; and providing for the payment of fees levied on certain unadjudicated cases. Leona Clay, Human Resources Director, made the presentation. Fountain made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
4. Council discussed and considered appointing Patricia Darnell as Election Judge and Deborah Kimbrel as Alternate Judge for the May 02, 2020, Joint Harker Heights Municipal Election with Killeen Independent School District. Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager, made the presentation. Blomquist made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
Items from Council:
Councilmember Fountain stated that she attended the following events:
• Fort Hood Retirement Ceremony and Welcome for MSG Lake and his wife.
• 48th Chemical Ceremony change of responsibility between CSM Hayes and CSM Allen.
• Harker Heights Teen Court Induction Ceremony for Rickey Jones.
• Fort Hood Spouses Club Wild West Night.
Mayor Pro-tem Blomquist stated that he attended the following events:
• March 2nd – Harker Heights Police Department Retirement Ceremony for Lieutenant Stephen Miller.
• March 7th – I Love My Parks Event at Carl Levin Park
• March 9th - Bell County Health District Meeting
Staff Reports:
1. Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. No action taken.
Mayor Smith stated that he attended the following events:
• February 27th – Central Texas Council of Government Executive Board Meeting in Belton.
• February 27th – Alberta Barrett Retirement Reception.
• February 28th – Phantom Honors Ceremony for Fort Hood Retirees at Club Hood.
• February 29th – Dominican-Americans of Central Texas Independence Celebration.
• February 29th – Harker Heights Kiwanis Club Pancake Supper at Harker Heights Elementary School.
• March 2nd – Harker Heights Police Department Retirement Ceremony for Lieutenant Stephen Miller.
• March 3rd – III Corps Fort Hood U.S. Army Career Expo 2020 coordinated by the Harker Heights Army Recruiting Center.
• March 3rd – Harker Heights City Council Workshop.
• March 5th – Harker Heights Teen Court Hall of Success recognition of Rickey Jones.
• March 6th – Fort Hood Spouses Club Wild West Night at Club Hood.
• March 7th – 40 & 8 Grand du Texas Awards Banquet in Austin.
• March 9th – Bell County Coronavirus Situational Awareness Briefing at the Bell County Communications Center in Belton.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Juliette Helsham, City Secretary
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 25, 2020, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Michael Blomquist Mayor Pro-tem
Jennifer McCann Councilmember Place 1
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Consent Items:
1. Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held on February 11, 2020. Reider made the motion to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
2. Council discussed and considered authorizing the City Manager to sign a contract with Killeen Independent School District (KISD) to conduct a joint election for the May 02, 2020, Municipal Election, and the KISD Trustee Election. Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager, made the presentation. Blomquist made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
New Business:
1. Council discussed and considered approval of the Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Ayesha Lealiiee, Assistant Finance Director, made the presentation. Dane Legg, Lott, Vernon & Company, P.C. Audit Partner, presented the Report to Council. Blomquist made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
2. Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing the City’s participation in the General Victims Assistance Direct Services Program Grant for funding of the Healthy Homes Program. Phil Gadd, Police Chief, made the presentation. Fountain made the motion to approve a resolution authorizing the City’s application for a grant through the General Victims Assistance Direct Services Program in the amount of $30,812.50, to include in-kind and no cash matches for funding of the Healthy Homes Program. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
3. Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing the City’s participation in the Homeland Security Grant Program for the purchase of ten Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Heavy Vests. Phil Gadd, Police Chief, made the presentation. Blomquist made the motion to approve a resolution authorizing the City’s participation in the Homeland Security Grant Program for the purchase of twenty Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) heavy vests. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
4. Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing the City’s participation in the Criminal Justice Division Grant Program for the purchase of 36 PTA Shift 360 Yoke, Matrix Level IIIA and five Ram1 Swat Heavy Vests. Phil Gadd, Police Chief, made the presentation. Nicholas made the motion to approve a resolution authorizing the City’s application for a grant through the Criminal Justice Division Grant Program in the amount of $48,753.00 with no requirement for a cash or in-kind match, for the purchase of 36 PTS Shift 360 Yoke, Matrix Level IIIA and five RAM1 SWAT Heavy Vests. Seconded by McCann. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
5. Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing the City’s participation in the Homeland Security Grant Program for the purchase of one Pole Camera, one Micro Camera System, and Night Vision Equipment. Phil Gadd, Police Chief, made the presentation. Fountain made the motion to approve a resolution authorizing the City’s application for a grant through the Homeland Security Grant Program in the amount of $18,799.95 with no requirements for an in-kind match or cash match, for the purchase of one Pole Camera, one Micro Camera System, and Night Vision Equipment. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Items from Council:
Mayor Pro-tem Blomquist stated that he attended the following events:
• February 21st – 1st Cavalry Division Farewell for Col. Jonathan Byrum and Col. James Isenhower
• February 22nd - Coffee with a Cop
Councilmember Fountain stated that she attended the Harker Heights Veterans’ Council Meeting and encouraged everyone to attend the Memorial Day event that will take place in the evening on Memorial Day. Fountain thanked City Staff members for all the work they did for the Volunteer Appreciation Reception.
