The physical construction and acceptance of the public utilities to be
dedicated by the City must be accomplished prior to the issuance of Building Permits. During this process, the developer, contractor, and City staff work together to provide a product that is beneficial to all parties, particularly the future property owner.The first step is to submit detailed Construction Plans of the development for City review and comment. These plans provide a common reference base for all parties during the construction and inspection phase, and ensure that the public improvements will meet minimum city standards. In all instances, the construction plans should address drainage, paving, and utility improvements by employing the minimum requirements.
Once the preliminary plat is approved infrastructure construction may Commence. An inspector will be assigned to the job to ensure that all City codes, policies, and procedures are followed. A warranty period exists from the date of the City acceptance, during which the developer/contractor is responsible for any problems with the infrastructure. This is the formal acceptance of the public infrastructure by the City. As-built drawings must be submitted to the City with the signatures of the Design Engineer.
Public Infrastructure FAQs
Here are some frequently asked questions regarding the public infrastructure process.
What is public infrastructure?
Essentially, public infrastructure includes any facility or services such as water, sewer lines, streets, or other utilities that are owned and maintained by the City of Harker Heights. Other infrastructure such as electrical, gas, cable and telephone are handled by outside utility companies.
How do I know when public infrastructure is required?
Public infrastructure needs are usually identified during pre-development meetings through the aid of utility maps and site inspections. More specific requirements are identified during the Site Development Review process.
Who can prepare construction plans for my project?
You will need to enlist the services of a professional engineer licensed in the State of Texas to design and prepare the construction plans associated with new infrastructure. You can locate a professional engineer by contacting the Texas Society of Professional Engineers or in the Yellow Pages of your local phone directory.
How far do I need to extend public utilities to serve my development?
Public Water and Sewer mains need to be extended "to and through" your development so that adjacent property owners can tie on and do the same.
When do I have to construct a detention pond?
Stormwater detention may be required within the city depending on the type of development and its location and impact on the drainage system.
When does the City accept the public infrastructure that I build?
Official acceptance of developer constructed public infrastructure occurs after the City is satisfied that the infrastructure is built to City Standards. A 1 year warranty is required for water and sewer, and a 2-year warranty is required for others.The developer is responsible for any problems with the infrastructure during this time.