The Citizen Police Academy (CPA) is an interactive educational program conducted by the Community Services Division of the Harker Heights Police Department. The program is free of charge and is designed to give our citizens a greater awareness and better understanding of their local law enforcement agency and the laws by which the agency is governed by.
The academy consists of eleven weekly sessions with classes meeting once a week for approximately three hours. Classes will be instructed by experienced members of the Police Department and will take students through various areas of police work to include: an overview of the Criminal Justice System; Use of Force; Criminal Investigations; Arrest, Search and Seizure; Building Searches and Traffic Stops. The instruction will include both classroom and hands-on education, culminating with a graduation dinner where students receive a certificate of completion.
It is the hope of the Harker Heights Police Department that citizens who complete the Citizen Police Academy will become community advocates for the Department and help bridge the gap of misconceptions between the public and the law enforcement agencies that serve them.
If you are interested in attending the CPA, please click here Police Academy Application.pdf and complete an application. Applications can be submitted at the Harker Heights Police Department at 402 Indian Trail Drive, Harker Heights, TX 76548
Graduates of the academy are also eligible to become part of the Citizen Volunteer Program (CVP). For more information on the CVP, please click on the Citizen Volunteer Program tab on the right.