HHPD Citizens Volunteer Program
The Harker Heights Police Department’s Citizen Volunteer Program (CVP) is available to all graduates of the Department’s Citizen Police Academy (CPA). The program aims to forge and strengthen relationships between the Police Department and the citizens we serve while offering volunteers the opportunity to serve the community in which they live.
Participants in the program provide important support services to the Police Department – helping to free Officers and essential personnel to focus on other priorities which enhance the efficiency of the agency. Some of the support services provided by participants include administrative tasks, community outreach, telephone work, assisting with the House Watch program and various other tasks as directed by the Chief of Police or the Community Services Division. Participants also help by assisting with special events such as National Night Out.
In 2017, participants graciously donated over 600 hours to the program. It is such a vital program that we are very excited about and look forward to its continued growth.
If you are interested in attending the Citizens Police Academy and becoming a part of the Citizens Volunteer Program, please contact the Community Services Division at (254)953-5400.
Information regarding the Citizens Police Academy can be found by clicking on the Citizens Police Academy tab to the right.
Participants in the program provide important support services to the Police Department – helping to free Officers and essential personnel to focus on other priorities which enhance the efficiency of the agency. Some of the support services provided by participants include administrative tasks, community outreach, telephone work, assisting with the House Watch program and various other tasks as directed by the Chief of Police or the Community Services Division. Participants also help by assisting with special events such as National Night Out.
In 2017, participants graciously donated over 600 hours to the program. It is such a vital program that we are very excited about and look forward to its continued growth.
If you are interested in attending the Citizens Police Academy and becoming a part of the Citizens Volunteer Program, please contact the Community Services Division at (254)953-5400.
Information regarding the Citizens Police Academy can be found by clicking on the Citizens Police Academy tab to the right.