Staff Reports:
1. Council received and discussed a Staff Report regarding the Harker Heights Police Department and Harker Heights Fire Department’s Racial Profiling Data Reports for the calendar year 2019. Phil Gadd, Police Chief, made the presentation. No action taken.
2. Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. No action taken.
Mayor Smith stated that he attended the following events:
• February 11th – Fort Hood Good Neighbors Recognition Dinner at Club Hood.
• February 12th – Bell County Master Gardeners Monarch Butterfly Presentation in Belton.
• February 13th – Greater Killeen Chamber of Commerce State of Bell County and the City of Killeen at the Grace Christian Center in Killeen. Judge Blackburn and Mayor Jose Segarra.
• February 13th – Harker Heights Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours at Central Texas College. Great Western Dining.
• February 14th – Harker Heights High School Lady Knights Soccer Match versus Temple High School.
• February 15th – Military Order of the Purple Heart Ball at Club Hood.
• February 18th – Harker Heights City Council Workshop.
• February 19th – Killeen Temple Metropolitan Planning Organization Transportation Policy Planning Board Meeting in Belton.
• February 20th - Harker Heights 18th Annual Volunteer Appreciation Reception.
• February 21st – 1st Cavalry Division Farewell for Col. Jonathan Byrum and Col. James Isenhower.
• February 21st – III Corps HQ Phantom Honors Ceremony for Major General and Mrs. Kamper.
• February 21st – III Corps HQ Farewell and Retreat Ceremony for Major General and Mrs. Kamper.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 5:52 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 11, 2020, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Michael Blomquist Mayor Pro-tem
Jennifer McCann Councilmember Place 1
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Mayoral Proclamations and Presentations:
1. The Mayor presented a proclamation to Kylie McKinzie declaring her a “Bright Star of Central Texas”.
Consent Items:
1. Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held on January 28, 2020. Reider made the motion to approve as written. Seconded by McCann. All in favor. Motion approver 5-0.
2. Council discussed and considered approving an Order for Municipal Election to be held on May 02, 2020, for the purpose of electing Mayor and Council Member, Place 4 for a three-year term (2020-2023) for the City of Harker Heights. Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager, made the presentation. Blomquist made the motion to approve. Seconded by Nicholas. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
3. Council discussed and considered approving a contract with Bell County authorizing the City to use their election equipment for the May 02, 2020, Municipal Election. Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager, made the presentation. McCann made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
New Business:
1. Council discussed and considered approving a request for alcohol services for the TACP (Tactical Air Control Party) Association 24-Hour Memorial Run on Thursday, March 26, 2020, and Friday, March 27, 2020, at Carl Levin Park. Jeff Achee, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. Master Sergeant Nicholas Picoc gave a brief presentation regarding the request. McCann made the motion to approve. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
2. Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing the City Manager to sign a Third Amendment and Restatement of Contract for Municipal Solid Waste Collection and Disposal with Waste Management of Texas, Inc. Mark Hyde, Public Works Director, made the presentation. Nicholas made the motion to approve. Seconded by Blomquist. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
3. Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing continued participation with the Atmos Cities Steering Committee; and authorizing the payment of five cents per capita to the Atmos Cities Steering Committee to fund Regulatory and related activities related to Atmos Energy Corporation. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. Reider made the motion to approve. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
Staff Reports:
1. Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. No action taken.
Mayor Smith stated that he attended the following events:
• January 29th – Greater Killeen Chamber of Commerce Military Relations Council Luncheon at Texas A & M Central Texas. – Major General Jeff Broadwater, Commanding General 1st Cavalry Division.
