Summit Soccer Complex
Summit Soccer Sign-web
401 North Amy Lane
Harker Heights, TX 76548
Recreation Center: 254.953.5657
33 Acres includes concession/restrooms building, soccer fields, and an irrigation system.
Click HERE to send a request for an athlectic facility rental through our online registration portal Civic Rec. You would create an account on Civic Rec and click on the TAB Athletic Facilities. After staff has reveiwed and approved, the total amount for deposit and rental fee will be posted on Civic Rec account for payment. 
For more inforamtion, click HERE for an application for Athletic Facility Rental.
Fields Closed1
Summit Soccer Complex Rental Information
Rental Information
Fields Closed1
Host your next soccer game here. We offer many soccer fields. Reservations for all park facilities are taken on a first-come, first-serve basis through the Recreation Center. 

Click HERE to send a request for an athlectic facility rental through our online registration portal Civic Rec. You would create an account on Civic Rec and click on the TAB Athletic Facilities. After staff has reveiwed and approved, the total amount for deposit and rental fee will be posted on Civic Rec account for payment. 
For more inforamtion, click HERE for an application for Athletic Facility Rental.
Click HERE for Summit Soccer Complex field layout map.

Athletic Fields 
HH Resident     Non-Resident
Deposit (refundable) $100.00 $200.00
Rental (2 hr block) $25.00 $50.00
Lights (per field) $25.00 $50.00


Athletic Fields (Tournament Package)
HH Resident   Non-Resident
Deposit (refundable) $200.00 $200.00
Rental (per field, per day)   $150.00 $150.00
Prep Fee (per field, per day) $30.00 $30.00
Summit Soccer Complex Field Layout Map

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Summit Soccer Concession Bld web


Contact Us
307 Miller's Crossing,
Harker Heights, TX 76548
P 254.953.5657
F 254.953.5658