• January 31st – Phantom Honors Ceremony for Fort Hood Retirees at Club Hood.
• February 4th – Hood Hero Award Ceremony and Luncheon at Club Hood.
• February 4th – Harker Heights City Council Workshop.
• February 8th – Central Texas Area Veterans Advisory Committee Meeting at American Legion Post 223 in Killeen.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 5:26 p.m
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 28, 2020, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Michael Blomquist Mayor Pro-tem
Jennifer McCann Councilmember Place 1
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Consent Items:
1. Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held on January 14, 2020. Reider made the motion to approve as written. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
New Business:
1. Council discussed and considered approving a request for an exemption from the Park Curfew to the Air Force Tactical Air Control Party Association for a 24-Hour Memorial Run on March 26-27, 2020. Jeff Achee, Parks and Recreation Director, made the presentation. McCann made the motion to approve a request for an exemption of the Parks Curfew for the Air Force Tactical Air Control Party Association 24-Hour Memorial Run at Carl Levin Park from Thursday, March 26 to Friday, March 27, 2020. Seconded by Blomquist. All in favor. Motion approved 5-0.
2. Council discussed and considered an appeal of the False Robbery Alarm Service Charge by Jacqueline Eddington at 400 Gina Drive, Harker Heights, Texas. David Mitchell, City Manager, and Phil Gadd, Police Chief, made the presentation. Reider made the motion to deny the appeal. Seconded by McCann. McCann, Blomquist, Reider, and Nicholas in favor of denial. Fountain against. Motion to deny approved 4-1.
Reports of Advisory Boards & Commissions:
1. Council received and discussed a presentation regarding the 2019 Annual Summary Reports of the Planning and Zoning Commission and Building and Standards Commission. Larry Robison, Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman, made the presentation. No action taken.
Items from Council:
Mayor Pro-tem Blomquist stated that he attended the following events:
• January 18th - Attended the 100th Birthday Celebration of Harker Heights resident Eleanor Emma Smith and on behalf of the Mayor presented her a proclamation declaring her a “Bright Star of Central Texas”.
• January 28th – Attended along with Councilmember Fountain the Harker Heights Veterans Council meeting.
Councilmember Fountain stated that she attended the following event:
• Attended the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Martin Luther King Jr. Program.
Staff Reports:
1. Council received and discussed the FY 2019-2020 First Quarter Investment Report. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. No action taken.
2. Council received and discussed the Unaudited Financial Statements for the First Quarter of FY 2019-2020. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. No action taken.
3. Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. No action taken.
Mayor Smith stated that he attended the following events:
• January 15th – Filed for re-election for a second three-year term.
• January 15th – Attended the Killeen Temple Metropolitan Planning Organization Transportation Policy Planning Board Meeting in Belton.
• January 15th – Attended the Harker Heights Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting in Harker Heights.
• January 20th – Attended the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Martin Luther King Jr. Program at the Greater Peace Missionary Baptist Church in Killeen.
• January 23rd – Attended the Central Texas Council of Government Annual Executive Committee Meeting and Luncheon at Tenroc Ranch, Salado.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 14, 2020, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Michael Blomquist Mayor Pro-tem
Jennifer McCann Councilmember Place 1
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Charlie Olson City Attorney
Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
Consent Items:
1. Council discussed and considered approving the minutes of the meeting held on December 10, 2019, and January 7, 2020. Reider made the motion to approve as written. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
Presentations by Citizens:
1. Council received and discussed a presentation regarding the Child Safety Fund. Shay Luedeke, Bell County Tax Assessor-Collector, was in attendance and presented the City with a check for $33,757.43 from the Bell County Child Safety Fund. No action taken.
2. Council received and discussed a presentation regarding Hotel/Motel Tax Money. Bell County Judge David Backburn was in attendance and presented the City with a check for $4,236.69 from the Hotel/Motel Tax Money. No action taken.
3. Council received a presentation by Daniel Hall, Vice President of Resource Development, Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Texas regarding the 2019 recap of Clements Boys & Girls Clubs activities in Harker Heights. No action taken.
Public Hearings:
1. Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance to change zoning designation from R-1 (One Family Dwelling District) to R-2 (Two Family Dwelling District) on property described as Lot Nine (9), Block 52, Comanche Land Subdivision, an unrecorded subdivision, out of Abstract 115 of the I.T. Bean Survey, generally located near the intersection of Aztec Trace and Yuma Trail, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Jeff Lackmeyer, representative, was present to represent the request. Reider made the motion to approve based on staff’s recommendations and findings. Seconded by Fountain. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
2. Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an amendment to Ordinance 2015-24 for an existing Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow for an expansion of the main structure serving as the business Tap Tap Art School on property described as A0838BC R.W. Tom, 2-7, Acres 1.378, generally located at 103 Mountain Lion Road, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Amelia Rabroker, applicant, was present to represent the request. McCann made the motion to approve an amendment adding condition #10 to ordinance 2015-24 an existing Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow for an expansion of the main structure serving as the business Tap Tap Art School on property described as A0838BC R.W. Tom, 2-7, Acres 1.378, generally located at 103 Mountain Lion Road, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, based upon Staff’s recommendations and findings. Seconded by Blomquist. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
3. Council conducted a public hearing to discuss and consider approving an ordinance to change zoning designation from R-1 (One Family Dwelling District) to R-MU (Mixed Residential) on property described as Kern Acres Second Extension and Revision, Block Three (3), Lot Twelve (12), generally located at 106 W. Kathey Road, Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas. Joseph Molis, Planning and Development Director, made the presentation. Philip Franzoni, applicant, was present to represent the request. Blomquist made the motion to deny the request. Seconded by Reider. Fountain, Blomquist, and Reider, in favor of denial. McCann against. Motion to deny approved 3-1.
New Business:
1. Council discussed and considered approving a resolution of the City of Harker Heights, Texas adopting Texas Coalition for Affordable Power’s (“TCAP’s”) Professional Services Agreement and GEXA Energy’s Commercial Electric Service Agreement for power to be provided on and after January 1, 2023. Alberta Barrett, Finance Director, made the presentation. Fountain made the motion to approve. Seconded by Reider. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
Staff Reports:
1. Council received and discussed the City Manager’s Report. David Mitchell, City Manager, made the presentation. No action taken.
Mayor Smith stated that he attended the following events:
• December 11, 2019 – Robert Gray Army Air Field and Fort Hood Regional Airport Security Surveillance System Ribbon Cutting Ceremony.
• December 12, 2019 – Harker Heights Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours at Extraco Bank.
• December 13, 2019 – Harker Heights Frost Fest at Market Heights.
• December 18, 2019 – Greater Killeen Chamber of Commerce Military Relations Council Luncheon at Central Texas College, Major General Frank Tate, Commanding General 1st Army Division West.
• January 7, 2020 – Harker Heights City Council Meeting and Workshop.
• January 8, 2020 – Salado Lions Club presentation at the Cultural Activities Center.
• January 13, 2020 – Greater Killeen Chamber of Commerce Public Policy Committee Luncheon at Courtyard by Marriott – Glenn Hegar, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts.
• January 13, 2020 – Harker Heights Chamber of Commerce Hometown Heroes Awards Banquet and Celebration at the Killeen Civic and Conference Center.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager
Minutes of the City Council Meeting held at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 7, 2020, in the Kitty Young Council Chamber at the Harker Heights City Hall at 305 Miller’s Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548:
Roll Call:
Spencer H. Smith Mayor
Michael Blomquist Mayor Pro-tem
Jennifer McCann Councilmember Place 1
Jackeline Soriano Fountain Councilmember Place 3
John Reider Councilmember Place 4
David Mitchell City Manager
Patricia Brunson Assistant City Manager
Absent: Jody Nicholas Councilmember Place 5
New Business:
1. Council discussed and considered approving a resolution authorizing the City’s participation in the Selective Traffic Enforcement Program Grant provided by the Texas Department of Transportation, for funding the salaries of officers to conduct Direct Traffic Enforcement in identified traffic problem areas. Phil Gadd, Police Chief, made the presentation.
Councilmember Reider arrived at the meeting at 3:03 p.m.
Fountain made the motion to approve a resolution authorizing the City’s participation in the Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Grant administered by The Texas Department of Transportation for funding $12,000 towards officer overtime salaries to increase enforcement and education in known traffic problem areas, and reduce the number of crashes in those areas. Seconded by Blomquist. All in favor. Motion approved 4-0.
There being no further business the City of Harker Heights City Council Meeting was adjourned at 3:52 p.m.
Spencer H. Smith, Mayor
Patricia Brunson, Assistant City Manager